Pun of the day:
Life goals on no matter who gets the Cup. 😉

I did one of those online quizzes, you know, those quizzes you do when you are bo liao, but somehow they will make you feel bo liaoer after doing them.

You Are a Schoolgirl!

You’re not quite as wild as a “kogyaru”, but with your short plaid skirt
and silly white socks, you’re still a sexual fetish object.
You can usually be seen hanging out in the girly section of the video game places,
collecting photobooth stickers of you and your friends. You may not be as innocent as you look.
Did those vending machine panties once belong to you?

Yesh i’m a school girl!

I wonder right, if there’s an attention match between a Japanese school girl and the World Cup Final, what would the final score be?

Would it be nil:infinite ?

I had this evil plan of posting my Japanese school girl uniform photos at 2 a.m. tonight tomorrow morning later (damn, this time thing is confusing), to compete for attention with some war between spaghetti and french fries.

I admit i wanted the attention!

I cannot lose to a round, over-inflated object which is constantly being kicked around; and, in spite of its teeny size on tv, has everyone’s eyes glued to it!


Urgh, who am i kidding… football is so deeply embedded in almost all guys’ minds. Trying to pry a footie fanatic away from the World Cup Final is like telling Paris Hilton to put more clothes on.

Well, if you can’t beat kick ’em, cheese ’em, i guess…

So yea. If you’re stuck at home to watch footie tonight, let’s have a live discussion here. We’ll cheer together for uhm… dammit i like tiramisu, and i like foie gras too. How?


See you at 2 a.m.


Sneak Preview over.
BTW, who will be going to Bon Odori? Say hie to the school girl. 😉

2 by you.

3 by you.

4 by you.

5 by you.

6 by you.
