If you want to, you can, because i’m telling you exactly where and when and how you are gonna go.^^
Because i will be going, in the most voted outfit!
On the 24-25th of September, 2009, the whole world will be celebrating for this one person named Arthur.
The global toast will kick off in Dublin, and at exactly 17:59, everyone raise a glass to the life and legacy of Arthur Guinness, founder of the globally renowned Guinness brewery business.
And then, over 150 countries worldwide will join in, and at 25th 17:50PM, the grand finale will be happening right here in at Sunway Lagoon, Kuala Lumpur!!!
Black Eyed Peas is gonna perform live on that day along with top Asian and Malaysian acts including MC HotDog from Taiwan as well as Reshmonu, Danny One and Man Hand, which are sure to put Malaysia on the map as a remarkable venue for world-class entertainment.
The ticket is RM100 each, if you want to purchase, find out more at www.arthursday.com.my.
But i always have GOOD NEWS!
I’m giving out 5 pairs of Arthur’s Day ticket! As long as you are non-Muslims aged 18 years and above, you are entitled to win my little giveaway!
How to win the tickets?
Well, since the day is all about Arthur, i want you to tell me a story of your favorite Arthur. Anyone whose name is Arthur (if you name is Arthur then you are lucky!). It could be a friend, a relative, someone famous, or a character from novel/movie.
I always think the name Arthur is very kingly, very macho and full of caliber.
The one Arthur i know is Arthur Chen. I knew him before i even started blogging and he is a great friend and takes great photographs.
Photos taken by Arthur since 2004
Arthur is a very accomplished yet humble person, and he always seem to make everything sound so easy, so it’s really great to be around him because there’s this positive vibes about him . He is also born on Merdeka Day. Very heroic.
He has always been so helpful and i don’t think he has ever said no to me once whenever i needed his help. Very honest person too. Everytime i meet up with him, he will tell me how in some major or little ways i have changed from the girl he used to know some 6 years ago, whether it is good or bad. And that gives me very good insight of myself that i’ve never known before. (Sometimes he will tell me bluntly i look fat on camera so i know it’s time to diet what turf).
That’s my favorite Arthur.
So, leave a comment and tell me about your favorite Arthur to win 2 tickets to Arthur’s Day! Make sure you fill in the correct email address so i could contact you if you win it!
buay paiseh. tsk tsk tsk. 😎 😎 😎
Please excuse me if I do not enter the contest. Even if I recieved tickets I could not attend on short notice.
I will be on the outlook for your outfit, and give you as many votes as allowed.
OMG! You look so different throughout the years!
In a good way of course, 2009 Cheesie is the BEST CHEESE. 😉
I am goinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!
Here goes the story of my favourite Arthur…
Arthur, is a soulmate of mine. We went to the same primary school, secondary school and even University! He knows everything about me, even my darkest secrets! No one else knows me better. We shared the same bed, same pillow, same towel and even the same toothbrush!!! Bet you don’t know all these!
Arthur, or rather “Ah Ter”, is what my mum used to call me 😳
It was a chance not to be missed, tickets to win entry into Arthur’s Day! *sweet* 😀
Scratching my head, I was brainstorming ❗ for the Arthur’s’ existing in my life. But no one came to mind 😕 , leading to me to search for an Arthur on my Facebook. 😡
None of your friends’ names contain “Arthur”…was the only words that popped up on my screen. 😥 : I know no one named with an Arthur. The closest that I came up with is Arther and he isn’t someone I favoritism.
Thus, hopefully with the tickets in my hands, I can finally shake hands with an Arthur 😛 .
An Arthur Guinness wouldn’t be so bad 😉
I do not know anyone by the name of Arthur… how?
How can I join? 🙁
Nice photos rin……
Arthur was one of my favourite cartoon character when I was in primary school.
do you know about the cartoon? —-> ‘Arthur Writes A Story!’
I liked to catch it in every afternoon through Disney Channel.
haha.. Arthur is so cute, I think he is a bear? I’m nt sure :S
aww..I miss my childhood memories… 🙂
Only one guy comes to my mind when I hear the name Arthur. Arthur Kam. A friend of mine since young.
