I can’t celebrate Christmas anywhere else but in KL this year. However, my friends around me have been travelling. So instead of blogging about my work-eat-sleep-work-no-eat-no-sleep marathon, i’ll blog on their behalf i’ve stolen their pictures and am pretending that it’s as if i’m blogging about my Christmas wonders outside KL =].
Christmas in Taipei
This time last year, i was in Taipei having such a great and fun time shopping…
However, TT said there’s not much Xmas deco in Taipei this year. But dammit i still miss Taipei and especially their Seafood Mos Burger (M’sia hurry up and re-open Mos lah!). 🙁
Here’s where i bought all my costumes.
Christmas in Tokyo Disneyland
This was Sze Kerng’s fantastic journey to the wonderous city—Tokyo!!!666
He said that everyone there in Tokyo Disney, were wearing some kind of animal ears. From mouse ears to bunny ears to pigs ears!
This is where Sze Kerng bought my Minnie Bunnie.
Christmas in Hong Kong Disneyland
Another friend just arrived back from Hong Kong too and yes they were in Disneyland as well…
Take your pick, who’s your favorite princess?
Cheeserella Cinderella
Sleeping Beauty
A fat Alice
Belle the Beauty and the cheese beast
Snow cheese White
She’s my fav. =]
When i was very very young, I wanted to name myself Ariel. This was not because of the mermaid but because I was born in April, and i’m an Aries, hence when combined they became Ariel. However, when people started to ask why do i want to be named after an Israeli Prime Minister, I got sick of the name.
Bah. Now i get people asking why am i named after the Starr. -_-|||
Anyway! It’s ok you guys didn’t spend Christmas in any disneylands.
Cuz you’ve seen it all in Cheeserland. 😉
Merry X’mas! =)
Hahaha..I think you’d be a better Ariel than the girl there dear!! Erm, you’d think they could possibly hire some nicer looking ppl in that they look the part? I mean come on lah, fat Alice?
Any cheese, have a good one dear.. dun worry about this year being only in KL, I’m more than sure next Xmas you will be able to spend it abroad again!! Merry Christmas, hope its a cheesey one!! 🙂
Dear Cheesie,
I believe location is irrelevant, most important is sharing it with the one whom you wanna be with. Don’t forget to share also your X’mas spirit with your family and friends;)
Hey Cheesie,Merry Christmas and wishing many happy returns! God Bless… 🙂 🙂
Merry X’mas cheesie and wish u a happy new year too. Wow!!!!.. i want tokyo disneyland as my X’mas gift next year. santa pls… i promise i’ll b good. LOL
Merry merry & a blessed Xmas to u cheesie !
Christmas at Disneyland must be magical. I just missed it by a few weeks at Paris! Merry Christmas, and lots of cheese!
That so-called Sleeping Beauty is actually Rapunzel, isn’t she? 😉
Rapunzel: http://a820.g.akamai.net/f/820/822/1d/i.ivillage.co.uk/uk_en/a_ukpix/article/Rapunzel-doll.jpg
i like cheesie better than ariel 😉
what do u work as? u don’t talk much about work here..
Sleeping Beauty..so I think its less Rapunzel and more Sleeping Beauty 😉
Dear Ringo,
I am just back from Anaheim Disneyland in US. The atmosphere is greatest ever.
Fantastic fireworks and parade! Tomorrow, I will be in Disneyland Adventure Park.
Merry Christmas to you.
merry christmas!!
btw the princess in sleeping beauty is called “princess aurora”. hehe…
and speaking of astrological names, both my siblings are aries’, and theyr names are ariena, and arien zackary. when my younger sister and i came to be, our names were somehow related to theirs, disregarding our signs. oh, and she’s arieni adriena. :p
A very Merry Christmas to You All!!!
The Disney locales look very fun! Have never seen any in person but perhaps oneday I may.
Hoping you get some rest soon Ringo.
I know who my favorite is… but wheres Goofy? Oh wait, never mind!
Adrien: Nice names you guys have! I wish i had a sister too so her name will be Ring 0.
Hey cheesie hav u eva colored ur hair b4?haha sori i’m jus curious
merry belated xmas… happy new year to u ringo =)
how is alice fat?
Lyn: Dyed it once long long time ago. Just did something to my hair recently. 😉
a late merry xmas cheesie!
yep i know i promised to comment on EVERYTHING but I was in Hong Kong for 4 days! =) I celebrated my birthday there at Shangri-La Hotel. Gonna update it on my blog soon… Hehe… Merry Christmas, Cheesie! Did u get lotsa cheese as your presents?
Merry Christmas Cheesie 😉
wow! tha taiwanese quake reli cut us off from cheeserland for a few days.
glad to c ur blog back online. 🙂
Hey Cheesie. Which part of Taipei is the costume shop in? Do you have the address or anything? I like the costumes a lot. They are really nice!! =) And you look great in them.