Have you guys watch Whisper’s Come Clean Dramedy promo on 8tv?
Make sure you catch the actual episodes which will be airing from 13th Oct, every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for 3 weeks on 8TV, 10:30pm – 10:32pm.
I am a loyal user of Whisper and speaking of periods and coming clean, i have a little story to share.
You know 10 years ago it was kind of a taboo to talk about periods and all (i know right!). And we were not used to joking about any period mishap ( “Oh i think that’s just coffee stain on her skirt la”).
But i had this little secret.
I was kinda excited and was looking forward to my first period. Mom had told me essential knowledge about period (that it doesn’t hurt to bleed, lol), and i couldn’t wait for the day i become a grown up girl. 🙂
But somehow, during my Form 2 i found out that every other female classmate had gotten her period already. Some as early as the age of nine. So i started panicking, thinking that there was something wrong with me. You know that feeling–when every girl talks about her own experience and you won’t be able to relate or contribute anything. It sucked.
Until i found out that this other girl called Seow Yoong, who was the only girl whose period hadn’t arrived yet. We became instant best friends because of this little secret. So we promised each other we will be the first one to tell each other the day we had our first period. And we always secretly prayed that we would have our first periods together so that the other did not have to feel alone.
Then. Time went by.
On a fine day in August, my period came. At first i totally freaked out because i thought it was skid mark in my panties! HOW EMBARRASSING! I was wondering how on earth did it happen and it hit me. It was my period.
I was nervous, yet was secretly at glee. I am, after all, not abnormal. 🙂
But then i never told Seow Yoong about it. I kept it my secret. I was afraid that she would be angry at me (come to think of it now it’s really silly. Why would my friend get angry at me finally having my first period?). Or that we would be less closely bond because now the confidential similarity we shared on common had come to an end.
Nobody knew about it until the final semester was about over. I carried this guilt with me and i thought it was about time i come clean to my good friend.
“Seow Yoong, i have something to confess to you.”
“Yes what is it?”
It was hard.
It was really hard.
“Actually i had my first period few months ago. But i didn’t tell you.”
There. I said it. Then i saw her expression changed into something i have never seen before. I was terrified. Oh no. My girl friend is going to slap me on the face and storm out the classroom.
But wait a minute. Is that a… coy expression that she was having?
“Actually. That’s what i wanted to tell you too. Me too had my period already.”
So i wasn’t the only one who kept a secret from my friend. I wasn’t angry. I was just glad that the mystery is finally solved and both of us are just as normal as any other girl.
And it turned out that we had our first period in the same month.
But the sad thing is i’ve lost contact with Seow Yoong since graduation, and i couldn’t find her on Facebook. I hope somebody read this and tell her about it! This funny little story 10 years ago. 🙂
So there. My come clean story.
If you have one, keep it first. Because, chances are you might get rewarded for sharing it with us later. Keep you all updated!
nice little personal story to share…made my day. ^^
Erm, I was just telling Pinky about skidmarks today.
If you don’t wash your bum bum properly then… oh well wtf.
This is strange, but yet interesting still. Never knew that period could be so exciting for girls =_=. Though by my experience(which I don’t even know they were having period), they get cranky at times like these….or maybe it was just some certain girls.They inflict pain on me for no good reason! T_T …now I’m a lil scared when I have a wife who is pregnant holding a tazer gun at me.If you don’t mind sharing, what’s the mysterious behavior of girls when they get periods(don’t have to tell me in too much details).
nice dirty little secret
Yee Hou,
Stop your skidmark stories right now! 😛
“You know that feeling–when every girl talks about her own experience and you won’t be able to relate or contribute anything.”
i suppose its da same feeling when all da bois have had ‘that’ dream but you…not =D
“And we always secretly prayed that we would have our first periods together”
how sweet…in a skidmark kinda way. =D
gudlak with the searching Cheesie.
