Since the weather was warm i braved myself to wear short dress and tights T_T
I am selling this hat. Who wants?
Harajuku T_T
Because TK hasn’t gotten what he wanted because the dead rockband dude’s shop was closed remember. T_T
His fav shop. What turf why i look so happy one. Cheat One™.
He shopped in some men store so i got bored and started camwhoring -_-.
FML today was his shopping day liddat. WHAT ABOUT ME?????????
(Ok i’m very sure i went to Liz Lisa again but i was still waiting for the new year sale lo. Today is just 30th of Dec, i think.)
This pic is the usual Show Off What I Wear Inside pic again. Cuz my fluffy pink dress so damn cute totally cannot see under 5 degree Celsius weather.
Ayumi Trucks wtf!
Today is Ikebukuro day!
Damn 7 a lot of people can die.
There’s this huge mall in Ikebukuro called the Sunshine City. It’s full of horrible Obasan fashion, but it has got a theme park called the Namja Town and a skyview deck.
Everyone should go to Namja! It’s really fun!
The mascots of Namja, they all have different names if you bother to look at the website.
Basically it is a park infested with cats characters (my host parents would so love them) and erm, ghosts.
Even meals are of cat!!!! T____T
I love it because it is very creepy and ghastly and fun but not scary at all 😀
You change some Namja Currency to play.
Wahahaha we went to this place called the Hell Hotel what the hell.
We are so different can. No matter how scary it is, i am fine, because so far i haven’t been to any haunted mansion that is actually scary enough to make me go omgwtfbbqkfcmamamia.
On the other hand he could go on a super jet coaster and would sulk if i refuse to sit with him FML MAX. I hate jet coaster, or anything to do with speed/height max.
Nao he was begging me not to go into the Hell Hotel HAHAHAH.
BOO lolol
Wa i love this thing.
It is a sink, and inside the sink there’s a mirror. So just like any other girl when i see a mirror i wanna do something to my hair so i stared intently into it and started fixing my oily fringe.
And this is what i saw.
😀 :D:D
So cute!!!!
Ok this is some Izakaya old uncle mincing gyoza or whatever so if you put your hand inside it would be chopped off lol.
Inside Namja town got Ice Cream City!
And they have all kind of ridiculous ice cream flavor you can ever think of!!!
Chicken Wing Ice. Look the chick is like so happy that his arms are about to be chopped off.
Gyutan Ice. FTS. The cow will never look at this smiley—> 😛 the same way ever again:
And so i got Hokkaido Snow Crab Ice Cream, cuz i still feeling nostalgic about Sapporo and all that wtf.
If you ask me how snow crab ice cream tastes like, i will tell you,
it tastes like, snow crab ice cream.
I’m serious.
Whoa chocolate fountain in like, 30 over flavors FTS.
More cat thingies.
Omg did i tell you that they have this Gyoza Town. There are like 2837873 gyoza specialty shops selling 8237873230 kinds of different gyoza what turf!!!!!!
By the time you have decided which of the 8237873230 to order, you are already grumpy and fungry. And while you eat, you will still be wondering what if you have ordered no.33934, or how would no.872014 taste like. FYL.
This is no.1381237. It was yummy.
Then we went up to the Skyview Deck!!!!!
Romantic max.
Sorry the name skipped my mind. I’m sure you will know one.
Night view!!!!!
The whole Tokyo city 😀
Can you spot Tokyo Tower anot!!!!! 😀
Cheat One™ snow.
Tea over the sky of Tokyo. Or the sky of Tokyo over a cup of tea. What turf i’m confused.
Emo Cheat One™
Went back to hotel!
Their pajama so cute one.
Supper is the best potato chips in the whole world.
It is called Jaga Pokkuru.
Allow me to say again. The best potato chips in the whole wide world.
After supper, had to do advertorial summore FML.
#47 “Look where’s my arm?”
Remember these pix? lolol.
its really a great place. darn i should have follow u go~~
ask u go u dowan wtf.
wei since when u still read my blog one.
wow!! DannyOne also reading your blog!
rin super geng!
Hi Danny!! I love your works, songs, acts etc etc!
if you really want to go japan, u have to follow us lar~~
:dunno: the very last pic look like u got ur arm amputated lol.
HAHA yea!!!! Purposely one 😀
that mirror thing is sooo cool! 😆
and i was wondering why your pajamas looked so familiar hahahaha
MAMEE!!!!!! hahhahahahha
WALAO~the hell hotel is so creepy!!! and OMG i want to bring that Luffy home!!! >.<
I had to google wtf is Luffy.
I only know Duffy T____T
commenting! haunted hotel dont look scary. cat city so cute!
haha u also like creepy? 😀
read ! 😀
cheat one! prove!
お疲れ様でした!! I er, got stare kao-kao at every pics yo (Cheat One™)! Hehehe!! =P
lolol. then u oso otukare!
