This is me in his eyes.
dont worry i will put my kneepads on
walk around with you at your level
and i have LONG ARMS
so can get good ‘downward angle’
—Oliver Denton, 200cm.
Cheesie: How did you grow so tall? You eat like a hamster.
Oli: *shrug*
Cheesie: How tall are your parents?
Oli: Not tall at all. My mom’s about your height, and my dad’s slightly taller than her.
Cheesie: O.o
Oli: *whisper* Shhhh. It’s the post man.
His head is never in the picture.
The door has a DENT-ON (Omg i’m so punny) it due to constant cranial collisions.
He cannot go underground shopping because he… cannot pass through the malls.
But. One day, he met someone. Someone who made him feel atrociously little… puny… insignificant…
Poor Oli.
I can imagine 4″9 and him standing together wtf.
hahahha. The statue’s height fake one is it. Yao Ming?
HAHahahah we can do that with gareth with similar effect!
Lynn: real size. It’s in Madam Tussaud.
Oh so tall!! But then…Yao Ming must be…around 2.3m?!
Haha, I rmber when 4″9 stood beside our schoolmate of 192 .. classic!
hahaha.. Yao Ming is taller! 😛
haha..t’s a genetic thing that short parents will have tall children and tall parents have short children. so no need for the postman theory lol
*LOL* the pic of Oli cannot pass tru malls very funny 😀
Cheesy, if I were you the one shopping with him, guess I will laugh all the way seeing Oli bang his head on those stuffs shorter than him…
Hey!! I tot of something. maybe Yao Ming is wearing the padded sports shoes. Very popular in China. They make you 5-10 cm taller !! 😀
omg ! Oli is so tall !!!
meeting taller ppl than i gives me the creeps. hahaha…coz i am used to being the tall one, so, feels a little uncomfortable sometimes. hahahaha
You and Oli is a pair? Keke
I’m convinced that actually they’ve put the doors at 5″6′ to make the locals feel taller…Damn inconvenient if you ask me! For the record Yao Ming is 2.29m (7″6′) and he does make me feel like the midget from Austin Powers :”(
Doors at 5’6″? Means even I’d have trouble walking under them then O_o
Oli, you feel like this?:
emmm… Do a brain CT scan… see got pituitary tumour or not :p Acromegaly…
Used to feel that way back in Malaysia. Now everywhere I go I don’t have to lower my head or sometimes look upwards…now I know how others feel. snif sniff*
Wow.. He is really tall. And all the photos are really funny.
Wow! who is that girl looking back at me?
Look at the picture with the underground shopping. For a moment I thought Oli there was wearing a “” t-shirt.
Gosh, he’s talll.. *jealous*
the last pic of oli pouting is really funny…as well as your pun, ‘dent-on’! haha!
Asian power yo!
hahas! he should join the basketball team with yao ming wadd .
why he don’t wann join ahh?
May Zhee, asian power still havent previal. You left out the American Robert Pershing Wadlow. Now, if he is still alive, that will male Oli real insignificant. So no asian power for you 🙁
Ringo, nice post btw. Something like a story line. Funny!!!
oopps wrong spelling *make* i mean
wow.. cheesie that means u are slightly more than half of yao ming’s height. scary!
your eye-liner liner veli nais, u looked a bit like aud in the 2nd picture, i like the way u place your website on Oli’s t-shirt it looks so real!, Oli reli veli tall can c the uncle’s amazed face!!! hahaha… =P
i duno y ppl read u. seriously. retard.
thousands of daily visitors are all retard…lol, you the only 1 is genius! btw y r u here?
OMG, this might be a little late to post but my best friend and me together is like you and Oli together. But after a while, I don’t feel short when I’m with him because I’m so used to it. Although, when he hugs me and have to bend down like crazy, it shows!
I’m glad I am not the only one that hangs around tall men. Hehe.
haha!! show show pic!
I’ll email it to you! 🙂