I think i have just made a really terrible mistake by not preventing someone make a terrible mistake.
Trapped between a slight regret and an almost delirious excitement, i couldn’t sleep last night. I keep wondering what will happen if i did or did not make the terrible mistake i have just made.
And i could foresee so many possible FML moments as a consequence of making the terrible mistake that i wanted to just pop my head into an oven. Luckily i have no oven in my house.
So i survived.
And today, right up to this very moment, my heart is beating so fast and i feel so kancheong i almost couldn’t breathe.
I just visited the very terrible mistake i have made.
This is the mistake.
And i stay in an apartment. FML max.
It’s a she.
What shall i name her?
WOAH! A HUSKY! how much is it??? such a loveelllyy dog
OMG IN RM?! WAH, counted quite cheap already! and so cute!! blue eyes 😯
Her name is Cammie. 🙂
._. cammie is my doll’s name DX lol
So now what’s her name?
havent decided!! shortlisted a few!
EEH? You bought another dog? uuu so cutee!! Her eyes are so pretty *O* like a doll..
i know!!! too pretty
how about Buchi? Blue+Cheese… ahaha
okla.. it doesn’t sound very nice also sob
hehehehe my suggestions…
CHIHUAHUA – its a type of Mexican cheese!!!
or…. maybe somethin girly like… Miranda. (also a type of cheese)
or perhaps… like.. Coolea. (pronounced as Cool-lee)(also cheese mar…) hehehe
Lol! You bought a new dog?! So that’s ur terrible mistake wtf. 😳 hahaha! Anyway, a cute dog tho! Hmm… 🙄
That’s real CUTE!!!!!
I wish to have one! 😀
😯 OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! How do you fit her in your house when it grows up???? okay, name her mozarella then. so naish. like cinderella’s sister muahahh! 😈 😈
you are madness. you are spartaaaaaaaa!!!
“I think i have just made a really terrible mistake by not preventing someone make a terrible mistake.”
ehh.. wait… FML! it’s not your dog right??
haha it half is!
haha unfortunately mozarella is taken lol
awww~~ parmie la! hahah replace your old ‘pet’ !!! 😉 is it momma cheddiee and yours one?? cuteness kao kao!!
Oh my! Such a sweet thing. Love the colour of her fur. Cheddie’s new companion?
so cute~^^ blue eye husky pup~!!!! need a cool place for her ooo~
how old~? hmm another “cheese” name~? (coz in ur cheese family) :p
7 weeks. nah she’s locally bred, okay with malaysian weather.
Cheshire, Cantal, Crowdie? 😛
Cute husky!!! Not a mistake lah..
Cantal? i think i like Chantal!!!
uh…damn stress reading the first couple of paragraphs of your post. I think u should call her Tensha….since it gave us some intense moments…..
Or maybe just hime chan? Wtffff…..very nice btw…
lol tensha? lolol like tension?
hahah suddenly feel like naming her “Amaterasu”!!
Chee Cheong Fan?
WHAT TURF. You hungry is it.
I like chee cheong fun! I’m naming ny future cat that!!!
yeay, i got a supporter~ haha
oh am gee SO CUTE !!!! but is it malamute or husky? call her Brie!!!!! 😛
husky. 🙂
in fact before i bought Cheddie i already have names for my future dogs. Brie is one of them. T_T
But for some reason i may not name her Brie nao.
halloumi can or not hahaha kidding..
how much did u buy her for?? I’m also looking for dogs. My Hugo needs more company at home :blush:
D: Cute
hmmn Yuki?
how u know!
i was gonna name her Koyuki.
XD cute for her :3
name her tobby! 🙂
tobby sounds like cat!!!
Wow, a husky. In an apartment. Wow. I stayed in landed house also thought a lot before getting a schnauzer. Wow. Lost of words. Give she a cool name, find those they use in Artartica!
the only word i know has anything to do with Antartica is igloo. FML lol
ohmygod! i’ve always wanted a husky! i would name mine Snow i guess. Can change to cute form Snowy! =D So jealous of you! *laughs*
i might name her Snow too. but in Japanese. Koyuki means Little snow.
call her Xia Xue then xD she would be SO honored to be named after your dog or likewise 😀
lol it is Xiao Xue.
