(Yay Wendy said can post!)
Ok honestly, the mission for me was really tougher than it sounds, as my role could be described as a, uhm, “Distracter”. First of all i’m crap at being consistent and i am absolutely crap at making up things that are supposed to sound consistent.
So basically, my job was to distract Wendy from the whole plan with my visit. And because she’s known to be highly unpredictable, there was a huge chance that she just decides to screw the movie premiere and sleep until 9PM instead, so i was also there to make sure she turns up. Gorgeously.
And i did so many inconsistent things and risked being a total annoying bitch T_T.
So came the big day, we were all set to go. I had to make sure she didn’t wear something horrible if not she will hate me forever for having an ugly marriage proposal memory T_T. So, gorgeous shoes, checked. rather decent hair, checked. Blue contacts, checked. So i thought she look quite hot after all. Phew.
And then Mike dropped us to the mall, and all hellish terror began.
Huiwen started to send me tons of SMSes. And i had to react accordingly WITHOUT her getting suspicious. Even before that Huiwen already told me that this blonde is freaking smart, she will smell a rat at the slightest inconsistency so the plan could risk no flaw FML.
This was the first SMS. It was sent when we were stuck in a terrible jam.
My reply: “Fucking jam. Not even near. Will do once we reach.”
My reply: “Roger.”
Finally we reached the place (forgot what it is called), then Wendy decided that she didn’t want to buy Chippy’s anymore FML!!!
She went into Long John Silver and quickly grabbed some food instead because she thought we were late.
Major fail!!!
So on the way to the mall i completely ignored her because i was too busy thinking what excuse i should use to buy time.
“I think i need to pee.” What if she says she will go up first?
“LET’S GO SHOPPING!” Normally will work but maybe not today T_T
Erm… How about “Oh look there’s a lizard on your face?”
Walao i had to remember so many things. So much nonsense to deal with!!!
I wanted to kill this Huiwen.
My reply: “Long John Silver. Going cinema nao.”
By this time Wendy has asked me at least twice who i was SMSing. I just errrr’ed and hmmm’ed her FML i felt like a horrible wife who is cheating.
WTF What nao!
I wanted to kill this Huiwen twice.
Ok make it 3 times.
Anyway i thought Wendy was getting a bit agitated by me at this moment because i was typing on my phone frantically and i looked so distracted and i was just being a horrible friend.
We finally reached the cinema. Boss Ming, Estee and Huiwen were all there. it’s really funny to see everybody pretend to look not kancheong when they were panicking like siao. That includes me.
And thank god we went into the cinema at the right time.
Then i suddenly remembered about the seat arrangement. I actually pondered real hard about the whole logistic behind the seat arrangement.
Is 1 from the left or from the right? How fast should i walk? Should i pretend to fall down just to stall time? What excuse should use if so unfortunately she grabbed the inside seat first? Will she get angry at me and decided to walk out from the cinema instead?
FML. This is too much to deal with.
But i had not much time to think. So i was being a psycho friend again i walked so damn fast ahead of her so i can go in first and sit on the G13 and she will be left with no choice. AND THEN WE REALIZED SOMEONE MESSED UP THE SEAT NUMBER THEY GAVE US G14 AND G15 FML MADE ME PANIC LIKE HELL!!!!
I quickly distracted her and said some nonsense like, oh it’s all the same, they just gave the wrong ticket or some crap that sounds like that.
Now i’m even more kancheong. WTF??? What should i talk to her? In a cinema? “Hi i think the weather is good today.” Or “Has Pumpkin pooped yet???”
The movie was delayed for a good while, and she was getting more agitated because there was this conspired cinema crew with a walkie talking standing near us and she couldn’t eat her Long John Silver FHL.
Finally it started. Bossming went up and gave some nonsense speech (to make it sound really like a Nuffnang screening).
Then the cinema darkened.
And guess what????
Our blonde decided to be really engrossed with her BB because we got a summon just now when Mike dropped us off and SHE INSISTED CHECKING HOW MUCH THE FINE WAS. FML.
I really REALLY panicked at this time. Because if she missed the whole proposal commercial, i am basically responsible for the total failure of it FML.
