Pun of the day:
There are still some sporadick annoynymous(es) in Cheeserland.
You see, Cheeserland is a haremonious little sanctuary for mutated bunnies.
The owner loves animals.
She often mutates into harelucinates that she mutates into different animals.
The migration to Cheeser-dot-com-land was a wise move. It has rabbically reduced the amount of cuntless countless anonymouses, or should i say anonymice? Because mouses sounds wrong… Damn, this is annoying. I can never spell the word correctly. What’s the plural for annoynymous?
What i wanted to say is, Cheeserland is supposed to be a harebitat where heartbreak doesn’t exist. It’s a hareven of hareppiness. Nevertheless, once in a cheesy moon, for sure there are buggers who will come and bug the owner. I’m harebituated to it liao.
So anyway. One fine day, an uninvited bunny was spotted in Cheeserland. Shim seems to be highly dissatisfied with the modus operandi of Cheeserland, and thinks that it is overpopularated!! It’s full of mutated bunnies, because they are breeding three fast three furious. (Fucckaccino? Why does shim even care? Shim is not even part of them). Shim complains and kutuks Cheeserland non-stop.
Shim has gone siao.
Shim overate waaaaay too much and became obeast. It’s like a vicious cycle you see. When shim is feeling down, shim binges. Then shim becomes fat. When shim becomes fat, shim feels depressed, and continues to binge more. How i know? Aiya i know la. I speak from experience what.
Shim starts whining.
Bunny: *sobz* I’m fat and ugly. Now my fart smells like rotten carrots. Who will ever date ME?!?! *whines*
Instead of suing shim for trespassing, the kindhearted Cheeserlander attempts to counsel the bunny-gone-siao, hoping shim will return to shis bundane life.
Bunny ties a rope and tries to hang shimself.
Cheeserlander: NooooOOo!! We can talk it out!
Bunny then climbs up a Gouda tower and attempts to jump down.
Cheeserlander: NooooOOo!! I’m coming to get you!
Cheeserlander: Nooooo… You jump i jump!
Bunny: You jump first.
*Cheeserlander jumps up and down on the ground*
Bunny: WTF that’s not jumping.
*Cheeserlander does bunny-hops*
Bunny: Go to hell. I want to die.
*Cheeserlander lures bunny with a white radish*
Bunny: I want to die.
Cheeserlander: ………
Sigh. She tried everything but to no avail.
Cheeserlander:You want to die izit! Ok come i help you!
Infurryated, Cheeserlander climbs up the Gouda tower too.
Cheeserlander:*holds bunny by shis shoulders and shakes shim violently* Tell me! Why do you want to die?
Bunny: *weeps* I’m ugly!
Cheeserlander: You want to know what’s ugly? Wait till you lose your ears.
*proceeds to break bunny’s ears*
Cheeserlander: Pain?! You have no idea what pain is!
*proceeds to strangle bunny with a rope*
Cheeserlander: Cough summore!
*attempts to strangle bunny to death*
Cheeserlander: Help? Yea i’m helping you to die now what!
*proceeds to bite bunny*
Cheeserlander: Can sing summore! Well, it ain’t over until the fat bunny sings! Let me help you complete your hare-a-kiri!
*stabs bunny*
Bunny dies.
And thus ends a harerowing incident.
Cheeserlander: *murmurs* *wipes hands with towel* Fucckaccino. Everytime have to deal with these idiots. I shall come out with new rules and regulations soon.
And the next day…
P/S: So, how many punnies can you spot in the post-mortem?
The one who identifies ALL of the punnies in the whole post
*first* will receive a prize.
(Repeats are not counted)
Also, please number your answers, so that the judge won’t
have to punstakingly count each answer one by one to determine
the total for each entry.
Comment moderation is on for this post…. No cheating in exam. 😛
comments will be released once the winner is spotted.
holly bunny!!!!
Here’s my attempt. 😛
1. sporadick anonymouses
2. haremonious
3. harelucinates
4. rabbically
5. harebitat
6. hareven
7. hareppiness
8. harebituated
9. overpopularated?
10. obeast
11. anywee
12. bundane
13. Infurryated
14. hare-a-kiri
15. harerowing
16. punstakingly
Where’s my prize? 😛
seventy eight million six hundred forty eight thousand five hundred sixty two and a half .
The above is an example of wrong answer. Try harder next time. 🙂
Better a bunny than a rat. If you are a rat I’ll step and squash you to bits. 😀
The answer is there’re no punnies at all. Hahahahaha.
