(whatever plasty la. I can’t spell. I copy and pasted from Xiaxue’s blog.)
I oso can has bigass eyes!!!!
Here you are, before and after photo.
Note that i already have natural (natural!!! ya hear that?) double eyelids, erm, on one and a half sides. But nowadays everybody wants Japanese gyaru one million layers super kao deep eyelids.
So i sewed double eyelids and cut my eye inner corner and here’s the result.
I’m very angry! Xiaxue told me she’s only going to “have a look at the clinic” AND CAME BACK WITH HER EYES CUT AND SEWED BIGGER WTF????
She Cheat One™. 🙁
It’s so unfair. Just because some people can tahan pain and got the nerves (which is ironic, because i suspect nerves are exactly what they don’t have, because else how can they not feel pain?????) to cut themselves or get someone to cut themselves they deserve to be chioer wtf?
It is like in primary school if you have the courage to raise your hand and answer a question the teachers will always praise you and think that you are the smartest, but if you know perfectly the correct answer but you just sit there quietly, you are stupid wtf.
Ok maybe this is not a very good example. Anyway.
My point is!!! Does that mean that people who cannot tahan pain or don’t dare to get themselves cut deserve to be ugly?
Just to illustrate how much bloody courage you need to get your eyes cut, go on, watch these.
Warning: GROSS MAX
Nao tell me if you still wanna cut your eyes.
But she already went through so much pain. Aiya give her pretty la.
There are 3 levels of “beauty”.
The highest level would be, of course, plastic surgery, which people who have nerves (or the lack thereof) go do.
(I know that highest level should be natural beauty but i think it rarely exist so it doesn’t count.)
Then second level is using all kinds of Cheat One™ methods to make themselves look good. Color lens make up whatever.
Then after that it is for people who are lazy. Because a few clicks of liquify on Photoshop is so easy.
Chicken people like me can just resort to other Cheat One™ means, which i am really quite good at i must admit. T____T
First of all, dook your eye with the Y thingie and create your ideal eyelid.
To get 1,000,000 layers of eyelids, use eyelid sticker la.
I’m using the fiber stick from minimaos. And i really like it because it is thin and invisible. Unfortunately i can’t show you hao i did it because i only had one hand the other had to hold camera FML. You can watch the video in the page to see how it works.
Lateral Canthoplasty
Of course then apply however much make up humanly possible on the eyes. Make sure you extend your liner all the way to the inner corner to make it look like you have cut your inner corner, and also apply mascara below your lower lash line to make it look like you have cut your eyes bigger wtf.
Ok vain pix time and super PSed photos. I wanna thank whoever created Photoshop. It makes people feel good especially people like me who hide behind a computer screen blogging all i need to do is not go out to the streets and people will never know how i really look like. (Even if i go out no one would recognize me because i PSed myself to look so different.)
Amazing, isn’t it.
However, Photoshop can only satisfy you so much lo. Of course anyone would prefer the real deal. For instance, cyber sex and real sex. Which one better? You tell me.
Anyway. I am quite happy with all my Cheat Ones™ la. My field of expertise.
And time to pimp minimaos again.
JC necklace and butterfly dress.
(I dunno why my hair looks darker here. I didn’t PS!!!!)
JC gold chain and JC charms.
JC braided bracelet. OMG maybe i should bling my red lips like the charm!!!
And my 1,000,000 layers of eyelid <3.
Go la, add minimaos on Facebook ok.
wow! you look really good with your hair tied up like that and the red gloss.. GOSH!
i wanna turn lesbian nao.. HAHHAHA!
ohhh!!! and i’m first!!!!! 😆
and i’m not from AUSTRALIA WTFFFF!!!
why my IP always showed i’m from AUS?
HAHAHHA! i’m talking to myself wtf. 😳
it’s a sign.
yeah.. it’s a sign that i’m starting to turn crazy..
I actually prefer the before. But, thats just my opinion.
you are absolutely right (about that’s just your opinion).