So to make sure she move her eyes from her BB screen to the other bigger screen in the room, i said something like the below lines for at least 3 TIMES THROUGHOUT THE COMMERCIAL
“OMG what’s that!!!!”
FML max.
i think i need an acting class. I can’t come up with even a coherent line.
This is the final SMS but i couldn’t be bothered anymore because:
Watch for yourself.
I taped this video to make sure my future fiance knows the least of a marriage proposal.
lol that’s me in the background taking video lolol.
Awwwwwwwwwwww. Cannot, so cute!
Out of curiousity, what movie did you intend on watching? And did they rent out the entire cinema for this?! Awwww!
Couple’s Retreat!!!!
Haha but in the end didn’t watch cuz no mood d too excited 😛
wow so complicated bt u managed.. good job cheesie 😈
hi cheesie!!! i love ur blog so so much. had been following for quite some time already… 1st time leaving comment. =)) they so sweet lar….. when i find my true love i hope he does dat too!!! but still so long XP
aw thank you 🙂 thanks for your first comment too 🙂
awww; so sweet!
Xiaxue looks so shy when she talking about it; (:
ya wtf first time see her so shy and paiseh HAHAH its funny!!!!!!
OMG!! So sweet!! 😈 😉
😈 😈 😈
So happy for her….the love is in the air…
Mike’s so romantic!
he totally is lo!!
Mike is so romantic~~ Aww… XX very xing fu!
ya i osowan xing fu T_T
you no need jealous larh
you already got 3 proposal 😛
is just lil funkky instead of romantic only wert
anyway, you really done a good job 😈
Hahaha. The whole post’s so funny! LMAO. I’m a daily reader of yours, first time to leave comment here though. 😉
aww thanks for commenting 😀
omg. that’s soo sweet. 😈
it is!!! :cheh:
The post is funny. Mike is so romantic~~~ Aww… XX is very xing fu! 😈 😉
haha repeated comment
haha two thumbs up for being quite the perfect “distraction” ;D
If I were in your shoes, i’d probably crack under pressure
lol yea i couldnt handle it almost
Sweet 😉
about time mike proposed. Hehehe
ya she complained everyday lol
Still loading the video but is this a typo?
“I taped this video to make sure my future finance knows the least of a marriage proposal.”
future finance?
hahaha i saw that too was going to leave the same comment =p
OMEGOSH WHY MY FLAG STILL AUSTRALIA’S?!?!?! TT___________TT so nostalgic TT_____________TT
note: forgive me. kinda going through something…
it’s not finance la. it’s fiANCE. means the person u get engaged with. 😀 p/s sori 4 being so kepo. :blush:
haha no before that it was finance, i changed it
understand that!
i mean i understand dandelion’s feeling
CHANGED!!!! Wtf auto-spellign-correction sucks sometimes lol
Teared when i watched this video!!!!! GOSH! This is ultimate true & sincere love.. Awwww.
Thanks Cheesie for the followup!! Love your blog, you’re so kawaiii!!
no problem. i also think they are a great couple
fking funny hahahaha im laughing into my palm cause my roommate sleeping wtf
so sweet T_____T but cannot hear anything one so soft! can hear u moving alot wtf
aawww.. swweettt
its sooooooooooooooo funny
laughing all the way!!!!!!
all the drama that went to this proposal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my goodnessssssssssssssssss
u deserve some kind of award okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
best supporting actress ehhh actually maybe you deserve d main award lar haha since she didn’t need to act wakakakakaka
hahah true also
A ‘mike’ proposal, no flowers? 😀
no but got awesome ring haha
got a closer picture of that awsome ring? lol
or get xiaxue to show it off in her blog soon
awwwww so sweet 🙂 I wish I had someone recording our proposal! haha
aww how was it? 🙂
he proposed when he was visiting me in KL – near the fountain at KLCC, caught me totally off guard (I knew he was going to I just didnt know when) By far the most romantic thing ever but I wished it was recorded or at least someone took pictures hahaha
omg! omg! omg! It’s soooooooo sweet!!! Wendy’s like the luckiest girl alive!!
