As a frequent traveler, the most important thing you must invest in is a piece of trusty luggage!
But I am often faced with this dilemma – if the luggage is cute, it breaks by the next trip. While if it’s of superb quality, the design is often so unappealing I don’t even want to be seen with them (think: Black boring looking luggage)!
I have always sacrificed quality and functionality for style. So I don’t remember how many new luggages I have changed because of broken wheels or damaged handle during transit. Normally the parts break and disappear altogether, so fixing is not even an option!
Until i met American Tourister Prismo.
My new and favorite luggage cases. EVER. I got a Spinner 75 (biggest) and a Spinner 65 (medium) both in magenta (it’s actually more of a hot pink color), which matches my handbag and purse. So you know how much i love this color.
The biggest Spinner 75 is actually a lot smaller than my previous baby pink luggage, and I had to use it for my 3 weeks stay in Japan. So initially I was a little worried about the capacity.
However to my surprise, it fits in just as many things as compared to my bigger luggage case! You know why? I didn’t like fabric luggage cases so previously I got myself a hard case thinking it looks stylish and will last a million years.
And guess what? I could hardly close the case when it gets too full because the hard material is not flexible at all. So in the end I just have to bring fewer things.
But the Prismo is different! Its sleek, glossy hard case is sturdy and yet incredibly flexible at the same time. I have no idea what magic material they use but I think I just found my perfect travel companion.
My stuff for Japan trip! The color matches my birthday balloon!
Since i have new beautiful luggage cases i actually dressed up to take some fashion shots VIVI style HAHAHA you know how Lena always pose against backgrounds liddis hahahah :X
Everything looks so festive and colorful! It’s really hard not to get carried away with such holiday mood <3
Also, you might have the impression that a hard case luggage is usually much heavier than a soft case luggage. This is why I always ended up having to pay a lot for excessive luggage when I was using my previous one.
Seriously I’m in love!
I have never owned a branded luggage before and didn’t even bother checking them out because I always thought they are RM1000 and above. Also because of the perception their designs usually boring looking lol
I was seriously like when I heard about the price.
The range starts from RM390 to only RM590 for the biggest one. (EH HELLO my brandless luggage also cost me RM500! Summore that was after 60% discount!!!)
Best travel investment ever.
And you know what else??
I love the color sooo much i decided to bling my medium-size Prismo.
Don’t play play when I posted this picture on my instagram, it received more than 1000 likes ok!! There are also comments that it looks like a giant lollipop lol.
Added my HK Travel tag. My birthday present from Qiu Qiu lol. So much love!!!!!
This is at KLIA when they weighed my luggage. My normal luggage case would have been around 20KG.
See I no bluff you!!
Everybody asks me to travel light but for a compulsive fashion freak like me it is simply impossible! I never really thought that the solution is as simple as getting a lightweight case!!!
This is my new baby just arrived in Tokyo with me, looking fresh and gorgeous.
It’s also available in other yummilicious colors like Purple, Orange, Green, Blue and Gunmetal! Go get your hard candy Prismo with American Tourister!!
I know many of you wish that you could be in Japan right now!! Well, American Tourister wants you to TAKE ON THE WORLD!
Simply spend a minimum amount of RM300 on American Tourister products from now till 31st May and you will stand a chance to win the dream vacation for 2 to PARIS, TOKYO or SHANGHAI!
Don’t forget to join their Facebook Page for more info and promotions!
OMG!!! Your luggage are tooo cuteee!!!!
The HK tag is so cute:) I will so buy one if I see it. Right now I’m traveling with a black suit case (boring) but I use it since it’s smaller than my pink one. The difficult thing is that it’s so hard to spot since -everybody- has black suitcases. With a Hello Kitty tag it would be easier too see 😀
This suitcase is so cute and bright, I love it. I’m in need of a new suitcase before I go Taiwan, I hope the durability of this one is good. 😉
You look beautiful as always. ^^
Oh. I’ve been using American Tourister luggage since last year. Sturdy yet lightweight. I love the four wheels design so I can push instead of pulling the luggage. Here’s <a href=""mine.
Ringo, may I know roughly how many kgs of stuff can I fit into the biggest & medium luggage?
Waahh, the cabochons are so cute!(*´▽`*)
May I know where you get them from ? O(≧∇≦)O
Waaah! i want one!!
That is going on my “What I Want”-list ^w^
oh my gosh beautiful colour and very cute! makes packing a little bit more fun!
nice! i want to straight away buy it! omggg
I love the picture n°6 !!!
omgish that’s so cute! I’m super jealous! & super want those luggages!!!! I used to travel a lot but not currently~ so maybe I don’t really need that. but I still so freaking want one! & u blinged it so cute! haha I love mickey so I thought it’s adorable!
xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo
“I was seriously like when I heard about the price.”
Cheesie did you forget to insert an emoticon hahahaha
good idea to personalize your luggage..#12 so much easier when you arrive at the baggage claim 😆
This lugggage ads is everywhere in Singapore, fall in love for it at first sight!>.<
That luggage is gorgeous and useful!!! The vibrant colour makes it easier to spot-on immediately… Good and trustable luggage to invest in… I love that hello kitty luggage tag, so kawaii 🙂 Enjoy your trip in Japan!!!
Love at first sight!!!
I wannntttttttttttt
Definitely put it in my wish list 😉
Dear Ringo, enjoy your trip!
Any idea Singapore got this promotion? I love your pink American Tourister luggage!
the HK tag is really cute!!
i have exactly the same bag in picture 4!
you know, I got the baby pink one. But it seems the australian airport loves to bash it around alot. after just 2 trips, there’s deep scratches everywhere 🙁
I just bought a new travel case wtf D8 …next time.
Just saw the ad in the magazine like …few minutes ago 😆 . You look sexy in the dress and I am curious how it looks like from the back :p
I have this luggage too!!
in singapore it’s sold for about 200sgd i think.
hi! from where is the supercute strawberry print dress?
Where do you get the bling thing? Love it so much.. wanted to get one for myself too.. 😉
This brand and Samsonite are the only ones worth buying IMHO – actual good shit.
that luggage is too cute!!!! i totally want a set for myself!
and i totally want to steal that dress from you!!! where is it from….more like, can i get it in the US? 🙂
Hi Cheesie,
love your blog, it’s so pretty and everything 😉 I really enjoy reading your post especially those about Japan! It makes me fall in love in Japan more!
I really want to go to Japan someday! Hope that day will arrive soon!
Btw, I have some vintage stamp sticker and fabric print sticker at my blogshop. Thought you might be interested 😉
Enjoy your days in Japan!
Very cute luggage bag. I like your pink Bag! where did you get it from?
i would not want to travel with a narsty looking case either!
That set matches you well, especially with the Hello Kitty..