I’m attending Obama Magic in KL!
Roger Fisk, Obama’s National Director of Special Events, is coming to speak to all Malaysians for a full-day session on 2 March 2009 at the Petaling Jaya Hilton. Learn how the latest American President campaigned through the use of social networking and development of online communities.
Venue: Kristal Ballroom, Petaling Jaya Hilton
Date: 2nd March, 2009
Time: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Dress: Formal
Entry: RM850 (HRDF-Claimable via SBL scheme)
More info HERE!
I have decided to do a promotion for Cheeseroll and Couture for next month. Subscribe 2 months and get one month free! 🙂
Thus the price would be only RM60 (or SGD30) a month. Faster book your slot before 28th Feb 2009. Only 5 more slots available for each category. Email me ok!
Gotta go. Got a plane to catch. I dowan to end up liddis:
first! haha~ i saw that too. dun really know why she has to act like that. @.@
where are you going, ring? ^-^
hhahhaha…why the woman lidat hahaha
yup watch dat last nite…that woman is crazy ey!
aiyo, why she liddat!
mane pigi?
this auntie rili siasuei..
Weiii… what’s wrong with that woman?? 😀
I have never missed a flight before. 🙂
she thinks the plane is like bus meh…can wait for ppl wan?
what’s wrong with the woman??? it must be a very important flight. whoa!!! so dramatic!
they say Cantonese people are dramatic people, now I believe them.
omg, nut case :S
LOL! This is one of the rare times that we actually can laugh so hard at someone’s misfortune…freakin hilarious!
Hmm.. I dont understand cantonese, can’t anyone tell me wat is she talking abt? she seems extremly upset ^^”
she said something along the lines of
/ wait..ah wait….
/ i hvn’t even started yet…2-3x
/ the plane hasn’t leave yet..3-4x
/ ah…the plane is leaving now…
/ there’s no humanity….
/ how can it be like this…4-5x
/ the plane is still here and how could u not let me board….
^^” I can’t stand it when she lay on floor, like a child throwing tantrum……. I manage to get da video wif Eng subtitle…think she’s over reacted, jus pay some money n rearrange for da next available flight will do…
that woman is totally nuts… its her fault that she’s late and she totally went hysteric and blame it on others…. just buy another air ticket lah… i really need to admire her ability to cry and scream for 3 freaking minutes… i can’t do that…
they guy in gray suit was this close to slapping her. hahaha, call him stupid some more. 😛 how drama mama.
Welcome back dear 🙂
Though I am in Australia myself wtf.
that’s really crazy!
i mean, if you miss the flight.. i’m sure you can pay a little admin charges and get on the next available flight?
Crazy woman! -_-
“lei hmm hou gam geek dong la…”
what turf! that woman is klazy!!! miss flight only ma…. not strike 4d also…