Oh, Cheesie.. *pats* 🙂 It seemed so perfect, amidst all the chaos!
yea im glad it all turned out well! 😀
Oh,here’s mine too:
Yours is so much clearer!
haha i go watch!
He is so sweet 😈
and you’re a really nice friend haha love this post!
yay !!!
Excellent recount of the whole event!!! WOOT!!! And you are very funny Cheesie!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
nao only u know meh lolol
aww.. this was so sweet.
wouldn’t have been able to tell how chaotic the planning for it was..
glad it went quite smoothly. good job 😀
yea it did thank cheesus
awww ! ! that is so sweet ! >w<b
it finally happened for her ! i'm happy for them~
and cheesiesan you did such a good job helping them !
i'll be reading your blog from now onwards! ( i stumbled upon it through twitter 🙂 )
thank you!!! come back again!
aww~ so sweet!! and you are a great friend to xiaxue!!! maybe your acting is good lo coz she didn’t suspect anything also!! xD a trip that worth all your bling bling and cakes and flowers on your camera right? 😉
hahahah yea that’s a total bonus!!! xiaxue is good instructor lol
Honestly, your job is hard because Xiaxue’s really smart. She can smell a rat and be suspicious if you keep asking her to look at the ads! Haha!
Good jobbie
hahha but that time oredi dont care. was gonna happen soon anyway!
I nearly cried when Mike proposed to Xiaxue. It was really sweet! 🙂
me too. i didnt know i could get so emo at someone else’s proposal lol
Maybe because you got jealous, like I did. I don’t care, I’m gonna force my future boyfriend to propose to me in either this way, or something much more romantic. Or else, straight reject. 😛
P/S: You’re really friendly. Usually, bloggers don’t reply to all of the comments they get!
OMG! So Romantic!!!!
YA!!!!!! 😈 😈 😈
Oh My God~ This is so so so soooooo sweet!!!!
I’m crying while watching the video~ 😥
Did Xiaxue cry???
Did you cry???
LOL! This whole proposing process will make one of the very best memory in your whole life. You are one good friend. 😉
She claimed thats he did cry.
But i think her friends cry more than her wtf.
oh i teary eye oni no cry lol.
she damn maintain la. geng!
hahahaha the first words out of Xiaxue’s mouth when she see Mike is “oh my fucking god” hahaha.
Congrats tho to both of them, damn sweet and thoughtful 😀 they make such a happy couple
hahahah damn funny lo
he is!!
so sweet of u, u’re such a wonderful friend. 😥 i’m so touched by ur actions.
NO LA i kepoh only lolol!!!
That was a HARD WORK!!!! Really understand how your situation… you so wonderful!!!! Hope you will find the best LOVE too.. (Soon.. ^_^)
I HOPE TOO!!!!!!!
omg. such a sweet proposal! hahahah the sms between you and hui wen damn funny! and.. i can even feel your kan cheong-ness hahaha
YA LA you know how she’s like la!!!!!!
wasai, luckily you have a strong heart or surely this kinda kan cheong situation will trigger a heart attack. and i think its quite hard on your part, to think up excuses and all, and i think you’re quite smart to “lure” her with certain lines.
anyway, congrats on successfully doing your part. i’m sure xiaxue will most definitely remember you for the rest of her married life ^__^
hahahah no lo i think i damn fail
I think it’s a cool plan anyways, although I know being the person conspiring something damn ‘fan’. Need to think so many thinks not to make the wrong move. Overall a good job also what. Hahaha!
no lo very fun actually lol i wanna do again!!!
i have been waiting for the video! And luckily it didnt disappoint me.. awwwwwww so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!! I replayed it for like.. 3 times? I like where Mike suddenly appeared on the commercial and Xiaxue couldnt control her emotions.. just too fairytale-like.. SO SWEET!!!
sob sob. 😥 😥 😥
awwww so sweet <3<3<3
mike is so cute and xiaxue is very xingfu 😈
they are ^^ i could tell
What a fucking SPG!
And i too am married to an angmoh, but she with her fake blonde hair, super short shorts, and inability to speak English coherently – that just SPELLS out S-P-G!
HA! I wonder if this marriage will last?!