He’s very kind-hearted and humble although he has more to be proud of compared to many other people.
Although he’s younger than me (I’m 19 and he’s 18 years old this year, 2009), I salute him for how much he’s accomplished and is going to accomplish.
He’s acknowledged by many as being a child prodigy when first discovered performing at the age of 6, has achieved more than musicians twice his age.
He’s a Malaysian Book of Records holder for the youngest to complete a Grade 8 drum course at 9 years old.
He was also invited to perform as a guest artiste for the `Jacky Cheung Music Odyssey 2002′.
Just Google up Arthur Kam and you’ll see how much he’s accomplished for the past 18 years.
No doubt, he’s the most achieving Arthur there is around. Haha! =)
I knew this Arthur of mine when i was in primary school.
Arthur was neither my best friend, nor my soul mate…
He was someone that was very secretive, he knew everything about me; my family, my close friends and even my well kept secrets… however, i, do not get anything in return…
I gave him everything he needed to stay by my side; time, attention,love and freedom, so that he would share my ups and downs.
One day, he finally left me…
I cried, i broke down, my heart was broken 😥
I thought he liked to stay with me as much as i liked him to.
My mom said he will have a better life and i will find another that is as good.
I was worried and saddened.
……he came back the next day
……he came back to me
The thing is, i know it’s not him.
Arthur was my beloved hamster that ran away from me 10 yrs ago 😳
Unfortunately I do not have any friend named Arthur. 😐
However, I guess my favorite Arthur would be Mr. Arthur Weasley from the Harry Potter Series.
He doesn’t have a very major role in HP, but I was very intrigued with the character since the start. Perhaps it’s because of his humbleness and his caring nature over his family. In a way, he reminds me of my very own father.
Arthur is a loving family man, he’s protective and will do just about anything to help his family. Though he is not that well off, he strives to give his children and wife whatever he could afford. I used to think it was so unfair that Arthur and the Weasley family had to live in such a small house. =/
In short, Arthur Weasley is one character in HP that I truly admire and I honestly think his character is very under appreciated.
Arthur? I think my favorite Arthur is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes 😆
ok that reminds me of your too much hair phase
The only Arthur i know is King Arthur ❗
pic2009 you look like Amber Chia
I recently got to know a bunch of new friends this year. And these people are what we call ‘old biscuits’ (lau peah). Most of them married. Some of them already have children. But every Friday night, we will gather for Vitamin B(eer) nights at what has now become my usual spot with them. On this one night, they leave their wives at home for some male bonding.
In the midst of all the thirty-year-olds, there’s this ONE dude, Arthur Loh (can you believe the world is so small? remember Arnold from uni? this is his brother!). He is our 21-year old social slut (or so one of us calls him). On his back there is a tattoo which only like 2 people has so far managed to read correctly. Himself. And me.
There’s nothing extraordinary about this Arthur. Nothing particularly interesting about him (except maybe that his eyes are tiny and can be blindfolded with a shoelace). Nothing exceptionally curious about him either. He is just our regular Arthur, our regular drinking buddy. But he’s one of those people you would want to befriend one of, once in your life.
And I am still in Australia WHATURF!
The sound Arthur, reminds me of King Arthur “Knights of the Round Table” character.
I love King Arthur and his legion, in a world fills with mystical creatures beneath the dungeon; magical guardian of Camelot Kingdom, a mentor full of wisdom, guiding me in my quest to fulfil my destiny seeking my own freedom.
Guinness – The King of Beers; befitting its name made by the special one, Arthur Guinness.
for me is non other than the legendary King Arthur,
who is armed with impressive weaponry and donned a cool armor,
always ready to attack and defend from evil invaders,
now this is what i call a marvelous leader.
To Arthur!
