is coming again!

Means lotsa Guinness and special menu and other goodies!


i picked one of the St Patrick’s participating outlet, which is Jarrod & Rawlins. I love that place because they served the bestestest Brie ever but they didn’t have it this time around T_T.


Nice ambience and i checked with the owner and he says i can bring Baby K there 😀 😀 😀

Also they are renovating their upper floor, it’s going to be a cool Guinness bar overlooking the greens!


The promo is buy every 3 half-pints, and receive a collectible premium!

And we got…

A Guinness padlock!

It is not just that!

You will receive a redemption stamp card from the barmen, and each time you order a pint of Guinness, you get a stamp!

Collect 12 stamps, mail in the stamp card with proof of purchase and a Guinness St Pat’s hat will be mailed to you! 😀

We can has 3 stamps nao. I plan to bring the entire #Porkgang over and we will have a fully stamped card in no time 😛

Will gambatte to get more stamps beofre the actual St Patrick’s day!

Lol Guinness beard as always!

Apart from the promo, Guinness is also having its St. Patrick’s Finger Food Festival.

There’s a Finger Food set menu that comes with 4 half-pints of Guinness Draught, as well as  Guinness Inspired Finger Food at only RM 60.00 per set!

Different outlet will have their specially created finger food to go with the perfect pint.

At J&R we had this is crispy chicken sausage roll with warm Guinness glaze.

This is their Guinness beef stew and mash.



I will be attending St Patrick’s Day!

Place: 1 Utama
Date: Friday (19th March)
Time: 6pm onwards

During that night there will be a performance by Comedy Club KL, street festival acts, Irish dancers, street entertainers, other musical acts, fooooooood and of course awesome Guinness and lotsa fun! It’s gonna be happening! Bring your camera and take lotsa photos!

You are not allowed to miss the party and i can’t wait for it myself! So see you there! 😀 😀 😀

For more info, log on to the St Patrick’s website. ^^
