It’s like Alice in Wonderland.


Spotted these the first day at Lake St Clair, and i thought, how freaking cute!


Little mushrooms and cupcakes and tea. Alice at Cradle Mountain really. (That’s my camera cap btw.)



It’s been my 5th day in Tasmania, and it feels like i have been here for 2 weeks. We have done so much, and one of my favorite part of the trip is that 20-minute little walk in the rainforest of Cradle Mountain in the National Park.

We stayed a night at this lovely cozy Cradle Mountain Lodge, and took the Enchanted Walk in the forest the next morning, even though it was drizzling. I am so glad we did the walk.

And these are what i discovered.

More shroom. In so many different kind of colors and shapes it was just so magical.


Little flat, brown ones


White fungi


Bright red ones


Dark red with torn edges




A big, purple one


A creamy one hiding under a fallen log


Bright green one


A colony of cute little unbrellas

And my favorite of all:


The magical blue mushroom.

It is just unbelievable! I must have seen more mushrooms in this forest than Alice has in her entire dream.


I thought i saw Cheshire in this picture. O.o With green eyes.


That’s Cheshire staring at Keju


We also went on a little hunt for wild little animals along the way. This is the home of a wombat.


The forest is so mystical and fantasy-like that you could almost feel flashes of little pixies running among the trees anytime.





Guess what!


A Pademelon right there! Round and fluffy, wanna bring it home and hug it to sleep!!!


Looking right at us!


Another spotted!

Even though you can see them in the zoo or the animal farms, it is just so interesting to spot them in the wild. They are not afraid of humans. They are just very very curious.

When you approach them, they just look straight into you and probably wonder why you are not furry like them wtf.



Beautiful moss (or whatever it is) on the rock.




The white dangling thingie is called the Old Man’s Beard, apparently only can grow in places with extremely fresh air.

*takes long breath until lung explodes wtf*


Wild button grass, only grown in Tasmania.


Morning dew


Erm that’s my face and cap -_-



Finally spotted something pink!!!!


This is the view i get from my little lodge. Amazing or what!


Just went to the Tasmanian Devil Conservation park and saw one of them crunching on a Wallaby bone T___T. And petted some kangaroos too!

Tasmania is awesome! Can’t wait to update more, but gotta go to nom nom some yummy Tasmanian Salmon  nao. 🙂
