So, let’s see what has happened in 2014!!

1. Had a baby!




I had a baby. And….. that’s all. That pretty much sums up my year 2014 lolol.

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But 2014 has been the happiest year! 😀 😀 😀 Although i thought the same about 2013.

All the better, i am spending new year here in Japan, with the danna and Junya! (We always fly back to Malaysia on 31st December every year due to work.)

It’s really quite hard to imagine a life happier than this. Even washing the dishes here is a happy chore cuz their dish washing liquid is so kickass awesome.

Hmm but actually I kind of can imagine an even happier life if i think about it. I just need to double the happiness.

Instead adding one dollop of mentaiko on my ramen, i can add two. Imagine there are 48 hours a day, which means I can eat two lunches and two dinners!! Maybe i can also have two Junyas.

Ok maybe not.


What’s my new year resolution for 2015?

1. Be as happy as i did in 2014!!! If not more!


Actually i don’t think there’s anything i need to be resolute about lolol. Maybe come to Japan as often as i used to. Be as patient as i have this year. Learn how to make solid food for Junya. Eat more vegetables.

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Be a mother Junya can feel proud of.

I hope 2015 is a better year for all of you filled with more manners, more peace, more patience, more love.


Happy New Year!


From Chiji & JunJun