Punnies are not Bunnies, they’re not the same.
I win technically.
14.. I think..
lets see…
13 punniess
My answer is 13
here’s my attempt to count all your punny bones. 🙂
13.three fast three furious
my boss will kill me if he spots me counting your puns at work~!
i’ll go home and count~ muahaha~
you are so PUN-dai~!
i guessed 3 bunnies in total. one on the roof, one seated and one in a bag!!!, sharmain, Me & Penny:
Please identify the punnies too, instead of just stating the numbers. 🙂
haremonious, harelucinates, rabbically, anonymouses, anonymice, annoynymous, harebitat, hareven, hareppiness, harebituated, three fast three furious, obeast, bundane, Infurryated, hare-a-kiri, harerowing
is sporadick counted?? then 17 lo..
this is darn ‘mo liu’ lah…
ermm.. no offense… just my opinion…
negative three
1+1+1+1+1 = err…3 ?
People, please answer in the following format:
1. sporadick
2. annoynymous
3. haremonious
… and so on.
See, i even gave you something to start with.
Have fun.
If Cheesie means to say unique rabbits in the pic, overall there should be only 4.
1. The rabbit on the chimney.
2. The rabbit in front of the carrot (Only 1, the 2nd horizontally flipped picture doesn’t count)
3. The rabbit in the rules and regulations poster.
4. And Cheesie herself, the camwhoring ‘punny’ we all love.
But still, there’re no ‘punny’ or ‘punnies’ if you go by technical merit!
1. sporadick
2. annoynymous
3. haremonious
4. harelucinates
5. harebitat
6. hareven
7. harebituated
8. overpopularated
9. obeast
10. bundane
11. hare-a-kiri
12. harerowing
13. punstakingly
wah.. so deep..kenot understand what ShadowFox is saying.. TOO punny liao…
Thanx for participation. So far the entries i’ve recceived all missed out on a couple of very indirect puns.
So you all are still in the running for the prize.
Gambatte ne. 😉
hmm..y bite the toe?how’s the taste anyway?
hmm…seems like nobody want to answer you seriously.
okla, I give you some faces:
18.But then
not include special words such shim,shis,shimself,kutuks,siao,aiya,grrrrr,Yea,mamamia,bluuueerrgh,walao,paaaaaaaain,Hee…eelp,sobz,izit,summore
and vulgarities: Fucckaccino,WTF
oh, btw, what’s the prize?
p/s: why lately got many posts are game-orientated, such as “Guess That Trashcan”.
The answers that you received + a couple of indirect puns.
Oh, she was talking about puns in English language ney…
1. haremonious
2. harelucinates
3. rabbically
4. anonymouses
5. anonymice
6. annoynymous
7. harebitat
8. hareven
9. hareppiness
10. harebituated
11. Shim
12. shis
13. obeast
14. bundane
15. shimself
16. hare-a-kiri
17. harerowing
18. punstakingly
Forgot to add 1 more leh, sporadick.
the bunnies emotion is so adorable.
I wanna bring the fella back home 😀
Missed out one more…. cuntless.. hahaha… so total.. 20 punnies ? 😛
After reading the post word by word and counted until my eyeballs popped out… I have got 23 punnies~!
1. sporadick
2. annoynymous(es)
3. harelucinates
4. rabbically
5. cuntless
6. anonymouses
7. anonymice
8. annoynymous
9. harebitat
10. hareven
11. hareppiness
12. harebituated
13. overpopularated
14. obeast.
15. Anywee.
16. shim
17. shis
18. bundane
19. shimself.
20. summore!
21. hare-a-kiri!
22. harerowing.
23. punstakingly
24. haremonious
Any reward for me for being so pun-die? Muahaha
oo..here i try again..
haremonious, harelucinates, rabbically, anonymouses, anonymice, annoynymous, harebitat, hareven, hareppiness, harebituated, three fast three furious, obeast, bundane, Infurryated, hare-a-kiri, harerowing, sporadick, Cheeser-dot-com-land, cuntless?, overpopularated
Wow… this is really challenging @_@
Answer :
1. sporadick
2. annoynymous/anonymice/anomymouses
3. haremonious
4. harelucinates
5. rabbically
6. cuntless
7. harebitat
8. hareven
9. hareppiness
10. cheesy moon
11. harebituated
12. shim
13. overpopularated
14. three fast three furious
15. Fucckaccino
16. siao
17. waaaaay
18. obeast
19. Aiya
20. Anywee
21. shis
22. bundane
23. Budden
24. Infurryated
25. summore
26. hare-a-kiri
27. harerowing
28. yayness (in the photo)
cheerseeee… ^ ^
oh..may i add.. punnies as well.. so 21…
Thanx for all your entries. They will be published tomorrow, along with the answer.
