You know, how they usually turn the letter A into an Eiffel tower. Damn cute!
Anyway. 50 pictures! May you die of french cheese overdose.


It was a Wednesday. Woke up 6am and caught the tube from High Barnet to Waterloo.


Exactly my sentiment.

Half way in the tube, Porkie turned to me.

Shit. I dun have my debit card! We need to use it to redeem our tickets.”

No card means no tickets. Means no train. Means no PARIS. O.o

The horror. Our train would leave at 10:10am sharp. And it was 9am already. We were supposed to check in 45 minutes before depature. The horror.

We couldn’t return home because that would mean we would miss our train.


We got to Waterloo anyway, waiting for his dad to bring us the damn card that could change our destiny.

Anxious. Porkie called countless times, but didn’t get through. Apparently no reception in the tube.


The 10:10 train was boarding already.


And the clock said 9:52am.

Seriously lo. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind. If we miss the train, we either:

1. Go back to London with the most potonged steam mood and sulk for a whole day.
2. Pay another 50 pounds per person for the next train (siao ah? wtf).

Never had i felt so anxious before! I couldn’t move my eyes away from the ticking clock and for the first time i wished that i could stop time like Hiro in Heroes (what a pun). Okay maybe i did when i had my first kiss too.

From open to boarding to closing, my heart kept beating faster each time the words changed along with the minute hand moving nearer to the right.

The queue was long at the check-in point. A officer opened up a new lane and yelled, “Last call for passengers going on 10:10am train to Paris, this way,” waving his arm directing the passengers to move his way.

Some late comers rushed over, inserted their ticket and looked relieved immediately after.


I walked up to the officer and said, “Sir, we’re having a little problem. My ticket…” and he took a glance at my empty hands and before i could finish my sentence he shoved right in, “ONLY passengers with TICKETS, please.”


Clock ticked 10:05am And the info board finally said “CLOSED”.


We just missed our train to Paris. Oh, yay.

And then Porkie’s dad showed up right away with the card and redeemed the tickets anyway. We were too late. 🙁

Holding the Paris Pass which had already of no use, i was stoned for one minute of disappointment not know what to do next. Reluctant to give up, we walked up to the check in counter to a lady officer and asked a very stupid question, “Is it too late for the 10:10 train now?”

She took a look of the tickets, shook her head and looking slightly sympathetic.

“Yes, the train’s just left,” she said.
“Oooh. Uhm. Thanks.”




“But this is what i can do. I’m gonna give you stickers which you can then go and exchange for the next train. Good luck!”

Suddenly i heard angels singing and cherubs playing harp. The next thing i know, i have two spanking new eurostar ticket to Paris at 10:40am, totally FOC.

I’m the luckiest cheese on earth.



The train is just like the one i saw in Before Sunrise. Reminded me of how much i love the movie.

The Paris Bible

Two and a half hours later, we reached Paris.

Always a man’s duty to memorize the map.


Culture shock! I suddenly felt so lost. There’s not a word i saw that i could understand. The only french word i memorized was excusez moi and that didn’t exactly help. And the french word i saw most during my 3 days stay in Paris was SORTIE. lol.

We finally got to our hotel after some great communication effort.

We stayed in this atas place surrounded by stretches of atas shops where the only thing we could probably afford was, well, nothing.

Our first stop is what else but Eiffel! 😀 😀 😀

I like the framing of this pic!

We didn’t go on to the top because look at the queue! Plus the tickets are super expensive lo. So, we hung around to take loads photos. While doing so there were so many gift pushers, some nice and some aggressive – this one guy placed a rose in my arm and said I could have it, only later for him to come back and demand money (no we didn’t pay as I didn’t want it in the first place and Porkie gave the guy evils).

Paris is everything you imagined it to be. Gorgeous, beautiful, lively, expen$$$$$$ive. And impossible. In comparison with my pathetic mundane existence.

One bottle of mineral water is averagely €2. At tourist places as such, it can go up to €5. RM25 for 500ml of H2O. -_-



Porkie was super happy! So happy he almost ate himself. Why?

WAHAHAHA FINALLY my almighty super wide lens can show its power. My dad always asked what i needed such stupid lens for. I hope he’s here too see why!


Apparently, what i could do with my pathetic Sony T10 is

either this.

or this.


This is what his atas wide lens could do.

Captured the entire Eiffel freaking Tower.

I could fit the entire freaking tower in wei!” was what keep piercing my ear for the next half an hour.

I have to admit la. The camera felt really good in my hands.



They say you must witness Eiffel in the day and night. We decided to stay for sunset (like, before sunset. omg the romance)!


This is Seine River.

Haha it’s so punnable i tell you!

We’re in Seine now.

If you jump from the Paris bridge, you’re in Seine.

We bought a bottle of €5 mineral water. We must be in Seine.

It can go on forever! Omigouda so punny!

I’m inseine.

I’m inseine. Muahaha.


Waiting for dusk, and drinking my atas water.

Love sunsets in Paris. It’s really in pink and purple, like what you saw in Ratatouille. =)


Okay. My sore finger just gave up on me. I think i’m going to stop here O_O

Oh and i met my cute frend (french friend?) Matthieu!

Super duper mega ultra tall -_-

Up next: The proper french food


Guess what we eat! Stay cheesed!