Ouuuch, looks like a painful process. But results are great.
heh can see result meh.
Gah!! I nearly pulled my hair out watching the first vid T.T That is sooo gross!!! But I still dare too, just that it looks disgusting thats all XD And true also, I rather photoshop or makeup to make myself pretty instead of changing what used to be original…
pull hair also pain! lol
i see no difference except the eye make up coz your double eyelid already very nice!!!!! wah now got ring light ady, damn pro liao photos!!!!! ehh you can carry red lips lah!
no i din watch the videos >.< geli~
lol to be honest, nao i compare, i actually think the made up eyes are smaller.
cuz maybe too bright i squinted.
i think hor, deep crease double eyelids makes people look older. look at the gwai lous. that’s why asian always look younger than their age coz we sepet HAAHAHAH ehem
i got no double eyelids when i was younger, then when i turn 18 it miraculously appeared!! hahahah i didn’t even stick tape coz too troublesome! then now the double eyelid got deeper, i think it means, i’m getting old T___T
too deep also makes one look sleepy!
HEY, i really wonder not ur eye size changes, but how ur eye shape changes!!! DAMN NICE i will say. Isit due to eyeliner draw towards inner corner of eye?
Ya lor. Before is bigger.
i <3 your last picture MAX!!! teach me how to stick eyelid wtf
alternatively, just use photoshop like some blogger do with her thighs, liquify for the win. lol
haha. i got liquify to the max ah.
i did double eye lid b4 7 years ago, but its drooping down a little now.. Maybe shud try this method Hahaha.. thanks for sharing.. dont have to cut eyelids now
actually, not pain wor.. but it’s more like blue-black pain.. aih things u do when u’re 18 hahaha, but actually it was my mum that asked me to do it 😈
why ur mom so 😈 one!!!!!!!
cause she has done double eyelids 2 or 3 times and removed eyebags once.. i think she siao.. cause eyebags eventually came back *bummer*
what contacts are you wearing 😯 love them must buy !!!its so nice
It’s from me but I only ship within Malaysia and to Singapore for now.
Which series is it?
Barbie Eye Green or Geo XCH-623
ok i hv to amit im chiken i don dare to click on the vids….scary….=X
your eye makeup in this post is super gorgeous!! i like how u draw ur, wat we call dat? inner corner? 开眼头 in chinese! looks great! 😈
and im using the fiber stick too eventho i already have natural double eyelids,cuz my natural eyelids looks cacat, sumtimes very high sumtimes low oe 1 eye appear 2-3 layer eyelid lines,and the other only one lol weird 😛
I love the last pic =) pretty!
mine too cacat!!!!
I want thick eyelids tooooo! My natural double eyelids cannot be seen when I smile cause too thin fml.
mine also very thin. but if you use glue/sticker for a long time it will sort of become permanent 😀
So eerie… 😯 I’m thankful that I’m born with thick double eyelid…
haha good for u!!!
If I have the courage, I would go for surgery on my nose T__T I want it to be smaller and have a nicer shape. But I’m a chicken I am so scared to go under the knife :blush: I think I won’t do anything on my eyes though since they look fine to me (with or without makeup).
anyway, I didn’t watch the videos..lol..too squemish 😆
eye surgery is bloody scary! nose is still ok-ish.
You should not go out already. HAHA. Cos you really look like Jolin Tsai after photoshopped and even prettier than her. 😛
haha thanks Uncle PS.
i lurve ur contact lense!!
Thanks for liking, you can get it from my blogshop too!
Is there a particular actress or model that you think you really look like? I have always thought that you look like a certain Japanese model.
got but i dowan say just it will sound buay paiseh lol.
Nah, not if someone asks first I think 😉
Anyway, I think you really look like 吉川 ひなの:
What do you think?
I love the last look, your hair looks fantastic and the red lippy really suits you! LOVE <3
I tot red lippy only suits a few people in this world ie marilyn monroe and SKM hahaha
When I heard Xiaxue say pain, I already very scared.