Till then, those who want to spot the punnies can still submit your answers.
1. punny
2. sporadick
3. annoynymous
4. haremonious
5. harelucinates
6. cuntless
7. harebitat
8. hareven
9. hareppiness
10. harebituated
11. obeast
12. bundane
13. hare-a-kiri
14. harerowing
me want prize!! anyway how come the signboard so cute ar.. no camwhoring~~
Bugs Bunny!
i think i spotted the punny in the first picture..
26? grrr… i eat punnies.. haha..
26? roars!!! meat for Tiger!!
All entries released. Unfortunately no one got 100% correct. There are two more puns no one ever paid attention to. You have until tonight 11pm to spot it. 🙂
Good luck!
Five is the answer!
K.O. I win! PERFECT!
1. The one in the sack.
2. The sitting bunny.
3. The rabbit on the chimney.
4. The bunny in the poster, “No camwhoring besides the owner”
5. The bunny in the poster, “Sucidal bunnies will be handed over to the police”
or… Seven if you count the ones that are partly visible
6. The bunny in the poster covered by your hand
7. You ‘acted’ like a bunny in the last picture.
at pet safari in ikano power center 😀
my fave pet shopp 😀
technically, i didn’t repeat. this is just an extension of page . The first comment box is too short for me to put all the answers. so i m forced to make an extension here. 🙂 more like a second page. I believe second page is allowed in exam as long as time is not up.
26. annoynymous(es)/annoynymous
27. Punny Overkill
28. bunny-hops
29. Fucckaccino
30. spotted in Cheeserland. (as in having monthly period like kenny)
31. identifies ALL of the punnies (as in all the bunnies).. there’s 9 bunnies including u those obvious ones and those in rules and regulations behind u.
32. how many punnies can you spot (as in how many bunnies)
33. modus operandi of Cheeserland (as in the way your cheesie blog operates)
1. punny
2. haremonious
3. harelucinates
4. rabbically
5. cuntless
6. anonymouses
7. anonymice
8. harebitat
9. hareven
10. hareppiness
11. cheesy moon
12. harebituated
13. three fast three furious
14. obeast
15. Infurryated
16. it ain’t over until the fat bunny sings ( no one else got this one! – go me)
17. hare-a-kiri
18. harerowing
19. sporadick
20. bundane
21. punstakingly
22. punnies
Do do I get the prize cheesie? I really really hope i do!
Thanx for your participation. Too bad there’s no winner cuz no one spotted the following puns:
Punny Overkill
The migration to Cheeser-dot-com-land was a wise move
Still, i’m gonna reward those who submitted in their entries (in the correct format). prizes will be delievered to ur mailbox soon.
1. sporadick
2. annoynymous(es)
3. harelucinates
4. rabbically
5. cuntless
6. anonymouses
7. anonymice
8. Infurryated
9. harebitat
10. hareven
11. hareppiness
12. harebituated
13. overpopularated
14. obeast.
15. Anywee.
16. shim
17. shis
18. bundane
19. shimself.
20. summore!
21. hare-a-kiri!
22. harerowing.
23. punstakingly
24. haremonious
25. three fast three furious
26. Fucckaccino
27. Post-mortem
am i close enuff?
Navicgator: Pun-die. You’re the closest. But you’re late! X_X
u din say 11pm which timezone~ i tot follow the german time ma~!
# ching says:
July 5th, 2006 at 12:51 am
1. PUNNY overkill
2. sporadick annoynymouses
3. HAREmonious
4. HARElucinates
5. raBBIcally
6a. ANNOYnymouses
6b. ANNOYnymous (optional)
7. HAREbitat
8. HAREven
9. HAREpiness
10. HAREbituated
11. overPOPULARated
12. oBEAST
13. BUNdane
14. inFURRYated
15. HARE-a-kiri
16. HAREowing
16.5 : punnies – bunnies? to which the answer (including yourself) is… … …
image : 22
word (BUNNY) : 22 (plus PUNNIES = 23)
17. post-MORTEM
People, pls make sure you have filled in the correct email address, else the prize can’t be sent. 🙂
And Ching made the best effort so she shall be the recipient of the Grand prize. Let’s go for lunch sometime, biatch! 😀
yay!!! I cant wait for my prize. Thanks cheesie! x
lasagne had just beaten pork knuckles….