Hell Hotel!! Gyoza Town!! chocolate fountain!! and ice creams!!
gosh~ i wish i’m there. T_______T
u should visit! 😀
you are sooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!
after supper have to do ad! hahaha
happy happy happy we have sooooo many pics!!!!
love the skyview with snowwwwww!!!! hehe
but it’s cheat one snow. real one better 😀
I got read word-by-word! The anime is One Piece LOL. I always go your blog to look for updates but sometimes dont have T.T Damn 7 sad LOL. 😆
ONE PIECE!!!! thankiu thankiu 😀
wei but i oredi update damn 7 often liao leh. T______T
Update moreeeee & moreeeee! Greedy reader from Singapore hehehe. In fact I liked reading your blog for dont know what reasons.
Like damn 7 interesting laa. Your dogs. Your life. EVERYTHING! (Y)
Same! You very beautiful! 🙂 I love cheddie and koyuki!!! SO DAMN CUTE. Cheers!
read too! *love*
<3 back ^^
I didn’t Cheat One (TM) read every single word…what caught my attention was the snow crab flavored ice cream. That sounds delicious. >.<
I knew it would be something up ur street lol
I read and close, then I remembered you say must comment so that you know there’s people reading. So, here I am. I wanna go Japan too!!!! Wait, I must work first, then I’ll make sure I go Japan!! So nais. Many bloggers are on a CNY break so damn happy you took the time to blog. =))
awww. <3
thanks for reading too. join titanplanet's homestay soon ok!
wow super nice gotta see this whole cat thingy!
are you in SH yet 😀
Hey no not yet, I’m still in Germany and it’s way too cold wanna come to SH immediately!!! (will be there from august) 🙂
The advertorial is 4 the Mamee Express one!
awww u remembered <3
Of course. 😉
So wat was in ur room last nite?
i’d rather not talk about it T_T
Yaaaay to photos! <3 The night view is super duber nice can!
And I'm jealous of you, so skinny, i'm so fat after all the CNY food tsk!
lol. i never eat much cuz i got a mch pain mouth ulcer
Why you not scared of haunted house one! I think I’ll scream at the mirror thing, imagine fixing my hair then suddenly my hair become melon head like the ghost. Oh the terror!
because i like!!!!! 😈 😈 😈
You look like as if you did not have enough sleep. Very lifeless like that.. 😡
cuz too lazy to PS!
the very famous anime is One Piece!:) and you were posing with the main lead..Luffy? i think thats his name…ahaha… 😆
The night view is so ommg omggg beautifuuullll!!!! 😈 😈 😀
Just seeing it i can imagine romance in the air…. 🙄
haha Luffy. i only like Duffy lol
cheesie, i love ur lashes! are those extensions or fake lashes?? where did u do it?
cheat one! did in Glitters but it was painful like hell. dont do it there.
happy cny cheesie :> i love your tights! where did u get it!
la senza in edinburgh!
Happy CNY~! (^O^-) The hell hotel mirror scared the crap outta me liao.
You very brave lorr. Not scared one. I see liao I jump lehh.
I see Gyoza!! 私も食べたい!(>x<-)
And i see Dracula (the premium) ice cream. and green tea coloured yakisoba ice cream?
I'm curious what the Dracula one tasted like lehh.
yea, yakisoba wtf.
the dracula,i osodunno what is it made of!
I brought the potato chips thingy 😛
5 boxes!
finished within 1 week, ka ka ka~
erm. not surprising, given it is you. LOLOL
hi!! the mangas is “One piece” and you take a photo with luffy!!the best of pirat 😆 I like this manga a lot
thank you for sharing with us all this beautiful photography of this country, i wanted to go to japan for october or november, i hope I can!!!
yay noprob 🙂
OMG TK LOVES HIDE! I so wanna go to LEMONed shop. =(
omg lol and why my flag is not Malaysia Flag 1
the famous anime character is luffy from one piece 😉 omg the gyoza town! looks good, reading this at 6am with a empty stomach is bad. :@
why u wake so early one!
hahaha because there’s a lizard in my room since 2am, dont dare to sleep 😳 LOL at the flag vs domokun!
I want to eat Snow Crab ice cream. Do they have salmon ice cream?
not in this menu! but i have seen it somewhere else!
Aww I love your dress + boots combo!
I wore something similar at school today but everyone just gave me the :dunno: face ):
why!!!!!!!! whats wrong with it!!!!!!
They jealous. Boots are so fab! Who would hate it??? 😀
wahh no hand, so awesome trick sial! 😛
ya magician max
cheat one! 😛
looks that alot of fun what you had. No idea on the anime character though, as I know read Naruto manga.
haha its One Piece!
Can buy me that one please? Life-sized model put in my room FTW 😈
u ask them la.
u go there again ma. so bad one u.
