I’m just curious.
Guys, how exactly do you shop for your working apparels?
For the first time i temaned guys to shop for their office wear. I was horrified.
Every single piece of shirt looked exactly the same to me! Except in color and the width of lines printed on it. I can easily photoshop a hundred patterns with one sample.
Gary was asking for some opinions. So I picked up a shirt with chocolate hue and strawberry stripes.
Me: I think this looks nice.
TT: Are you out of your cheesing mind? Of all things, this is the most ah beng piece i can find in the entire shop.
Me: 0_o How… so?
TT: It just is! Ask Gary.
Me:*turns to Gary* Do you think this looks very ah beng?
Gary: OMG! So geli! This is the epitome of all ah bengness!
Me: …… read more
Reading time: 1 min