I think.
My moving into this new place.
I feel monumentally lonely in this inhuman cubicle.
So I finally surrendered and had an aircon installed (like yay) after all the stubborn battle with something as obnoxious as the Malaysian weather. What was i, insane?
Gone is the familiar voice and warmth I used to be surrounded by all the time.
Things are lying scattered on the floor screaming their heads off for help.
So a home you have now, they say. Have i a home?
No. A cubicle of a pathetic 100sqft is what i have. Not a home.
A home is a proper home that belongs to you. (Is that why a proper home is called property? Hehe.)
A home is a place where a person, family, or group of people live or spend much of their time, or where a person feels safe or comfortable.
I don’t feel safe nor comfortable here. Or wherever I had previously moved to. TT used to scare me and say that there might be hidden cameras somewhere in the house/room/bathroom in the new place I was moving to. Then some hamsup landlord will be sitting at home gawking at their computer screen with their thick, geeky glasses, chewing on pop corns while jerking the **** off. And I thought he was being so paranoid. But who knows it could be true! SO SCARY OK! (in The L Word, some dude did exactly that to film the footage of the sex life of a few lesbians) Nowadays it’s an unaffordable mistake to misplace your trust in some strangers. You can’t say that it will never happen. And you can never be too careful.
Need more reason?
The concept of “home” is compared to the human need for peaceful sanctuary, the absence of it thus leading to restlessness. Such restlessness, may lead to depression and, ultimately, to a loss of sanity.
Cheesus. I don’t want to be insane! (Don’t mind being in Seine again though)
So. Bottom line.
Get. Your. Own. Damn. Place.
If you don’t already have one.
Many friends wanted me to have second thoughts before I even think of committing myself to being a lifetime property slave. Buying a house is a big commitment (almost for life). I’m still young. Why would I want to tie myself down to an endless loan when I can enjoy the money i have in so many other ways. Having no liabilities is an asset. You spend whatever you earn.
But. I’d rather commit to this faithful, long-lasting relationship that’s gonna cost me seven arms and seven legs than to have exciting love affairs with alco, ciggies, glamorous nightlife and parties. Because at the end of the day it is a home I am going back to. Not an empty vodka bottle. Then again I might have to give up my utmost fantasy to have the most random casual flings with the most romantic getaways. Which sucks. There are sacrifices you’ll have to make when you’re committed to someone/thing I guess.
I know of homeless (figuratively speaking, of course) people. And I can empathize. I’ve been living under people’s roof all my life and I want to stop living like a nomad already. I refuse to share my privacy with some strangers I don’t know of. Some people, especially people who have been living with their parents all their lives, will never understand our despair to be properly propertied. And I mean, the lust for a proper, property, that has its whatever document bearing my divine name. Not some dodgy pigsty I pay RM350 a month (exclusive of aircon bill) for which I’ll never make an effort to turn it into a place decent enough for living. I want a house which I can do anycheese I want. Bricks I can eat if I want to. But homeless people (oh, have i taken its definition out of the zipcode?) shall not surrender to homelessness.
Because, I will, eventually, have a place I call Home Cheese Home. One day. Soon. And Ikea shall be my favorite shopping mall.
I don’t care about the price I have to pay (Yea. Pun.) to be unhomelessified. It’s a sense of belonging I’ll be longing for.
Am confused? Did your parents boot you out of the house?
Find a husband now, let him buy the house 🙂
Don’t worry, it’s a good investment. I’m planning to buy a house too. But i need to review my financial income and budget matters first. I might cut a lot of unnecessary expenditure but it’s worth it.
Wish u luck ~
agree! Well, you shouldn’t take your own home that you’re going to buy as a burden, like Jo says, it’s a good investment! I hate renting too, having to deal with stupid landlords and housemates, only confined to one small room (mine’s RM600!!), blegh! I can use that money and get a house, and do whatever I want!
I wana get a house too!
no place like home..i miss my home.
Hoho Cheesie is finally all alone…..hehe….I am that fat dodgy landlord watching you from my computer screen………:D Hmmmmm shower scene………
Anyway to more serious stuff. Well buying property is good but you have to make sure its a good investment. Persoanally I prefer landed property. But good luck anyway with your new place.
Hallo! Long time no seee!!!! So u want to buy a house/home??? M’sia economy might be bad next year so housing price might drop! So do some hunting before u buy! It is always good to have ur own home! Have a nice day! Tq for dropping at my site!
once u buy it u are really tie to it, but it would also be cool to have ur own house where u can party all night long without any concern, that is if there’s no neighbour around 😛
Ermm…buying a hosue is always a smart move if u do it at the rite time.. =)
Its an appreciating asset….
