from the previous shoot.
Of course the first batch is still nicer. These are the leftover-still-can-eat-but-not-so-steam-anymore pictures.
Did an awesome shoot yesterday, posting soon!
“these are the leftover-still-can-eat-but-not-so-steam-anymore pictures” – oh my, ha ha.
🙂 still looks good
The complexion berry berry nice lorrrr…chun la although these are only leftovers
still looks nice & pretty lagi.. 😉
jiejie looks so pretty 🙂
3rd pix still looks great… ^^
did you fart on the #3 and darken the wall?
i reli like ur mouth liddat.esp in 3rd pic.
oh my.
Nice shot!
woohoo.. nice nice nice 😀
i super like the first one!!!!
SO sexy+elegant!!!!!!!!
plus, your skin colour is perfect!!!
look so copper-ish beige~
nice lah!!!!!!!!!!
shiny too (*_*)
wao… nice sexy curves!
ahhh the 3rd pic is my fav. Very pretty xD
hey. the 3rd pic is gorgeous leh.
LOL~ still as steam as it can be~!!
Super gorgeous! 🙂
those are still great shots leh…. 🙂
*runs to toilet*
you looked a bit chubby in picture 3
yeah. 3rd pic looks great. Almost like an album cover for some artist.
Still steam kok.. Don’t worry 😀
Omg cheesie you are so freaking hot
you very pretty!!!
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“these are the leftover-still-can-eat-but-not-so-steam-anymore pictures” – oh my, ha ha.
🙂 still looks good
The complexion berry berry nice lorrrr…chun la although these are only leftovers
still looks nice & pretty lagi.. 😉
jiejie looks so pretty 🙂
3rd pix still looks great… ^^
did you fart on the #3 and darken the wall?
i reli like ur mouth liddat.esp in 3rd pic.
oh my.
Nice shot!
nice nice nice 😀
i super like the first one!!!!
SO sexy+elegant!!!!!!!!
plus, your skin colour is perfect!!!
look so copper-ish beige~
nice lah!!!!!!!!!!
shiny too (*_*)
wao… nice sexy curves!
ahhh the 3rd pic is my fav. Very pretty xD
hey. the 3rd pic is gorgeous leh.
LOL~ still as steam as it can be~!!
Super gorgeous! 🙂
those are still great shots leh…. 🙂
*runs to toilet*
you looked a bit chubby in picture 3
yeah. 3rd pic looks great. Almost like an album cover for some artist.
Still steam kok.. Don’t worry 😀
Omg cheesie you are so freaking hot
you very pretty!!!