For centuries I was in a long deep sleep
Like a sleeping princess waiting for the kissOne day I awoke in a castle somehow
And everyone greeted me with a smile
“You are born again,” they say
Indeed, I could now see and smell the bouquet
Like a princess, my bed was linen and silk
And my bath in fragrant flowers and milk
Combs of crystals and rubies caress my hair
As flakes of diamond adorn my dress
My nails are painted dainty and rosy
Waiting to serve me are four-cheese pasta and caviar
Amidst the ballroom and the fresh garden of roses
Where walked the noble men of all poses
I don’t care if the world is on fire
In the bed of roses surrounded eternal warm weather
The oyster lay gently in my outstretched palm
And yet was empty from my silent room to the courtyard’s calm
Someone is waiting outside long ago
I was told
So hastily I walked down the aisle
And from far I can see the campfire
I remember someone once told me in a dream
When someone camping outside your castle you see
You will know it’s me
For years I longed to go beyond
Pass the marble walls and yonder on
For the bright burning fire that burned on the campfire’s log
Which the heat I felt and the warmth I longed
Closing my eyes as the night rolled in white mist
I slumbered back gently into the abyss
For centuries I was in a long deep sleep
Like a sleeping princess waiting for the kiss
One day I awoke in the dark
When I look upon there was no roof but the stars
i try to reach out but they are way too far
Disillusioned, i am now
Then I realized I’m the camper myself
Please bear with my shabbily done poem, as this is my first ever time going poetic. I don’t know why but nothing seems to describe what i feel now other than this poem.
P/S: A token of appreciation to Arthurus who helped me complete this poem. I wouldn’t have had the guts to post this crap here if it wasn’t some of your guidlines. Cheese you very much.
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