So maybe there’s a fine line between busy and lazy.

If the imaginary measuring tape isn’t so far away i might actually bother to evaluate how fine the line is.

This is a sort of, kind of, not really blog post due to the fact that i’m preoccupied with stretching my mental arm to reach that imaginary measurement tape.

Recycled Useless Fashion Of The I Dunno, Maybe Week? I Lost count.


WC THE CHILDREN top from minimaos.


Cape dress from Azorias.


Some autumny preppy look wtf. #delusional


WC I’m Poor But Good Looking (#TrueStory) top from minimaos.

Graffiti denim shorts from Lololook.


Kitty Aimi bag and shoes both from minimaos.


Snidel Maxi Romper and Liz Lisa Kago bag from minimaos.

Liz Lisa Maxi Romper + Kitty Kago from minimaos too.

Also, minimaos is having a 1 Year Anniversary Giveaway! They are giving 3 pairs of Super Kawaii Bow Jeans on my FB page. GO GET!!




Nao something unusual for a change to my Useless Fashion!!!

I have a guest!


Best fashion of the week wtf.


With my most loved #addiction.

We shot a retarded video in  my house the other day.

This is an exclusive preview of a fraction of said retardation.



If you have trouble sleeping tonight it is not my fault.