You got a dog??!! It’s a misstakeee..I got myself a kitten few days ago. Before that I was contemplating whether to get it or not cos it will change my life and the cats life cos I’m supposed to move in half a year’s time and I cant bring it with me..In the end I got it..Very cute but really taking up my life T__T *sigh* I do regret my choice but oh well..what’s done is done..
The dog is cute though..but it’s a mistakeeee~!
p/s: Name her Lisa
Lisa is a nice name!
blue eye 🙂
u mean name her Blue Eye?
LOL! You made someone bought it for you heh? 👿
Can she get along with Cheddie??? 😳
I think ericyong77’s suggestion very nice: Coolea! 😉
Nooo i didn’t!! LOL
I havent brought her home yet. Cuz im damn busy tis week will only bring her home next week omg cant wait T_T
LOL! Because your first paragraph saying you didn’t prevent someone make a terrible mistake ma. Haha!!!
Hope Cheddie won’t get jealous with Koyuki and able to get along with each other well! 😆
yea hopefully!!! ^^
Brie? Fits the cheese theme, plus it is a girl’s name, and Brie is white.
Bleu? As in blue cheese. She does have blue eyes.
You are such a genius!!!
You’re so right. 🙂
Brie is white and soft (and not so stinky) lol.
*gasp* It’s a Husky, right? I love Husky!
It’s so pretty~
yes!! 🙂
How about naming her Yummy Yummy? 😛
😯 Hope it doesn’t swallow Cheddie when she grows up…
Why you all say pretty!! Looks ugly ok! Eyes r chio tho… Name some cheese name! And it’s not a mistake lah, if you like it.
very cute husky!!! cheddie will be scared when ur terrible mistake grow bigger LOL
cheddie’s a girl oso rite?
yes she is!!
ehhh…does cheddie stays with u as well?
i think they’ll get along just well 🙂
Cheddie is with my mom in sban now. 🙂
so cuteee!
cheesie, cheddie.. why not cheeky! rhyme mar!
lol u always liddat one 😛
Name her cheesie instead! LOL… I love her eyes!!! Got a bit panda
haha got panda meh!!
*resists urge to flap her ears
*then fail.
*flap flap flap.
so pretty. and 1200 for husky damn cheap ah! i’ve been eyeing one for very long already. don’t think my tzu will get along with a husky though. too vast size difference and my tzu memang jeles wan.
can i come over to hug her 😛
haha even i myself din get to hug her enough yet!! she’s still in petshop T_T
So nice!! Blue eyes some more!!! Huskies are adorable!! Congrats!! Please post more pics of her!! (^^ )
will do after i bring her home.
that’s like calling your kid “human” lol!!!
Her blue eyes matched your blue outfit that day you bought her!
haha purposely one!!!!!! it’s not “that day” it is today!!! 😀 😀 😀
so cute!!! *squels*
her eyes damn pretty. i wanna poke!!
does cheddie usually stay with you or ur mum? call her himeko!! (like me haha)
haha yea she does
she’s cuter than u la..lol
here r some names (erm its some names native in alaska gave their huski)
pukiq ‘smart’
qannik ‘snowflake’
miki ‘little’
kinguyakkii ‘northern lights’
oh my, i like MikI!!!
I’m planning on havin a Husky or thinkin of Scnauzher for me new town house!! Dang 1200 sure is darn cheap! I saw Petaling Street wan oso around 1600! Where chu geddat price??
oh got from ss2. got a male one but double the prize
yea. still think wanting a Husky or a Schnauzer.. =/
ahh yes~ now it make sense. normally female is cheaper than male wan.. but i want a “he”!!
Ooh n yes. I’m naming my new puppy Milo. *hee! 🙂
what puppy u got!!!!!!
Husky bigger chance tho =P
Ring, could be a good name.
Very handsome dog.
