The buildings here are really fat huh.
Of all the words fat is probably not the word i will choose to describe a building.
We’re in the middle of this metropolitan city entrapped in all these fat architecture around us…
You are completely making a lot of sense.
Ya, don’t let me do this shit.
So like, this shit is supposed to amplify whatever you feel 10 times right? So say this chocolate tasted buono. So now it is buono, buono, buono, BUONO,  BUONO, BUONO, BUONO, BUONO, BUONO, BUONO, right? What if i have an itch? Will it become ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY soon? because if it will then i’m fucked.
Itch? Why are you talking about an itch? You are not supposed to even realized that there’s an itch.
Dude, i have a CHAMPAGNE-ALLERGIC PINKY. I’ve gotta take care of it.
Who the hell talk about itch! Hello how is your itch? What color is it? Oh mine is blue color!
What?? Your itch is blue color???
Ya! What color is yours?
Pink. Duh. Are you feeling left out because you don’t have an itch? Do you want me to introduce my itch to you?
Hi itch how are you? Have you met my itch?
WTF? So now you’re introducing my itch to YOUR itch.
Ya and then soon these two itches will run away together.
Ya and get married and have kids. And their kids are called Itchi and Itcho. Wait… itchi?
And then live in these really fat buildings.
Dude, why do you keep talking about buildings?
Because we’re in the middle of this metropolitan city entrapped in all these…
Wtf why do you keep repeating the things you say?
i’m not repeating the things i say.
No seriously, why do you keep repeating the things you say?
i’m just saying all these buildings are…
No seriously, why do you keep repeating the things you say?
No seriously, why do you keep repeating the things you say?
i’m not repeating the things i say.
Do you think this will still be funny tomorrow?
Maybe just a bit less funny.
Fuck. My pinky is really itchy now.

PS: Just to clarify, whatever the shit was, it was completely healthy and safe for children. And dear children, this is what happens when you have too much of Vitagen and hot dogs and pizza. Yeap.

PS2: No not really. I just made that all up.
