“If you’re awarded with RM15,000 CASH, how would you use it to fulfill your dream?”
My dream! Okay this is easy. I was just talking about it to a friend of mine. I love to talk about my dreams. I can go on and on and on.
First of all, i’m gonna book air tickets to Osaka (!), then Hokkaido, London (again), then London to Amsterdam, Mauritius, Sydney then Sydney to Brisbane, Seoul (again), Taipei (again and again and again and again)… then travel to all these places before i go back home and get my apartment done up really swell, and maybe look for a landed property that has a fountain and a garden the size of a zoo, because i am gonna keep 10 dogs. I want 2 Golden Retrievers, 3 Maltese (2f 1m) to play with Cheddie (and the male one can mate with her), 1 milo color Poodle, 1 Papillon, 1 Pommie (white fur, very rare!), 2 Huskies with eyes the color of a clear blue sky, and an Afghan Hound if i manage to get one. When my mansion (God i’m loving the sound of it) is done, i’m gonna move in with my 10 12 dogs, and rent my apartment out and start looking for a cottage house in some countries far away so i that can run away anytime i want. read more