But always do soem research and think it throughly before u sign the papers…
I’m still renting a condo in Penang…
Am waiting for the new condo to be ready next year..
N then…it’ll be time to decorate!!
its sure good to have a secure roof over your head..happy house shopping.
You think you can live with me if we shared a landed property? I think while going up to Cameron Highlands, we discussed about how catastrophic it could potentially get. But do you think you could live with me? Me and my nonsense antics. Me and my messy excuse of a life?
I can scrub your back for you : )
It’s most people’s dream to own a house here. But houses here are rediculously overpriced. Depending on the area, a 2-room house can be from $300-400k…and the pretty condos overlooking the ocean are in the millions.
So, unfortunately, owning a house remains a dream for most people too, including myself :(.
Good luck with your house hunting!
i dont really get it. first you talk about how you are lonely and scared to move in your own place. but then the bottom line is that you have to get your own place? I’m so confused.
Yes indeed getting your own place is pretty much a huge burden. But I remember my mum told me before. When you work and get your own home (with the burden) that means you are ready to face the world in a larger perspective. As in, you can actually seat back and think to yourself “I’ve came this far, what’s next.” So I continued from there and told my mum, “does that mean when you achieve your own home you will achieve others?”
“With a little brains and hardwork, yes.”
I hope this would cheer you up Ringo. 🙂
Think carefully before you commit yourself to a lifelong loan… Those money could generate more money for you if you invest it wisely~ Then you could have a bigger house~
People can only give advice but at the end of the day its your decision and if they don’t like it tough luck. I’ve known for a long time your dream of owning your own place and hopefully it will come true soon 🙂 As I’ve said all along, since I’ve known you all this time, do what makes YOU happy. 🙂
i’m building my dream house, oh so big..with swimming pool and rose garden and a fountain, big backyard with lotsa fruit trees..and and the sky is sooo blue…heyhey its just my dream.
🙂 for me…a home is a place to share with your loved ones…………..
Cheesie, if you can’t turn a 100 sqr feet into a good home, what makes you think you can turn a house you bought into your dream home??
I have frens that keep telling me they never tidy up their home because it is only rented, not their true home. But when they really get to buy their new house, guess what…. the house look exactly like their rented one because they never bother to tidy them up.
Turn your 100 sqr feet to something you are comfortable with. Practise to care for it. If it’s a success…THEN only talk about getting a big one. Good luck! 😉
If you buy a house, you can paint it in cheese colour, paint holes, buy yellow worn out furniture… and you’re inside a slice of cheese.
“# naVICgaTOR MALAYSIA says:
December 15th, 2007 at 7:50 am
Think carefully before you commit yourself to a lifelong loan… Those money could generate more money for you if you invest it wisely~ Then you could have a bigger house~”
I agree with the above – house is only an asset when it generates income for you after repaying the loans & whatnots. Before it does that, it is actually a liability.. Do consider Van’s point of view too, 🙂 Regardless, enjoy life! 🙂
Hi Cheesie, you probably feel this way because you don’t like the place you just moved into. Find another place – maybe share one with friend(s)? Buying a house is a big commitment and you are too young to want that burden. It’s true that it’s an investment but there are things you can do when you are young that you probably find it harder to do later on – like going to study abroad? That’s also an investment for the future too.
would you recommend any interesting places to shop in paris? thanks heaps!
hi cheesie, I often feel that way too. Feel that there’s not one place I could truly call or feel at home; being away from home too. At least u could just drive back. me, I have to fly back! Be patient cheesie, because life is never perfect and we can’t have everything we want. And do what’s wise. You’re a smart girl.. I’m sure you know what to do. All the best! 🙂
jiejie cheesie … what korkor porkie is correct .. do the things that make yourself HAPPY 🙂
home is where the heart belongs 🙂 hehehe
I don’t think that a home is something you can buy and the keys given to you.
A home is something you will still need to build.
Build up the memories, build up the environment, the pain, the joy, the place for retreat when you’re tired etc.
It takes time and effort.
You can exchange money with a real estate property. You can pay interior designers to make your house beautiful. But you need someone you’re gonna spend a lifetime with building a home. All the best in your new journey!
Owning a house in Malaysia is getting more and more rediculous with the price vs the wage that you get. Patrol price is increasing tremendously and everything will follow suit. An average joe with RM2k pay would have to tighten their belt to the top notch to repay the loan and might take 20-30 years..
Commenting on “# naVICgaTOR MALAYSIA’s post, I disagree. A property is an investment too. With the money you put in it, it grows together. Investment in the other sector might be quicker and you might be looking at a bigger house, there is a bigger risk of course. If you really think that way, by the end of the day you’ll still be no where. When u got no money, u want some. When you got some, you want more.. Basic human never satisfy…