I’m trying to imagine what the Chicken Wing ice cream tastes like. But however I think, it still sounds weirdly gross >.>
Looking at #20 already gives me the creeps! Why you not scared one -.-
it’s cute ma.
lols..sex sells! pic 23 has a sexy litty cat to sell ice cream 😯
thx again for the yummy bagua! u rock 😈
lololol liddat u also see!!
yay glad u like it! hao bout ur mom?
lols..i may b blur at times but i have a knack for spotting odd things 😛
loved it, tender texture n a little oily just the way i lik it n tasty too! 2 bad i’m back in Kedah now >_<"
ah my mom was really happy n my brothers as well. Although mom ask y not 1 bag per pack of bagua 😳 old ppl ar…lols…
but my niece loved d bag so much she used it 2 fill her angpows^^(yups she's in princess mode
lols…ur picture quality too good adi ^^
my mom n bro’s were quite impressed but my mom being typical old chinese lady say y not 1 bag per pack *slapshandtoforehead*
lols…my lil neice loved d bag so much she brought to temple n kept all her ang pows init ^^ *she’s in d princessie phase*
appologies for the double reply, comp hang when i pressed submit d 1st time n when i on back no comment so i resubmited n now got double…
gomennasai~ 😳
the potato sticks are reaaaaal good, i can finish it within 2 days and regretting it after ‘cos there wasn’t anymore :B
2 days? what 2 days!!!!!!!!! 2 hour is gone liao!!!!!!!
hahahaha picture 41! I didn’t realize the spoiler until you said it! xDDD
lol 😛
zomfg .. i know right?!!! jaga pokkuru is the zomfg awesome!!!!!!!!!
T__________________T i wan it nao
Doesn’t it reminds you of the stories from 宫崎骏’s 千与千寻? That mysteriously creepy Namja place.
wa u remember one meh!!! 😈 😈 😈
That was what I though too! It reminded me of that movie!
Japan is soooo exciting~!!!!
i luv ur pinky fluffy dress so muchhhh!!!!
WTF first time see such flag!!!!!!! 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯 😯
haha, tht’s wat ppl always said when they see/ask “where the heck is Qatar”???
yea, so am one of loyal readers in the world tht check out ur blog everyday!!!
stay cheese girl!
AYUMI TRUCKS!!!! OMFG i will scream if i see that!!! T___T
#20, WHERE GOT CUTE!! scary shite ok! i want chicken wing ice! and i want #12!1 so cute laaa!! hehe #34 #35 that is the character from One Piece, right? =O
yes wan piisu.
what does 7 mean?
it’s a bad word, bad bad word.. 😳 dun learn.. dun use.. especially gals..
rin, bad influence har~
7 is chat!!!! heheheh
yea what you mean when you put damn 7? meaning?
Sometimes I do think winter is a very nice season, but have to wrap all the nice clothes up under the all-the-time same same winter jacket, I think I have more reason to love summer of Malaysia. LOL! 😉
Why you afraid of ghosts but not afraid to go into the haunted mansion???? 😯
cuz haunted mansion is Cheat One ma. ghosts are real ok :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
lol, how u know there’s no ‘real one’ hiding inside haunted mansion? hahahahahahaha
I wanna go Japan!!!! dream for so long but always over spent all my mahnee… fml !!! 😥
what u bai!!!!!!!!!
lolol sorry i didn’t know who he was T_T
yer……cheat one…
but i like 😈
where got cheat!!!!
(saw your twitter..)
& i comment to let you know, that i read your post! (:
if i go japan;
i think i will have a hard time; ):
cause, i suck at making decisions;
& japan is full of choicesssss!
if u run out of $ u got no choice to make oso lol
you should totally get back with tk!!You guys are so cute together!! 😛
Cute. Kiyo.Kawaii. Ke Ai
wa 4 languages liao(:
I’m a lao reader and i rmb you blogged about him buying a zara coat from the female section( that time you didn’t update so often everytime i came here and get new cheese kept reading the old mouldy one 😛 )
you guys can share clothes somemore!!
Truly beautiful photos of Tokyo, with the beautiful Ringo.
The white mini & black boots look awesome on you!
Great pics from the sky deck!
it’s pink T_T
Took a MUCH closer look at the photos of you in the “pink” dress.
On my monitor, work and home, photo #2 show very light pink, a quick look made me think it was white- even sillier of me since everyone knows your favourite colour!
Photo #7 – taken at similar angle, however a different location and lighting.
Still looks white. Might have to play with monitor colour adjustments or maybe my eyes are getting older.
Still great photos of Tokyo and Cheesie!
hey there cheesie! just wana say congratulations for being featured in 2 papers (myc & todays) 😈 😈 😈 keep up the gud work! so proud of u!
what is on MYC!!! why i dunno one!!!
just go to starbucks/ mcd and grab a copy! haha!
OMG got Luffy!! can see Frankie, Robin, Zorro and Usopp too! Don’t see the cute cute Chopper chan~ =( anyway, AWESOME pictures u’ve got as usual XD u sure are giving me more reasons to visit Japan! HAHA happy chinese new year to u~
T_T i dunno all the characters! never watched
japan seems so much fun… i can’t wait to go. hopefully next year.
u look so so so cute! omgzzzzzz O_O
You and TK look so good together! Cutest couple hope you guys can get back together 😀 & you’ll fulfil your wish of getting married soon! 🙂
The anime’s name is One Piece 😉
Omg.. All these places look fantastic!!!!!!1 And I really do love those snowflake viewers. The haunted house and the multi-flavored-fountains place look like what I dream of omgggggggggggggg………….. Lucky girl!
are you an TK back together? anyway lovely pics. lovely 🙂 😈
ii want the cap ..
pls sell to mii =)