The only Arthur I know is a fictional character on the sitcom ‘The King of Queens’. His name was Arthur Spooner. He was hilarious, sarcastic, cheeky, loud and always up to mischief. I freakin’ love Arthur and his crazy antics. You guys should watch this sitcom to know what I mean. I guarantee you will laugh your butt off and naturally fall in love with him 😉
My favourite Arthur is the famous Arthur ‘Fonzie’ Fonzarelli aka The Fonz. He was a TV character from ‘Happy Days’. He was this single, ultra-slick, charming guy who would constantly be surrounded by a bevy of beautiful chicks. He could get any girl he wanted as with just a snap of his fingers, girls would come running. That was just how cool he was. He also had a famous catchphrase “Aaaayh!” which was accompanied by a thumbs-up gesture. Ultimately, girls wanted him and guys wanted to be him.
Since my surname is Chen, I wish my english name is Arthur too~! lol
My favorite Arthur is from the movie “Arthur and the invisible”. I always like science fiction movie like this. “Spiderwick” is my favorite too.
Arthur from this movie is heroic to me as he try to protect his home no matter what are the consequence. He is adventurous and that suit me too. Also a gentlemen that treat woman well. That’s why I like Arthur.
Let see if I am able to visit Arthur day @ Sunway Lagoon with Rin’s free passes ya ^@^
Thanks and regards,
ooooh. i watched that also!!! 😀
today, i went to school. during recess, i was eating at the canteen when everyone started laughing. turns out someone had stuck a piece of paper saying “Arthur is a wiener” on my back. I am not Arthur. FML
Well, I didn’t know any Arthur in real life. My favourite Arthur is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes. Why? Because Sherlock Holmes is my favourite detective series of all time, he is able to solved murder, robbery, kidnapping without the help of CSI or DNA. The power of deduction my dear Rin-chan. I learned to use deducing in real life from Sherlock Holmes, and I can be very observant if I wanted to and deduced the 4W1H just by looking at a person and ask a few simple question.
Arthur has 5 beautiful daughters, as so he thinks. When they were younger, Arthur had no choice but to be a workaholic to put food on the table. Because of this, memories of Arthur during his daughters’ childhood were barely vivid. And they don’t even know how to express their gratitudes to him even they are old enough to be articulate. Arthur becomes a lonely man. But the cold attitudes from all his daughters NEVER stopped him from loving them. He gives them the best house to live in, the best education and unconditional love and care.
He is one rare man that may not always appear to be pleasant. He is rough on the outside, but I guess it only takes his wife and daughters to realise he is a man full of love embracing gentle soul.
St. Arthur’s Day may not be exactly about him. But i am sure, beer and a moment just the two of us could make his day. After all, if you were to see his cute, protruding pot belly, you would be super sure that he enjoys beer a lot. Have i mentioned, he stores Guinness at home like it is armageddon tomorrow?
Well, is my Arthur a reincarnation of Arthur Guinness? 😀
Have a friend named Arthur Chia Teck! Special name! He is a boy who likes to do girly stuff, like camwhoring really really gao lat, designing pretty things, shopping with girls, and err, he talks like a girl too. How can a guy have eeks, squeaks and hand movement like anime girls when he talk? So geli right..
Erm, he calls himself “arrrty”.. +_+ During school days everyone disrespects him and called him GAY. he was treated ntg like trash just because of his attitude. even girls don’t want to go near him in our class because they are afraid they will have rumours about them liking arthur. Well what do you know, typical school days la.
Now he is doing quite fine, just a few years and we are now in college, he is still being himself but everyone grew optimistic and think he is NOT gay but VERY UNIQUE. 😀
There are lots of Arthurs out there, Arthur from Shrek, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, King Arthur bla bla bla, but I still prefer this UNIQUE Arthur I know. 🙂
Owh So that’s your arthur and I just met him last two days for the Panasonic Lumix Star Search 2009 Casting. He indeed was very humble and nice:) Good photographer also.
King Arthur was ready to go on a Quest but he was worried about leaving Queen Guinevere alone with all those horny knights of the Round Table. So he went to Merlin for some advice. After explaining his predicament to Merlin, the wizard looked thoughtful and show him his latest invention. It was a chastity belt… except it had a rather large hole in the most obvious place.
“This is no good, Merlin!” the king exclaimed, “Look at this opening. How is this supposed to protect milady, the Queen?”
