Today i was thinking, my life is kind of at a very pleasant balance right now. Except now that i started a new job, i wish i have more time to do something i used to take for granted but now is what seems like a luxury to me. Like spending hours reading a book at the speed of a retarded tortoise, or watch a funny drama series. Or sit down to blog properly. Like nao.
Then i started to think if there’s anything that i regret doing, or not doing in my life. And then i realized, that the best quality (if it is counted as one at all. i always feel slightly ashamed whenever i run a self-reflection upon all my recent doings. I think that i am below the average of “human niceness”. Being mean and jealous and self-centered and all. Just completely fail to qualify moral excellence.) of me is that i hardly ever look back and feel regretful of the actions i have taken or the decisions i have made. I just make them and no matter what the outcome is, good or bad, i just move on. read more