I mean, her pain tolerance level very high and she still say pain.
Plus the vid I nv click. If not, I’d never wanna think of having big eyes through PS ever again.
I oso wann Gyaru super big eyes pls! >.<
ya. after she told me about it i decided i will never ever do anything to my eyes ever that involves cutting. lol
You are so beautiful *O*
like a model♥
it is squarie instead of rectangular!!!!!
No need to envy.. hehe Unnatural stuff can only last so long.. 😛
plastic last foreverrrrrrrrrrrr
I think it’s more like.. natural stuff grow old together with the rest of the face. But if plastic.. dun think will blend in le.. will forever need to go for surgery aft surgery.. IMO..
Yeeeep, people who have plastic surgery do not age well. They can only keep getting it touched up and then they grow up to look like Cher or Donatella Versache. Cheat one all the way!
Omg you’re like pretty to the max even without those photoshopped eyes!!
Wow, even people who has double eyelid wants deeper double eyelid!
I have single eyelid, but never thought of cutting it and stuff. Didn’t have the guts to watch the videos. XD
Sometimes I feel insecure with single eyelid, but when I look at my surroundings, I’m not the only one. So it definitely boosts my insecurities. Lol.
think RAIN ahhahaahha
i chicken never watch the video!!! haha
but u r super duper gorgeousssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur eyes big even without cheat one!!!!
Actually i didnt watch oso lol. i just glanced thru them
u’re so gorgeous,I like your red lips 😈
thankiu :blush:
OMG…the videos are too gross for me to even click on it to see… >.<" Okay, I admit I'm a chicken when it comes to surgeries and stuffs like that. 😳 I dare not go under the knife for several reasons and I definately prefer Cheesie's Cheat One or whoever's method because I can always conduct experiments with it. 💡 Beauty is subjective, as long as one is happy, that's what matters. 😉
Of course I didn’t click on those videos! I scrolled down super fast. You crazy ah, don’t give warning one!!
I can’t see much difference about the eyelids before and after…I don’t like the first few close-up pics, you look too much like a doll. The last two are nicer!
wei. i wrote in RED BI BIG warning can. lol
I rather PS or apply make-up to look pretty. Plastic surgeries are crazy, just look at XiaXue’S bloody eyelids. *shudders* 😐
haha she said got better d!
Do you have a “cheat one” for making your face look thinner in public? My cheeks is too chubby in comparison to the rest of muh bo 🙂 dy …. so if you have any tips please share, haha!
eee dont mean to eavesdrop but apparently putting braces makes ur cheeks slimmer. but its not “cheat one” it’s real one..
nope had that done years ago, didn’t think it helped 😛
oh… too bad, cause it worked for me 😛
ya meh. i wore braces. i think it made my cheek permanently swollen fml.
just sapu lotsa hair in your face to hide it lol
I watched the first video before, crazy gross. And painful T_T.
“Just because some people can tahan pain and got the nerves (which is ironic, because i suspect nerves are exactly what they don’t have, because else how can they not feel pain?????)”
HHAAHAHAHA damn funny this sentence wth.
I really like pic 4, when you’re smiling broadly. 😀
i dont like it cuz it’s like xue peng da kou!!!!!!!
ewwwwwwww~ killer video……. it’s so freaking i relly can’t tahan~
haha warned ya
is minimaos cheesie’s? 😀
i wonder too. 😛 whenever there’s new stuff posted on the website, she always has it first. xD
haha that’s everyone’s guess.
I suspect Ichigo more.. -shifty eyes-
You have some of the most beautiful eyes! ! !
My question to you and your Asian lady readers, is why do so many Asian women want to look like a western women?
As a causcasian man, I can tell you that on this side of the Pacific many males appreiciate the beauty of Asian women including thier eyes!
Erm, actually we don’t.
I mean, do western women have pink irises? No.