I trust you like walking and playing. Huskies are out door dogs and love to run and play.
They are very loyal and loving to thier masters.
Of course now you have to board the lovely dog when you travel or have a trusted friend dog sit for you.
Very excited for you!
A nice early Christmas present!
Ring as my dog’s name?
Oh why didnt i think of it that way!!! Husky as a xmas pressie for myself!!! 😀
Thanks David!!!!!!!!
*finds shoppaholic excuses*
AH i know !! call chebbie!! or Cherrie? LOL cos cheesie, cheddie, so +_+ yea i know .. lame hor? =-=
lololol ur +_+ so cute one never see before like clown!!
cute!!!! where u get it from?
im want a schnauzer too but then my fren stopped me cause i stay in a apartment.
i dont care i oso wan one!!!!
schnauzer can be a bit noisy leh i think. but they are not too big size. i think shouldnt be a prob!!
I have a mini schnauzer and he’s just turned 5 months but is not noisy at all! It’s very active and does need walks and places to run though. But oh, so very smart!
that’s the sound of your social life flying out of the window. welcome to the club ringo!!!!
HAHA at least i can #porkgang with u all nao 🙂
wanna play with emo charlie!!!!!
but i think cheddie will not be happy having her around lor. got to fight to get ur attention. :@
however, the new doggie is so cute. 😀
plus the beautiful BLUE eyes. pretty.
haha she has to be!!!!!! 😛
she looks like a sweetie pie, I dun think she will be any trouble. too cute looking 😉
and she got such a cute nose ^__^
when you get to bring her home? 🙁 promise to post lots of camwhore pics with her? 😛
HA! Thats when u are dead wrong. cheddie is bloody cute but she’s damn evil 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿
oh my… ive wanted to have Husky for as long as I can remember.. that’s like my ideal future dog… jelous… she’ll be a beautiful girl.. i think you’re going to name here in the same theme like your name cheesie, cheddie, che…. in fact it’s koyuki… hahaha… that’s special..
im so excited. i have always loved husky too
Owhhhh cheesie + husky= TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!!
haha how did you think of that ^^
easy, call her ‘mistake’ …. maybe ‘misuketto’ hehe
hahah different also!!!
you’re gonna have to buy her a treadmill my dear……. these beautiful animals need at least miles of running per day to keep them..er…..healthy.
she will run on it meh lolol
HACHI! 😈 the loyal dog statue thing in japan right?
But there’re sooooooo many dogs called hachi d (named after the movie too!)
its a damn nice name thou
oh no oh no oh no!!!!
you’re so cute lar! hahaha
terrible mistake dot com!!!!!
i can’t believe it! haha
but we get more bribessssss
i can’t wait!!!!!!!
maybe i kinda love your terrible mistake?
ya more birbe u are right!!!!
Omigod! Super cute! 😯 You’re not gonna pass it to your mom, are you? (cos you live in an apartment)
noooooo! (not for nao lol)
1200?!! so cheap…which pet shop you get it from? cause lately we have been thinking of getting a dog as a family addition, but then, like got so many stuffs to consider lor!! what breed lah, from where lah, got cert or not lah, father who lah, mother who lah, need to train or not one lah… very fan =( can let us know how you choose a dog?
i know!!! maybe you can write more on how to take care/train/choose a dog!!! your cheesie also very good girl!!! jealous-nya….
well, how to choose a dog! Simple. You dont choose the dog. the dog chooses you. When you find the right one, you just KNOW. it took me 4 months. 🙂
ss2 as in the one opposite jaya 33? is it called My Pet House? :DDDD i go there too! i just bought a bichon frise. not from there la though. go gooogle!!! DAM CUTE 8D i paid 7k leh! ur husky so pretty. name it nanook :p
But Bischon is fucking cute. I think Jolin has one
Name her Chesdale! 🙂
haha when’s my parody WHEN!!!!!!
so cuteeeeeee………….wan hug hug now.. name her Chedet ??? Sounds so matching with cheedie… LOL… 😳
Name her ….chee chee ! 😛
😯 😯 😯 Autralian flag ??? HAHAHA……… 👿
chedet?@! …hahaha…mahathir’s pet name leh! later kena ISA then you know. hahahaha
So cute! hehe.. She looks like a “Miso”!
miso soup?
