Winner is found! 🙂
Thank you for your 125 comment entries. 20% of them said they want to give it to their pet dogs, 20% said they want it because they want to give to BF/GF who is away/going to Australia (wtf why so many people in Australia?!?), another 20% said they want it because they are lonely, another 20% said someone’s birthday is coming up, and out of the remaining 20% these are what i found interesting.
# Dr. Tan MALAYSIA says:
August 24th, 2008 at 4:51 pm eI want a Wall-E toy because I was watching the video from your phone yesterday; and with this toy, I would be more motivated to tell you more stupid stories about stupid people.
Eh Dr Tan, that’s not an excuse. That’s a bribe. I’m very tempted to give it to you but other people would make noise. HAHAHA!
# DolphyN MALAYSIA says:
August 24th, 2008 at 7:02 pm ei neeeeeeed a Wall-E Toy because The Boyfriend is permanently dating the mother of all enemies of the girlfriends society – otherwise known as DOTA. Perhaps when i start playing and interacting with a robot, he’ll get the idea that a robot can (horrors of horrors!) actually take his place already. =.=
Once he realizes it and is released from the evil clutches of DOTA, i will then pass the Wall-E Toy to the next girlfriend-in-woe-because-boyfriend-is-addicted-to-DOTA. Heh.
Thanks for organising this contest Cheesie! =P
Oooh trust me i totally can relate to your predicament! 🙂
# Ching MALAYSIA says:
August 24th, 2008 at 7:39 pm eRemember my post? I love the movie and Wall-E so much, I wanted to have its babies. But I can’t do that because…
1. Wall-E is a computer generated character.
2. Of a robot.
3. In an animation.
4. That’s in love with Eve.OK. Sorry I recycled my material.
But you see, KY’s curiosity on how the babies would look like evidently affected me. And since I can’t have that actual animated Wall-E to, you know, reproduce and repopulate the world with, the toy would do.
: )
Cannot. You are mine. You deserve better.
# Huai Bin MALAYSIA says:
August 24th, 2008 at 8:09 pm eI need the Wall-E iDance so that I will not go postal and go on a rampage in my office, killing everyone I can. I’m very stressed out right now and I need the Wall-E to dance and play my angst filled MP3s for me so I can have an outlet for all this rage.
Please help save lives. I know you’re a good person deep down in your heart Cheesie. You can avoid the slaughter of approximately 200+ employees if you just give me the Wall-E toy. Do the right thing. kthxbye.
I would really condemn myself for the mass demise of 200 corporate slaves but i prefer to give you something better. Come to KL!
# Ashbee MALAYSIA says:
August 24th, 2008 at 8:22 pm eI need Wall-E so he can ‘accidentally’ run over those freakin evil roaches in my hostel room can?! and hopefully the roaches won’t come back alive like in the movie T_T
Or better if you got an Eve robot with you! Then i can just blast them all away!!! Or or or the little cleaning guy! maybe he can clean my room too! Or or …the … or… I NEED WAAALLLLL-E~~~ T___T
OMG Ashbee!!! The coach coach coach roach (dammit i reallllly want a Coach tote!!!) is Wall-E’s pet!!! How can you kill them O.o
# i better get the toy!! MALAYSIA says:
August 25th, 2008 at 12:03 am eI need a Wall-E toy because I want to put it on my crotch and make it dance to further arouse me if I haven’t been aroused yet by the sheer awesomeness of your blog.
Woo. I like the last 5 words.
# j MALAYSIA says:
August 24th, 2008 at 10:28 pm emy house under construction.. i have wall A B C and D already, now i just need a wall E…
HAHAHAHAHAHA. Love this entry.
Anonymouskekeke MALAYSIA says:
August 25th, 2008 at 1:16 am eI don’t need a Wall-E the toy because y’ know, it’s not disposable afterall.
Cheers, save the world.
Make perfect sense. You truly deserve it except that you don’t.
# liucas MALAYSIA says:
August 25th, 2008 at 12:10 am ei need a wall-e toy because wall-e is not a foreign contaminated junk; we are.
I really like this too. Very enlightening. lol.
misha HONG KONG says:
August 25th, 2008 at 6:27 am emisha needs the Wall E toy because misha has Eve at home. Misha hopes that Eve and Walle e will be together as it was shown on the movie
So, jiejie Cheesie, can I have the Wall e?
God how can i have the heart to not give to Mish. But Mish so far away. Wall-E will die of waiting 🙁
# Yng SINGAPORE says:
August 25th, 2008 at 12:17 pm eI need a wall-e toy because after residing in singapore for for many years, i’ve become very kiasu and i want to win all the time.
I applaud your honesty!!! 😀
# ahlost MALAYSIA says:
August 25th, 2008 at 2:14 pm eI need Wall-E toy to put on my table so whenever my bosses come in and nag, it will response to them *LOL*
Omg i think maybe everyone should start doing that!
