
Kawaii Of The WorldのNumber 1になれなくて残念ですけど、人生最高の経験でした。NHK東京カワイイTVの皆さん、合宿の出演者たち、あと、東京カワイイTV見て、チージーにコメントや、メッセージしてくれた皆さん、ありがとうございました。

Twitterで皆さんのコメント読みながらまた泣いちゃった、、、 笑

私は15年前からずっと日本のすべてが大好きでした。4年前やっとホームステイのために初めて日本に行けて、感動し過ぎで、空港で涙でした。それからは、もっともっと日本のことが大好きになりました。日本のみんなの優しさ、心の広さ、カワイイとオシャレところ (&美味しい料理、笑)にすごく憧れています。











This is is probably the longest post you will ever scroll through and it’s mostly in Japanese. If you want to skip this (after skipping the top part of this post) completely and read the other blog post above this that has nice Japanese food pictures i’m grudgingly fine with it wtf.

After the broadcast of Kawaii Of The World episode on NHK Tokyo Kawaii TV, i received many tweet mentions from people in Japan.

And being self-obsessed as usual, i buay-paisehly tried searching for “チージー’ on twitter, which is my screen name in Japanese, and i almost vomitted gummy bear flavored unicorns made of rainbows, wrapped in bacons & dipped in Nutella.

Hundreds and hundreds of nice comments, most of them said they were very touched and teared watching the episode. I was already crying while watching myself and Shiori cry on TV, and then i cried again reading all these comments of people crying wtf. #cryception

I was so so so touched that i decided to reply ALL of them.

So one whole day i sat in front of my computer and just replied and replied and replied unti this happened

I didn’t even know this could happen -_-

So i waited and then replied again until i have replied ALL the people who talked about me. I think i have typed Japanese on this one day alone more than i ever had my entire life combined wtf. (Ok la i got cheat and copy paste some also).

I am posting the some of the tweets here.

I can’t translate all of them but these screen shots are taken from my Twitter page, and they are all under my Favorite pagein case you want to translate them.






and many more.




Not only that, i also receive many emails from Japan, and this particular one brought me to tears (again).

It is written by a 12 year old girl from Gifu. I don’t know how to translate it it’s a really long email.






Sometimes things really happen outside your wildest imagination. This will end up sounding like a speech from ex-con unite night, but all these really make me want to be a better and better person.

Kinder, more forgiving, less selfish, and of course cuter wtf.







A very very kind hearted reader from Singapore, Regina said she was very touched by the little girl’s email and she decided to do a full translation (i guess that she’s an interpreter or something. Why she so expert?!) so that more people could share and understand it. What did i do to deserve such wonderful readers?!?!?

Anyway, thanks Regina. Big love.

Here goes.


Nice to meet you for the first time, I am Yamada.

I was watching Tokyo Kawaii TV and became one of your readers by chance.

Cheesie san’s way of thinking, and of course, your sense of fashion and make-up skills..
I thus turned into a fan of yours. Even though it turned that you did not win Tokyo Kawaii of the World, I was touched by your courage.

I am 12 years old this year and am living in Gifu. This year, I will become a high school student.

May I tell you my story?
If you are uncomfortable with that idea, please stop reading here now.

From young, I had a weak constitution. I was constantly in and out of hospital and even following my discharges, I had to consume my medication in a relentless cycle.

However, I would always be the first to reach school and was always the top in my class.
Yet, I began to be labelled and jeered at by my classmates.

On that fateful day, it was spring of the second year of elementary school.
I felt terrible whilst having lessons so I politely asked Sensei.
“ I am not feeling too good so may I please head to the sick room?”
Regrettably, my Sensei chose to turn a blind eye to my pleas.

Even though I told myself to be strong and tried to persevere, the pain was too
upsetting for me and I could not tolerate the ravages of pain any longer.
I tried to ask my Sensei once more after 3 hours of enduring the discomfort.

Upon hearing this, Sensei glowered and exclaimed, “Isn’t it always like this! If it’s
really that bad, get yourself gone to the hospital!”

After that day, tears frequently lined my face every day..
I lost my voice, and my memories..
I became asthmatic and was warded in the hospital for a long time.

Every day, I wished for death to claim me quickly.

Even so, because I have always liked Oshare (Style literally), I always hoped to one day talk to a person who would grant me the gift of acknowledging this passion within me and who would talk lots and lots about Oshare with me! This was my dream.

Thus, I was surprised by Cheesie’s first appearance in Tokyo Kawaii TV, which I am a regular viewer of.

Because one is cute, one can connect with everyone in the world!
Because one is cute, one can love oneself more and more.
Because one is cute, one can only get cuter!

And so forth.

And this is why I am extremely grateful to Cheesie.
I hope to one day meet Cheesie and talk to you.

Once again, I am really grateful to Cheesie.
Thank you.

Sorry for this abrupt ending!

I will email you again~ ^^


Update 2:

Anyway, this little girl just saw this post and she emailed me again. She said she can’t stop tearing now and she said this gave her courage to be a tough lady.

It made me so happy.