Awww..so so so adorable!! What about pringles?
dowan pringles T_T
why isit a mistake! damn cute can!!
haha i know thats exactly the cause of the mistake
Name her Princess!!! Huskies always looked very royal to me <3 She's so pretty T_____T
Looks like an awesomely cute mistake to me, jom let’s play with Charlie 😀
AWWWWWWWW why you so NAIS i give u hug tomorrroe!!!!
Waaah! Very adorable pup lah. 😉 Does she get along with Cheddie?
Call her Camembert (is a French cheese) or Cammy for short.
i havent brought her home yet!!!!!!
Oh that’s what cammy is for i see!!! 😈 😈 😈
ohmygoshhhh a husky!!! cute cute cute ttm. name her Sky. cuz of her eyes. (omg sorry i suck @ names hahahaha. /: )
🙂 thanks for suggestion!! 😀
trust me i’m tempted to get this st.benard puppy. but THAT would be a huge mistake (literally). shopgirl said it would grow up to 91kg. @_@ but its paws are soooo cuuute~~!! the size of expresso cups already~~~!
p/s: name her Lola 😛
Did you give it Freshkon coloured contacts?
HAHA but u never get her sponsor!!!!!!!!!!!
Eh since you like Cheesus Crust so much, call her Crusty lah! hahahahahaha…
I do like Koyuki or Miki…
crusty is cute wor!
name her jewel? or maya 😉
jewel a bit hard to pronounce i think
Cute to the MAX!! *pengsan*
Name her Chantelle. 😀
chantelle is a really good name!!!
I just thought, cheesie + husky…call it Chusky, or Cheesky LOL
Or just straight up Hussie LOL
TK said wanted to call it Husky -______-
Wow! *take hat off* Very brave to get another dog! She is the cutest! Can’t think of any names. Like Brie or Koyuki. 🙂 How about Camembert! Cammie. Still soft and white. :dunno:
haha brave meh!! so many ppl suggested cammie d!!!
Hahha say hello to BRIE!
hello brie ^^
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, she’s so CUTE!!! You should name her….idk…..crystal? Or Diamond? She has pretty blue eyes.
^^ thanks for suggestions!
Beautiful dog! Wonder how big she will get…
By the way, the blue cheese suggestions made me thing of something…Roquefort! Unfortunately it’s not a male dog, otherwise can be called Rocky for short. hehe
yea i tot of so many awesome names but all very masculine one!
Cammy/Cammie not good leh..you oredi noe someone called dat lol!!
Brie is naish but since cannot name hachi..why not nana then 😉 😛
maybe cheedie as well..since readers STILL get cheddie’s name wrong!!
Her eyes are so pretty! I dont know why, but the name Captain came to my mine. Or call her Polo or Donut or Minty. Something white, cool and cute. Hehehe.
Eh sorry my bad, its now Aussie flag *_* Previously was US.
muahahha told u is AUS!
Minty is cute!!!
omg i’ve always wanted a husky so badly !! 😆
where did you buy it ? very cheap leh !
Some Japanse name or maybe related to cheese? Hehe. Wow.. your apartment allowed dogs? She’ll be huge one day.
yea thats why fml.
Kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~~ she will be so nice to hugs on when she grows bigger and … can rest your legs on her also 😛
i cannot see pics one?? 😥
huh why T________T
Nah links here 😀
husky!!!i have one too…
dad named him feego…
husky is kind of naughty..haha
omg send pix!!!!!!
Just a suggestion. Name her ‘Mystic’, or just plain ‘Mistake’. Mystic the Terrible. Or even ‘Ivana the Terrible’…
Sorry, I’m not very helpful. But it’s the thought that counts, right?