Have to agree with ya, Wait till he gets back to the States and find his income cant support her..and she finds out he’s just a regular JoeBlow LOL
who cares you married angmoh or angkukueh, so pathetic you have to pollute this sweet post with such filth :dunno:
they are just jealous!!
What makes you think YOURS will?
What’s with the 2 stupid bashing! 🙁 👿
stupid people
that is sooo.. romantic!!! 😀
you’re such a wonderful friend for xiaxue! congratz for both of them! 😈
haha i said i kepoh only la. maybe i can make Marriage Proposal Distracter a career
kudos to you for being the distractor! heh
haha yea. everyoen should hire me as a Distractor lolol
touching right 😥 😥 😥
Oh….sweet ^^ 😉
so did Mike rent the whole cinema ??
or just before the movie starts, he proposed Xia Xue ?
ya NuffnangSG was involved in planning too
wow! that’s cool ~
so when Xia Xue & Mike decide to marry ??
Great Job on planning the proposal
Babe… Mike is so sweeetttttttttttttt and you are such a good friend. For all the love-hate relationship I have with Xiaxue’s blog, I truly wish her all the best and happiness, this is soooo sweet! I wish them both well together and more bling blings in their lives.
haha love-hate r/ship?
Everyday I love her blog, and on some days when she goes on extreme bashing, it’s hate-relationship. 😛 But at the end of the day I still return to her blog so what to do. I sincerely wish her a happy journey. What a sweet proposal. *meltz*
This is sooooo sweet..first time leaving a comment in your blog.
Your post are very exciting and nice 😀 😈
thanks for commenting 🙂 🙂
congrats! im so happy that i teared after watching the video. it is a dream come true for wendy ! congrats congrats congrats!
haha a lot of ppl cried 😛
This is so romantic and touching. And you are such a good friend. Oh, how I wish this would happen to me as well. fools can dream 😥
ok come i dream together with u
This is really funny, a summon before her engagement? It’s something like “there will be a rainbow after a heavy rain” LOL. I bet the officer is feeling guilty right now for giving her a ticket previously. hahaha anyway cheesie, great post, really nice effort! 😈 😈 😈 😆
haha ya hope the officer reads it lolol
you’re such a good friend! I can imagine how panic and excited you are throughout the whole plan! Great Job! Congrats to wendy!
😆 😆 😆
you zhng’ed your phone too?
i did but it is HORRIBLE lol
Gwai lo can be so romantic one ar? Or is the whole thing planned by Boss Ming?
i dunno who is the mastermind!
Aww. I’m so happy for her! 🙂
😀 😀 😀
Awhhh So romantis and CUTEEEE Goshhhhh =)
yea made everyone emo sob
not easy on you to have to follow all the instructions via sms and remain calm, kudos! 😈
love your blog always!! 😉
thank you ^^
Touched. Drop asians, change to ang moh. LOL. Well, she deserved it.. she got some way to capture a man heart, regardless ang mohs or asians. She’s a doll!
after spending 3 whole days with her i think she’s a great gf!
sweet but erm….i want my proposal to be even more geng!fireworks helicopter bungee jump things like that haha 😀 😛 super pressure on the bf!:PP
wtf cool flag!!! i didn’t know macao got a diff flag!!!!!
hahaha i didnt noe too!!:P
sorry to intrude but MY FLAG!!!!
you wait. YOU JUST WAIT!!!!!!!! T______T
though i don know xx personally but i feel so happy for them!!!!!! 😉
Why your video sound so muffled? But lolol can hear you move around a lot hahaha
ohhhhhhhhh soooo sweeett
u did a great job cheesie 😀
anyway congrats to both of themmm 🙄
Ah, nothing happier than to make the one you love happy. Brings a tear to the eye, it does.
Best wishes to Wendy and Mike… though I suspect that the ‘ever-after’ may require more effort and dedication than the proposal itself… Come to think of it, a number of friends with flashy proposals are now divorced, whereas the ones with boring proposals are still happily married… strange, but my friends are weird. So am I, I guess.
Good job as ‘Distracter’, Ms Cheesie. And good post.
hopefully this might be different since I dont think the whole thing was something he did but ” engineered” In the papers, it said he was shy, she had picked the ring… er.. how can one then be surprised at the proposal. But Mike looked pretty uncomfortable though.
