I just heard from the organizer that her concert has been postponed after the ‘events’ of the last week.
The concert is not cancelled, so ticket buyers, please hold on to your tickets and wait for future announcement regarding the replacement date.
Hope you’re not too browned off by it.
eh eh eh eh….
not “ela ela ela” meh?
cuz i cant sing like her…
xD lol!
“Hope you’re not too browned off by it.” … pun intended? =D
Brown bites Riri. How sick can that be. It’s cannibalism all over again and this time stamped with the name BROWN. Shame, shame
“pun”ch intended.
ultimate pun!!!!! XD~
Hahahahah nice pun.
i hope she is beaten badly…
w0men deserve it!
i hope you are joking cuz that is sexist.
Tsk. So your mom also deserves to get beaten la?
if u’re someone that i know,i will surely beat u for making that statement and everyone else would actually agree with my action and support me
Nice songs so wat?A woman beater,shame on him.
Oh well, too bad Chris owns an umbrella and knows how to use it. :S
Greetings from Australia!
Yeah, I know it’s getting old. :p
Hmm… Whose fault is it anyway?
Just read in newspaper !!
Indonesia’s has been rescheduled too.. *whoops*