Take care. The new pet too. Bye.
lolololol why Ivana! i know a girl called Ivana
omg, cute dog. i hope her name will be like urs and cheddie which like have a link. what about chewwie? chemmie? lol
oh. ya lo still deciding. it might not have anything to do with cheese though lol
OMG gorgeous! I think Brie would have been a nice name.. How abt Bubbles? 😛
sounds more like a hedgehog’s name 😛
A hedgehog’s name would be something like, sonic.. lol 😛
cheessie. cheddie. cheeser!!
u know whats funny. some people ACTUALLY call me Cheeser lolol
NO U WISH!!!! 😛
🙁 🙁 🙁 I’m wishing lo… very hard. HAHAHA. 😛
Blue eyes!!!! Blue eyes on any animals are my weakness!
But I got sensitive nose cannot have pets like dogs or cats T.T
I think the name Brie is nice ^^
yay thanks. Heh what other animals got blue eyes??
Alot I think! I just saw a cat under my block yesterday, it had blue eyes m_m
cheeseroll ? 🙂 So adorableeee. I lovee huskies 😆
LOL what turf
name her blair!! 😀
oh gossip girl?? 😛
Omg! She is fucking adorable!
😀 😀 😀 😀
ohhhhh she’s such a darling!! the name koyuki is nice!
most prolly stick to that 🙂
Name suggestion:
“She Wolf”
“To look at the single man I’ve got on me a special radar,
And the fire department’s hotline in case I get in trouble later
Not looking for cute little divos or rich city guys that just want to enjoy
I’m having a very good time in the heat, very bad in the arms of a boy
There’s a she wolf in the closet,
Open up and set her free
There’s a she wolf in the closet,
Let it out so it can breath …”
– Shakira –
is is like Shemale liddat
Tis is not meeee 😛 So many Jason
I must say your husky looks mean. tough. boyish.
She’s one of those mature women who have a husky voice
haha but she damn shy and timid one!!! Cheat One!!!
How bout Chezzel? Its kinda cheesy. CheezyBabe? 😛
then makes me wanna nom her wtf
it’s got blue eyes!! apparently, there’s a blue cheese but i forgot what it’s called. hmm, might be blue cheese (how original) but i doubt it.
i think is bleu cheese lolol
oh noo.. huskies are not suited to living in apartment leh 🙁 i know some husky owners who keep their pets in 24 hour air con room.. though you say its ‘locally’ bred but the fur and everything is genetic isn’t it?? its really a mistake.
yea but tak kan liddat then all the husky here all dai!!!!
whatever her name is, it should starts with a C, becos Cheddie is her sister! and Cheesie is her mom! 😀
but husky will be damn ‘yeng’ one when it grown up,but they get sick when they felt too warm LOL.
and the name,Cloobie?Colbie? hahaha, die die must start with ‘C’ WTF.
Hopes she make good siblings to Cheddie <3
colbie i like!!! but confirm wont start with C liao sorry 🙁
Cute dog. I think Brie or Koyuki are nice names. 😉
p/s When my abang and I made the decision on getting our new home, I had sleepless nights for three days. Was anxious whether we made the correct decision. I still have the occasional sleepless nites …thinking about the $$$ we need to use. 🙁
hahah house is no like dog leh.
What about the name Maya? It’s from a movie, forgot what was the name though. the husky was damn smart! Huskies are active dogs, and tend to behave like monkeys by climbing out from the cage 😆
u are second person who suggested maya oredi!!!
Chompsey! 😛
Awww, so cute!
i just watched this husky vi on youtube his name is kaiser super cute wei!!!!
omg blue eyes. never see them on animals in forever.
if i’m cheddie, i’ll think: aawww~my owner doesnt love me anymore? sob sob. silly blue eyes huskiee. ~T^T~ cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesie!!! 😥 😥 😥 😥
lol silly!!!
but kinda logic. lehh.
OMG!! I love this ‘mistake’…………….
myra 😉
Wow, it’s a Husky.
One of my friends said that Husky is like the ‘ang moh’ of dogs.
Because of the eyes.