August 26th, 2008 at 11:58 pm eI want a Wall-E
to dance with me
for dancing alone
isn’t very funnyin clubs and at home
we blast the music
lets be funky
and spin the Wall-EiPod was yesteryear
as was MTV
the current buzzing
is all about Wall-Eso miss chessie
please please please please
give me a wall-E
so we can rock the party
Disqualified. You spelled my name wrong.
# Barry UNITED STATES says:
August 25th, 2008 at 4:07 pm eHey! Dang it! Why the American bashing? You, too, Rena.
U.S. athletes were awarded 125 total golds to 74 gold for China. In total medals awarded, the United States scored 315 to 186 for China. So quit hatin. deserve a Wall-E to make up for the feelings you just hurt.
Haha truly valid reason. I’d love to give it to you but shipping would cost more than a Wall-E hunnay.
But there can only be ONE (1, satu, yat, yi, ichi) winner. And the winner is…
# Superwilson MALAYSIA says:
August 27th, 2008 at 12:21 am eI don’t need the Wall-E but my EVE does. She is very Lonely and Sad.
Will you give your Wall-E to love my EVE?
Check out my sad EVE >>
My EVE needs Wall-E more than anyone here….
He really has an EVE!!! And it’s freaking CUTE!!!
Omg. He even posted a video about it.
EVE still alone and someone tries to cheer her up…
Slimer of Ghostbusters came and cheer her up but no good. EVE still needs Wall-E. Wall-E where are you??????
His entry HERE.
When i showed my friends the winning entry they all protested, saying “BUT HE ALREADY HAS EVE!!!” And that “He’s just a geek who has all these thingssss at home and you are just giving him more toy!!!!!”
I know i know i know! (But the rich will always get richer, no?) But i just don’t have the heart to see Wall-E and Eve seperated! They deserve a happy ending.
There you go, SuperWilson. to collect your prize. Congrats!
But he already has Eve T__T
grrrr, miss spelling went dating with mr. grammar for that one moment, dang!
I think the reason I spelled it as CHESSie instead is that subconsciously I have acknowledged you to be a very smart person, and smart people plays chess.. so.. you know.
ok. I’ll stop talking now.
But he already has eve!!!!666 T_T
misha NOOO wall e???
sad sad
thanks to all the hearts you broken i think we deserve another chance for another prize~! 😀
can we have mour?
Can I use my status as your rebound bestie to coax you into giving to me instead? Sorry, SuperWilson, I have to fight you for this. Eve is damn cute btw.
soooooo wronnngg!!
why give him more tooyyyY!!!!?!?!?!?!?!
I dont even own 1 T_T!!!
more more more~
Hahaha. If you have roaches crawling over you while u’re sleeping, you really might try to kill them :p
I wonder if they sell the roach toy too O.o?
omg eve is so freaking cute! they look super cute together can 😀
may wall-e and eve live happy ever after…..*happies for them*
i got no wall-e nor eve…sad sad
Make more contest and more prizes k… *Claps*
sigh, was looking forward to bringing Wall E to The Boyfriend’s house in an attempt to convince him that there’s stuff more interesting than DOTA for crying out loud.
oh well, i suppose eve DOES need to have Wall E to make her happy. =D
I think i’ll go to The Boyfriend’s place and start talking to his computer instead. Haha.
Congrats SuperWilson 🙂
goodbye walle..may you & eve live happyily ever after
OMG! Thanks a lot!
My EVE won’t be lonely soon!
awwww tats cute! Hehe .. kudos to superwilson. =P
i want ultimate wall-e!!!!!!!!!
dang dang dang dang dang… lost, kantoi!!!!! T.T
Sibeh hate you don’t le me win I damn anger ok wtf. Bribe you only mah wtf. You know I was damn happy seeing my name there :'(
Oi woman I have a meeting in PJ tomorrow fetch you ok har? save you some taxi money.
Wow~ Glad to see Eve is not lonely anymore~
Together gether~
Mooncake festival coming soon, sad to see Eve alone
At least now Cheesie makes the two lover become perfect couple! Haha
I particularly like j’s comment…hahaha… and also DolphyN and ahlost’s ones…:P
Please excuse me while I change my shirt. It’s all splattered with blood. I didn’t manage to get all of them but I went pretty postal and got about half of the people there. I hope your conscience is clear, Cheesie. 😉
Seriously though, I’m looking forward to the something better. I shall come and collect! 🙂
Have a great day, Cheesie!
A good piece of Advice. start playing DoTA. i started playign 2 years ago and now i go to the cyber cafe and play WITHOUT my bf, when he’s working and i just finished college. INC, ss2, my nick is SugarBunny. trust me, it is addictive, and u will never understand until you try. muahs.
btw, all my girlfriends hate me because their bfs ask them why they dont play DoTA like i do. huhu.
I hope that one day SuperWilson will come to a realization and give both Wall-E and Eve to the poor and all of us will be pleased. Well, at least they still be together right?
Hey, have anyone seen this? –
So cute! 😉
omg i love J MALAYSIA’s oneee!! so funny XD