Can i fake a period story so that I get a chance to win something too????????
one of my friends only got it after in f5 o_O she suddenly grew tall when the girls stop grewing O_O
period…yeah, back then if you told ppl about your period its akin to baring your chest for ppl to see. it WAS a taboo!!! when we got much older and understand our anatomy better, having a period is just like scratching your back.
i have this awkward ‘incident’ to share. as i was a prefect in my sec. skol, i used to participate in spot-checks and stuff. so there was this time in we went to spot-check some Form2 class rooms. and it was just before chinese new year, and our primary mission is to clear the skol of fireworks.
so as i was shuffling thru the contents of a bag, i found a BIG package very deep inside the bag. think a rm8.00 nasi kandar tapao. i thought to myself, this MUST be the supplier of all the fireworks that have been going in our skol toilet for the past week!! I GOT YOU NOW!!!!
i opened the package layer by layer…..hell lot of newspaper this firework dealer had used to wrap ‘his’ stash up…….
alas…..it was no fireworks stash……..it was A sanitary pad!!! i coyly wrap the pad up…and put it back to the furthest corner of the poor girl’s bag.
sheon, was the sanitary pad used or not?
juz curious~
ariescandy314: hahaha…if that pad was a used pad…….she would have been a really unhygienic girl… no, it was fresh supply.
damn.. now i’ve gotta go dig into my memory and see if i have a come clean story to share..
it was said that a girl can begin her period anytime between the ages of 8 to 16, so, you’re absolutely normal.
Well, period is not that bloody anyway, wait till you see a baby delivery.. hoho…
Anyway, I’ve heard that girls who got very close together may have their periods synchronised around the same time. Well, I can’t prove it, cos my period haven’t come yet. (Full stop)
darn, it wasn’t even me the 1st person who found out my 1st period, it was my brother who saw the stains on my skirt!
i remember when i had my first period.. i was 21 when i got mine….ouch
Excellent posting. Congratulations!!!
why there seems to be no updates on mdg drama since the 2nd post? 🙁
y want to continue?
This suddenly reminded me of a real ghost story in my country here that shocked the whole nation and even went up to the news headlines, which 5 girls in an all girls school played the chinese ouija board with period blood just to get exam answers and they got possessed and turned hysterical. They even self mutilated themselves. Scary part is that priests and exorcists cant handle it as one of the girls was possessed by more than 300 demons. The demons were said to be released back into the jungle though. There were no updates after that so I dont know what happened to the girls afterwards.
A, i don’t believe you, you must be kidding.
This post reminded me of 1 incident. I remember one of my ex-classmate’s skirt were stained. She was embarrassed to get up and continued on to sat on the bench under a tree. She refused to go back to class (after recess oredi that time). Not even when the teacher came out just to call her in! We were in form 4 already. Good la… she only stained her skirt and the cement bench. Mine lagi teruk!
Oh I forgot to include the link to prove it:
It was quite a hype back then that schools had to be closed down because the hysteria kinda spreaded to other schools in batches.
Oh, periods. Yeah, it kinda suck when you ARE the last one who got it, and by the way, do you know, your period cycle would be affected with the girls you hang out with? For example, having the period in the same part of the month (e.g. first half of the month, middle of the month, end of the month).
A come clean story eh.. Apparently, when i was in secondary 2, every girl in my class have had their period before (we were told to fill in a health form), and I was the only one who didn’t have it. As I was a tomboy in the past, I used to think that, it was because of my actions that, my periods wouldn’t come, and I was slowly turning into a guy or something. Coz I didn’t find any “love” interest in guys and all. Plus, my mum wasn’t the kind to talk about such stuff. So I did the stupidest thing a girl can do. I got myself a bf and had sex with him. Not long later, I have my period. We lasted for 2 years plus before breaking off. Come to think of it, it was a pretty stupid reason to get a bf.
I started my period at age 15 and a friend that got hers at 9, i don’t think it’s a big deal..haha.
haha i got mine when i was 14 (form2) and it was during august too!!
and yes i was exactly like you!! beginning of form2 the class left with 5 girls who were still anticipating their first period. and one by one came and told me, ‘hey i have something to tell you’. i was the only one left by then. and people start scaring me with stories! it got me so panic for months and i started to pray rediculous prayers! haha.
I thought some ladies dislike period and would like to born as a male in their next lives. Why you 2 were so anticipating towards having period?