She’s don’t look too happy lol. Oh look at my flag. 666!!!!!
whatever u give it the name,i think it will like
only if u treating it good as well…
because whether it’s just a dog,it got humanity…
She’s cute! Name her Pipay!
And how come you’re so damn cute here on this last photo?
Aih I can already see what’s going to happen. Poor mama. Poor house. All a victim to this baka no Cheesie’s sudden whim T_______T
ada ke patut? good luck, huskies are very noisy, they don’t bark but whine alot. Gotta keep her enter.tain otherwise your house will be upside down
zomg… zomg… HUSKY!?!? name her Ona hahahahaha
cute lor! nom nom nom! haha… 😀
Aiyaa Cheesie, I can’t help it, I had to copy and paste this from google searched website cause you fit in all the categories below worr!!! But then Congrats on taking a huge step, I’ll be visiting your site often to checkout your progress!!
Who Should Not Own A Siberian Husky Dog?
* People with cats or small dogs – Siberian husky dogs have a strong prey drive, and can thus be aggressive to small dogs, cats, children, and other small animals. Older children are not a problem, but people with infants or toddlers would be wise not to trust a Siberian Husky near them.
* Inexperienced dog owners – Siberian huskies are very intelligent dogs, and can be somewhat stubborn. Because they were bred to perform tasks with less human control, they are very in dependant. They can be hard to train, especially with the “Come” command.
Siberian Husky dogs are always looking for signs of weakness, so owners need to maintain the dominant position, without being overbearing. They can become very difficult to own if you don’t do this. Siberianhusky dogs should be trained from a puppy.
* People living in apartments, houses with no fenced yards, or houses with small yards – Siberian huskies love to be outdoors. They were bred to pull heavily laden sleds over long, frozen distances. So they have a strong capacity for endurance, and a lot of energy. They love to run and roam. Apartment living does not give them enough scope to exercise, and in winter, when we warm ourselves up with heaters and fires, they may find it too hot if they have to stay indoors.
Because Siberian huskies love to roam, they need a good, fenced yard. Otherwise they will go for miles. Fencing needs to be very secure, as they are intelligent enough to find a way out. Small yards, whilst at least providing huskies with a chance to go outdoors, will not enable them to get enough exercise. That restless energy could then be expressed in somewhat disruptive and mischievous ways.
* The elderly and disabled – Although this is not intrinsically a problem, Siberian Husky dogs are very active and energetic. They need owners who can both keep up with them, and take them for long walks – or runs. Siberian Huskies love to run, and make great jogging partners, as long as the weather is not too warm. They find warmer weather tougher because their coats are so thick.
* People looking for a watchdog – Although Siberian huskies are a large breed dog, they don’t make good watchdogs. They tend to exit stage left at the first sign of trouble.
* Someone who wants a quiet dog – Beautiful as they are, Siberian husky dogs are not quiet. Whilst they don’t bark much, they howl and yelp similar to a wolf. Unless you have a large property, or don’t mind this chattering, another dog breed may be more appropriate.
Cheeeeesiiieeeee!! 😀 😀 what a darling you have there! 😈 😈 😆 😆 hahahaa…ok…i’m feeling soo excited for you..as if it’s me who got one…love huskies…awesomely handsome, pretty, cute, royal! ahhhh~ 😆 heh…
i was thinking mozarella…but kinda long huh…:P or bluey after blue cheese and her beautiful blue eyes…? 😛 or maybe that favourite jap food you like so much….can’t exactly remember the name of it…mentaiko..or something like that…? hee..
Have fun with your new baby! 😉
name it snow white! 😯 …maybe im too childish.
name her Pepper…her colour looks like one..
nooooo!!nonono!!!!1 husky!
call her cheese tart.
Name her Mistake.
omg i REALI REALI want a siberian husky!!! but i heard they shed sh*tloads of fur, v hard to take care of, needs loads of walks and 24/7 air conditioning hence my hesitation!!! tell me if they’re reali THAT hard to take care of kk!!! =D LOVE UR HUSKY! PRETTTAE!
Why not call her Bibi? 🙂
Btw, that husky is really cute ! 🙂