“Ah, sire, just observe,” said Merlin as he selected his most worn out wand. He then inserted it in the gaping aperture of the chastity belt where upon entering the hole, a small guillotine blade came down and cut it neatly in two.
“Merlin, you are a genius!” said the grateful monarch, “Now I can leave, knowing that my Queen is fully protected.”
After putting Guinevere in the device, King Arthur then set out upon his Quest. Several years passed until he returned to Camelot. Immediately he assembled all his knights in the courtyard and had them drop their trousers for an informal ‘short arm’ inspection. Sure enough! Each and every one of them was either amputated or damaged in some way. All of them except Sir Galahad. “Sir Galahad”, exclaimed King Arthur, “The one and only true knight! Only you among all the nobles have been true to me.
What is it in my power to grant you? Name it and it is yours!”
“Mmmphmp,” said Sir Galahad. Guess where he got amputated. LOL. :p
*** Don’t know any real life Arthur but anyway this is my favourite Arthur joke. ***
how come non-muslims?? out of curiosity…. 😛
coz muslims will get caned if they drink Guiness
The only Arthur I know was from the movie Shrek. Arthur was a young boy, what people would call a ‘loser’. Well, as many of you already know, Shrek didn’t want to be king and thus the search for Arthur started. He was constantly bullied and laughed at. To cut the whole thing short, he became the king.
The thing I like/learned from Arthur is that no matter how young you may be, or how weak people may see you as, it doesn’t matter. If you let what people think of you (negative) sink in, you’ll definitely not go far. But if you just believe in yourself, you can achieve great things. Even becoming a king like Arthur. He may be small on the outside, but Arthur sure IS great.
Hey Ching! Small world indeed! I know that Arthur Loh guy! The funny & obnoxious (he denies this) dude with the ‘Faith’ tattoo on his back! Squinty little eyes with the black horn-rimmed glasses! Lol! He was a riot at college! He and his friends did a little ass-spanking-in-a-row dance at some camp. He really taught us that just being ourselves is the best way to be, and everyone should be able to laugh at themselves for fun 😀
Despite his random biting comments & goofyness, he is really a friend to keep & remember.
Oh, suddenly Arthur Read just came to mind. Man, I miss that cartoon 😛
Oh if I win this, both Arthurs would approve. The first one is a passionate drinker himself, and the latter would be up for a good time, anytime 🙂
Hello guys, contest has closed. Will announce the winner once result is out. Thanks for participating!
i hope i do get the tickets 🙂
Well i agree with you the fact that the name Arthur means very heroic.This is because when anyone mention the name Arthur the only thing comes to my mind is the novel/movie King Arthur.King Arthur is a legendary british leader who according to medieval histories and romances,led the defence of britain against the saxon invaders in the early 6th century.The details of Arthur’s story are mainly composed of folklore and literary invention,and his historical existence is debated and disputed by modern historians.Thats the reason why the name Arthur is indeed a Heroic person or character.
Well, the only guy I know with the name of Arthur is my little cute cousin. He is now 5 years old but can speak like a 7-9 years old kids..When I’m down he know how to comfort me by hugging me and keeps on kiss me until I smile again.. When I’m happy, he’ll also act crazy and dancing all the time..Remember when his birthday coming, he actually did say “I want to have party with my friend, can???please??”, of course I can’t reject him and have a small party for him.So conclusion is he’s a very smart kids and always won’t make people worry..that’s my little cousin.. 😆
Once upon a time there was a beardy, moustached guy, specky guy called Arthur Chin. He was really tall , at 6 feet tall and big build. Arthur was really good at programming and computers, having made his own internet service company while he was still studying for his Computer Science course in UMS. Someone ratted on him to the Dean, and he got kicked out of his course for doing business while still a student, despite scoring Dean’s List every semester. Well, Arthur came back to studies after a few years and hiring a few more people and aced his course. Now Arthur is dating the famous 3R host, Selina Khor, where they met while she was studying there. The end.
PLease give me the tickets. You’re so pretty.
contest was closed 10 years ago mate 😛
Winners are out!!!
The winners will be notified through email. So mane your you check your mail okay!