i had to upgrade my luggage to 25KG. Paid RM85 for it. Blooody hell.

Shopaholic advice: you can upgrade your luggage size online. Don’t do it at the airport. They charge £ one. At least twice the price.

Busy downloading Capsule’s song. I have 114 now in my collection. Also downloaded MEG, Perfume and Suzuki Ami. All electro + picopop, very very bleepy, game-like, dreamy and… i hate to say this but, perfectly shroomy. :/

Check out Capsule’s songs. Apparently Keju is now more addicted to it than i am, he downloaded their entire collection. Meg’s song is hardly nice, and hate Suzuki Ami’s voice. Her style changed so much. I dunno! What’s with all these damn sweet jelak gila baby voice! Sometimes i can’t tell Perfume and Capsule apart because they are from the same producer and they sound waaaaaay similar, but all three Perfume members look fugly. Mostest fugliest Japanese girls i have ever seen. Ew.

Capsule’s the best. Check out their vids on youtube if you like. One thing though, you can never sing their songs. Lyrics are more often than not non-existent. My current favorite song now is Longe Designers Killer. Youtube Vid here. Very funny one. 🙂

Some of the fat zebra pictures.

Almost all packed.

Urgh. Another 14 hours back home. Sien.

Bye and hi all!

<3 from London
