Another London inspired trip brought to you by Cheesie! This time a little heavy on the adult side, but something you don’t see everyday 😉 Do remember to vote for Cheesie in the Malaysian Dreamgirl Reality Series, which you can check out here. Just SMS “DREAM 11” to 33001 (RM1 per vote) and help publicise (if you want la :D) in your blog… just link back!

Warning: Children go away.

Misha pie, can you please hit the red X button and go visit instead. Come back tomorrow and we’ll talk about Paddington Bears. 🙂


This is so sexciting! More so than the Edison Chen scandal.

I went to the the world’s first “sex theme park” in London!!!


It’s called the Amora SEXPO (pun intended :D)! It has nine separate rooms dealing with separate sexual areas/themes, including Sexplorium where tons of toys *ahem* are available, Aphrodisiac Lounge, Fantasy and Fetish *ahem ahem*, and Amorgasm *ahem ahem ahem*.

Genitals and breasts in all kinds of shapes.

Hahahaha some shapes really funny wei!!! Can you identify yours? 😀

Haha, she got turned on by me!!! 😀

Feel it yourself. At no cost. Damn shiok!

You also actually get to erm.. *ahem*

The Orgasm Tunnel. You get to see videos of random people sexperiencing an orgasm. I think those are the volunteers who willingly masturbate in front of the video cam. Really damn pui fok all these people. They can actually orgasm on camera. More sexpert than porn stars no?

Woohoo! Kinky!

Haha you think only girls are up for a spank is it!

An erotic book by Agent Provocateur. Ok I look really really, erm… naughty.

Here’s a huge spacious room with fluffy pillows lying around the floor. Hmm i wonder what is the room for!

The aphrodisiac food chart.

I actually really doubt the scientific reasons behind it. It’s like saying eating walnuts are good for your brains because yi ying bou ying (dunno how to explain! Basically it’s nutritious because it looks the the actual thing, wtf?)

Banana is good because it’s phallic looking? (So is brinjal, cucumber, carrot, okra, peanut and erm… twsities? Lolol).

Oyster!!! Because they say the pungent smell is akin that of a… ?!

Asparagus Tips! Another phallic looking veg. But come on! Who wants their penis to look like an asparagus stick!

Truffle! Omg. I love atas food but I actually think truffle tastes funny! Guess what? It says that truffle has an odor similar to pheromone (whatever that is) given off by male pig. WTF?!?!? So all these while I’ve been savoring pigs pheromone (seriously, whatever that is, yucks!) in my pastas!

Honey? Hi, Honey, you want some?

Caviar! WHY ARE ALL THE APHRODISIAC FOOD SO SEXPENSIVE!!! You mean, only rich people have the privilege enjoy orgasms is it?!? But sex is supposed to be the cheapest entertainment in the world! (Else why you think poor countries have such big populations!)

Pomegranate. “The Karma Sutra advises lovers to split a pomegranate in two and share it before sex to increase and boost fertility”.

Chocolate. Clichéd.

Strawberry!!! They call it the nipples of love. Hahaha. I never knew strawbies are aphrodisiac. Just the sight of it makes me happy. I think i’m really a nipple person. -_-

Champagne! The only reason I think it is sexy is because it makes you tipsy. Reeeeeeeeal fast.

OMG. Look what I’ve been eating.

What the cheese.


Is that why I have been feeling…. horny?!? O.o

Oh and, Durian? Aphrodisiac? Really? Are you sure? Are you very very sure?!? *burps*

Ok i’m predicting by this period of time i should be feeling ultra miserable in Malaysian dream girl. Yay.

Written 28/02/2008, 10:00PM
She definitely didn’t predict she could write up one small but special post for you 🙂 Lets support her, your very own gorgeous Dreamgirl 😀 (banner request still up, anybody wanna help design a “Vote for Cheesie” thingie?
