When i was in high school, if someone annoy you or piss you off, we normally say things like “go plant potato la you!” (lei hui zhong fan shu la!). And the annoyer or pisser would normally get the hint and bugger off.
But today, i decided to, dip my own hands in the soil and, plant potatoes for myself.
I decided it is the best career for me. I’m more than willing to start from a humble potato peeler and slowly climb my way up to a… Potato King or whatever.
Oh. it is called the #1 Mister Potato. That’s what the game is called. And you guys better pay close attention to this post because it contains vital information to help you win the game. *wink wink*
Pick potatoes that are 100% quality imported potatoes from the best, and healthiest Atlantic, Dakota Pearl and Hermes Potatoes.
The whole game is kinda like a mix of Farmville + Cooking Mama + Wario Ware. There are 8 different stages you will have to go through. I’m sure hardcore Facebook gamers like us won’t have any problem winning!

My fav is, of course, slicing the potatoes. After months of Cooking Mama practice, peeling eggs and apples and whatnot, this is really as easy as, erm, potato. Having said that, the timing is strict, and you ensure the quality, every chip has to be tasty, crunchy and nice…..NO COMPROMISE!

Of course i reached the last stage easily, where you have to upload a photo of yourself dressing up as Mister Potato. Or Miss Potato.
The price is a total of RM10,000 and on the 19 Dec, there will be a Mister Potato Fiesta 2009 where the best 10 contestants will be pitted against each other for the #1 Mister Potato Contest!
If you’d like to attend this exotic Mexican event, you could blog about the contest. The best 50 written blog posts will win the bloggers a pair of invites each, and The 3 most creative blog posts written (Pictures, music and videos will all help!) will win the following prizes:
- Grand Prize – RM5,000
- 1st Runner Up – RM3,000
- 2nd Runner Up – RM2,000
More info about it HERE.
I shall continue to munch on the chips. The pack size for Potato Crisps is 160g.
And i love to share it with my lovely girlfriends.
Oh by the way, our favorite flavors are Original and Hot & Spicy. It is super duper addictive. I really <3 it. ^^
The price is a total of RM10,000 and on the 19 Dec, there will be a Mister Potato Fiesta 2009 where the best 10 contestants will be pitted against each other to find the grand winner for the #1 Mister Potato Contest!
You la like non-stop advertorials.
lol what to do.
I am wondering whr you get the lace hat 😯
last year perhaps she got it together with a pirate costume! really nice~~ 😀
haha why u so good memory oneeee
3wishes.com!!! 😈
where is the mustache? lol
i eated it.
Nice hat !!! If its in White ,then it will perfect !
lol i was tempted to PS it!
but i never heard of ‘lei hui zhong fan shu’ as an insult before wor… my era everyone blurt out ‘f-you!’ ‘wtf?!’ etc etc.. sigh no manners betulsss.. i like ‘lei hui zhong fan shu’ more, not so direct ma hahaha 👿
wahahaha! nola whr got a lot! younger useless one! i look older than u ok! :blush:
你去种番薯 = go die heehee.
lol best 😈
I see Scruffy……. ‘s owner! 😛
carolyn where r uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
im in Penang babe!! come here! come here!
wtf dowan. we meet in the middle in KL /hmph
Waa…you like normal flavour? I always find that the most bland… My favourite is sour cream and onion…and of course, hot and spicy or barbecue (I am so not picky…lol)