Pun of the day:
Since Saigon for a few days, don’t miss me too much ya!
People, i’m currently in Ho Chi Minh City having lotsa fun! I’ll be back in a couple of days.
I don’t have the time to post any pictures at the moment, but even though i’m in a foreign land, my heart is still with cheeserland. So i wanna share something with you. Here’s a video version of the James Blunt “You’re Beautiful” parody i did a few months ago.
I promise there will be lotsa lotsa nice photos and updates when i get back, so stay cheesed!
Till i reach back home to Cheeserland. ^_^
Hi Cheesy,
This is a really a great holiday break for you…
how come so shuang oneeeeee…..everytime can go oversea….mama i wan also….huhu…
what a pleasant surprise. i didn’t expect to c any new post till u return.
anyway, enjoy your holiday. waiting impatiently for ur new posts.
found anything cheesy in saigaon? 😉
Enjoy your holiday. Be careful of the motorcycles there, they are everywhere.
Rerun of James Blunt… Seen that before yar..
in vietnam now? i bet u dunno tht u hit every major bookstore and newsstand now~!
FHM september issue, check it out yo~!
Onli a pic with your keju lah~ nothing much…
tapau some Vietnamese beef noodles for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
なんかタイ語やIndo Chinaの言葉聴いたよ。面白かったよ。
pic overload!!!
welcome home cheesie!!! 😀 how was your holiday? 😀 tried any viatnamese beef noodle soup there?
huh? how did u make it? i was with u on 25th in vietnam…but i didnt see u online …how did u post this ? weird weird …! There are surprises around the cheeserland !