I finally understand why nails are called nails. Because just like nails, they can get rusty.
Rusty nails!
My gouda. I don’t know why they could become like this! It’s the ugliest thing i’ve ever seen. Maybe the nail paint covered the enamel for too long it couldn’t breathe?
I know right, i freaked out also but please don’t lecture me and tell me not to torture my nails anymore with poisonous chemical in the name of vanity. Please lo! You guys also contaminate your lungs with tobacco and your liver with alcohol, you dare talk to me about nails?!?!? Nail painting is also an addiction like smoking and drinking. At least i can do something about my rusty nails. What are you gonna do with your blackened lungs? Huh huh huh? read more
Reading time: 1 min