Hello Cheesie! No wonder i kept hearing you guys talking ( wendy talk so loudly ) and your reply was like “err, umm, ehh” in the theatre! Like some panicking tone!
Anyway , there’s a strong flash beam from the video camera gave away the whole scene! I swear I suspected something fishy going on when it was flashed! hahaha!!!
P/s: I’m the guy with green cap sitting just right in front of Wendy, the row infront of you guys!!! 😀 Muhaha!
😉 So sweeeeeet! Gosh, I hope my future hubby will propose to me like this too 😀
See, told you..this year is either the year of getting engaged/married or the year of having children!! Oso ah..I didn’t think Leng Yein’s would be toppped but this does 🙂
thats so sweet~~ but where’s the background music???
This is soo good~ =]
i want to view wendy’s blog~whats her blog?
xiaxue.blogspot.com 🙂
Tough job indeed! but you did a great job! 🙂 Xiaxue is so lucky to have such a great friend like you!! 🙂
first time see Wendy so paisehhh.. haha.. 😀
Bravo! ! ! You were truly are great friend to Wendy! The video is terrific and you captured Wendy and Mike in a very special once in a lifetime moment.
Wendy is uncharacteristically quiet and shy! So sweet and adorable.
You are so lucky to have been there!
Thank you for sharing!
awww, hahaha i think she was so embarassed hahaha it look so fun 🙂 I am so glad for them and your SO COMPLICATED!!!!! part in it hahahaha
hello, ms. cheesie, i discovered your blog through all the tweeting about the proposal…just had to comment that you deserve all kinds of good things for helping get things right. certainly must have felt like you needed triple-A insurance plan, i had all sorts of palpitations just *reading* this post.
Awww.. such a romantic proposal will never happen on me ..lol
OMG you are such a wonderful friend!!! i would’ve messed it up for sure.
good job! 😈
Congratst to Wendy & Mike!! that was really sweet
Lol @ the guy in the blue shirt when he went to hug XX then he turned to Mike, paused, looked, and walked away.
F.Y.I the cineplex/cinema you’re in is called “The Cathay” lol and btw, MIKE is so courageous to say that “quote” infront of everyone else ! ahh so SWEET!
i also want!!!XDhahaha
she’s lucky
yaay! finally!! such a sweet proposal! dammit, I wished my proposal was recorded down too 🙁
Great post. I can imagine the sweat, the excitement and the fear that you’re gonna ruin everything had it not gone the planned way …..
Amidst the flurry of SMS, you did quite fine.
wtf even i’m watching the proposal video without sound also can get teary eyes. really very de romantic. kekeke.
i’m sniffing silently cos i don’t wana wake my friends up.
you did a good job cheesie hehe:)
so many photographers, camera man, lighting etc sumore.
my dream proposal would be, seconds before me and my man do bungee jump, he would propose to me and we’ll be on top of the world together and jump off the cliff together. crazy right? but don’t think got photographer would like to do stewpid stuffs with us. plus timing and all will be difficult also.
cheesie! you are wondergirl!!!! If me I die panic and screw things up liao XD
how did you manage to film this without her getting suspicious?? o_O
but but but she hasn’t updated ANYTHING yet on her blog… 😥 😥 😥
anyway warao so sweet of u to go through the motions and all… imma hv 2 wait til imma get home to watch d vid cos toopid opis network dun allow youtube streaming again… n aso XX’s blog is blocked from day 1… no idea why that is… (so is sixth seal’s n KY’s)… 🙁 🙁 🙁
So sweet 😈
Aww props to you! And this entry is too funny 😀 I am still waiting for XX’s update.. SO excited. The video made me teary eyed 😀 Good job!
Good job Cheesie ! been reading your blog and xiaxue’s one for a while, both very entertaining. I hope you will gave your own proposal soon 😉
😉 But how come you were allowed to film in the cinema?
😈 so romantic………… i just can dream for that ^^
mike’s proposal is really romantic & it works b’cuz of u & others’ support, etc. Tough for u all but it pays off well! =D
Thanks for sharing the video…it was really lovely. =D
So sweet! 🙂