Maybe in the beginning it came from the Japanese who goes blonde and what not, but nowadays your western women are following Japanese trends and go blonde and what not. You don’t even know who wants to be who anymore.
So. no, it is not about western women. Like, at all.
I think he means the double eyelids part. Western women have double eye lids and I think a lot asian women want that too. Like the video’s you’ve posted about the surgery’s and the tools that help you achieve it.
I dont think its about the western woman, to imitate or whatever. But I do wonder where the fascination about the double eyelids come from.
Japanese women got the idea of going blonde from American women.
American women got the idea from blondes being marketed as sexy, alluring and the exciting women are always blonde. The idea of blondness is all marketing hype.
May is correct in my questioning why so many Asia women want double eye lids.
I have an Asian wife, and her eyes are simply beautiful.
Babe, the video’s GROSS!!!!
Faster scrolled to see your pretty butterfly dress 🙂
haha how are you! Your avatar is not YOU!!! 😛
I can’t seem to change my avatar for ages now. Do you know how to? 🙁 Frustrates me… hehehe. Somemore this is his old baju.
I’m good… good…
Wow..ur eyes were so big and beautiful especially when u put on the green colour contact lens..May i know which series and model of contact lens u are wearing?
you can ask vivifashion!
You look so pretty! i believe that nowadays u less ps ur pics right right right? 😉
no leh. this post is super PSed.
Your eyes are really beautiful. If you don’t mind me asking, may I know where or what kind of false eyelashes you use?
dolly wink! mostly.
Thank you! ^^
Is this comparable to SNSD (Korean girl band) plastic surgery?
whats that!!!! kepoh
ok im googling them
So random talking about SNSD!
you’re gorgeous!!!!
OMG… Those videos damn er xin!!!!! I’d never have the courage to go for plastic surgery.. I better go for minimaos.. Lol.
haha 😈 😈 😈
😈 love your look
i miss taiwan!
i was hiding pillows when watching the first video especially when the ppl say cutting the muscles wth.
*hiding IN pillows.
what is fnl lol
i like the red lipgloss. can i know wat brand is tat? :dunno:
its actually a mix of a lot of things! i cant remember nao
“dook” ur eyelid~ i reli lol~ hahaha
I thought just maybe, MAYBE I would try out some plastic surgery, not cutting a double eyelid, b/c I’m happy with mine, but because I have a wide face, my jaw bones are pretty obvious…
But AFTER I saw the videos :O
NOPE!! No plastic surgery for me, thank you!!
the key to doing PS is not watch any video 💡
you look a little different here but really pretty!
i think ur eyes very nice liao lo.
then when you go make again using the fiber stick
eyes are never big enough
I like this post. (^_^) You are very pretty. I watched a documentary on plastic surgery of Astro last Thursday. I just don’t understand why some women will let a doctor poke them here and there with some needle and there was also a lady who was doing a face lift. I prefer everything to be natural and original. I am very amazed at what Photoshop can do. (^_^)
😈 😈 😈 😈
i was too scared to watch the videos.. but i just got my double eyelid and inner eye cut.. haha right now i have bigger eyes! so happy 🙂 i used to have really small eyes and couldn’t even cheat one bigger prettier eyes.. right now the only problem is to cover up my scars.. wish i had natural beauty and cheat one skills like u!!
wtfffffffffffff pain anot!!!!!!!!
and got scar???????
nope, no pain except for like 10 seconds when they put in anaesthesia
the scars supposed to go away in 3-6 months.. so far i need makeup to cover lol
Wow, you can really pulled off with the red lips… I’m always so afraid to do that cos I’d think I look like a tramp. Thanks for the tutorial. 😈
have to be very very careful. doesn’t look that good in real person thou
You are so pretty already! You would never need that surgery at all!
pretty is never enough!
i have one double eyelid and the other eye is a two and a half eyelid! damn fucking weird, can’t even use that sticker thing to even out because who on earth has triple eyelids?
got. most of the japanese models have more than 93847 layers
I thought I would be a tough girl but… omg those videos… make me… wanna… vomit… I only watched the first video until 1:28. gross… vomit…
sorry for my stupid commtent.. but… vomit… right now…
” I scrolled up and watched the videos…
now I feel like puking. T____T FML
same here.. it’s badddd!
what the, seriously, freakin scary esp the part where the lady’s eye protector was shown n her tears and what not, make her seem so freakin scary!
i guess ppl who dared to do it probably didnt watch those videos b4 wtf
Yeah, not even the chicken comment could make me watch… felt sick just looking at the teaser pics…
Can we see before/after pics of Xiaxue when she’s all healed up?
haha why dont u ask her
OMFG!! This is amazing! How long did that take? I have to say you look STUNNING with red lipstick! So chic, so sophisticated – <3<3
not that long, maybe just half an hour. 🙂
Red lips are so your thing!!!! When i thought of red lips you are the first one who popped up in my mind hehe
How you put contact lens one? 🙁
I’ve been learning all this while, and at the same time, failing 🙁
wa ! VERY JOLIN!!! <3
I realise u like to do wateva xiaxue does.
You created this layout almost similar like hers.. She wanna give away her dog,u wanna give away ur dog..
She bought ring light,you buy ring light..
She bling her gadget,you bling yours..
Now she cut her eyes, u go and do a cheat 1..
TOO MANY SIMILARITY.. Cheesie=Cheat One Xiaxue
hi u know where xiaxue did her eyelid at??? 😉
Hi chessie, I just want to ask you about the Coach bag that u bought from an online page which sells cheaper from the retail shop.
Do u mind giving me the link please? Sorry for the trouble.
Thanks! (:
wow i suck at make-up (well i never actually bother to try in the first place)
but the after effect of yours is really gorgeous ! <3 😉 😈
Hi Cheese… I’m not sure if anyone have already asked you this. But May I know what is the brand/type of eyeliner you’re using? Thank you…. 😛
I love your pictures!! 😈
and ya, after i saw Xia Xue’s blog…I wonder how much of pain she had gone through… 😳
anyway, mind to tell which lip stick you had used for the super red lips?? it looks super nice… 😀
You looked like Dawn Yang in the last 4th picture.
I tried the fiber stick , but it doesn’t look vey natural when ur eyelid is closed, does it? Or maybe my skill is bad :dunno:
Honestly, I don’t dare to go for the surgery. I believe make-up can actually help me a lot.
cheesie, whr u buy ur ring light frm? 😀
u look horrible with the red glossy lips. yuckssss!
haha your so funny and so talented with make up aswell. love your blog and reading it, brings a smile to my face. 🙂
OMG. Glad you posted those videos.
I was thinking of getting plastic surgery when I’m older (I’m 17 this year).
Cause one side of my eye is single eyelid, the other side is double eyelid. LOL!
Btw, is it comfortable to use that sticker thing?
And can you make a tutorial on how to make anime-like eyes? x3
hey, you are so pretty! I am from San Diego blepharoplasty sounded interesting to me and so I got an overload of information here. Found this site http://www.plasticsurgeryisforme.com, so you might also want to check this out…
hi cheesie ~love ur blog as u always straight foward and dare to voice out lol~
hey wanna ask u a few things …where u did ur eyelid thing?i am a super single eyelid …really small my eye~
then another thing is minimaos is ur facebook account? u selling things online izzit?
i got do some research about double eyelid(is these true?)
1) sewed eyelid is not permanent, and cannot rub ur eyes after sewed it
2) it cost rm8k to do a permanent double eye lid in Japan
this info i all got from online and about second fact, i got it from a fren study in japan~
Hi there,
Do you know where xia xue did her double eyelid?
ohhhh myyyyyy! I was thinking of doing surgery for fun but NOT ANYMORE! THANK YOU!!!!!!! That is disgusting and insane!
and what do you look like WITHOUT all that “extra” stuff on your face?? 😯