Last Tue night i almost fainted because it was 11:57PM before i realized i haven’t paid my credit card bill fml.
Logged in to my bank account frantically before the maintenance started and i fainted again when i saw my actual credit card bill figure.
How. On. Earth. Did. I. Manage. To. Spend. So. Much.
Then i realized i totally asked for it.
Cuz i was going to Japan and all and i thought it would make sense to bring less cash but have more money with you so you feel secure, right? Right right right? In case you saw that Japan Limited bag, or Liz Lisa fukubukuro, or 345913 pairs of to-die-for boots. Right?
So i made a request.
And the worse thing is, it got approved.

Have to eat grass for the next two months.
So then i was having a chat with my friend about how ridiculously much i spent the last month and he was like, “don’t be too harsh on yourself, don’t feel too bad about it, money can always earn back one”, and i was like, “Siao ah, the whole point of spending money is supposed to make me feel good, so if i end up feeling shit about it then what’s the point?”
A bit of a Catch 22 here.
Spend also cannot don’t spend also cannot FML. But to be honest i really love the feeling of buying things with a magnetic stripe card due to the simple fact that it is not money. If i have to pay cash to buy a, say, Harvey Norman sofa, i probably will die of heartache half way counting my notes. T_T
But with credit card you can just swipe, sign, and never look at your credit card bill ever again. (Hide them behind your toilet seat or burn them if you must).
Until you actually have to pay for them.
Lesson learnt. There’s only one way to solve the root of all evil. And it is as simple and clichéd as the age-old advise: Don’t spend more than you can afford, ie, BURN YOUR CREDIT CARD.
Instead, get a debit card.
1. Still solve your cash-less problem. First of all, I never have to carry too much cash on me. Cash =dangerous in Malaysia. T_T
2. The Highest Cash Back. Up to 2% rebates whenever, wherever you swipe. MEANS MORE MONEY TO SHOP YO! But since my deposits is not that high, right now it is only 1% cash back. Wait will i get richer, then i shall be upgraded!
3. Absolute Convenience: Combines all the functions of an ATM card with the absolute convenience of shopping in the entire world.
4. Absolute control: Deducts purchase amounts direct from your bank account. I can decide the limit i want, need not go through the who application with the bank.
5. (This one is a bonus point for kiam people like me) No stupid RM50 service tax! HA BEAT THAT!!!
My new baby.
Still buys me good meal.
Still a shopaholic (bought two bolster because err… it was Buy 1 Free 1) not a wiser one. 😛
Got to to find out more on how you can control your wallet!
last pic’s kinda funny, got me laughing a little 😆
I like debit cards too, at least you’re spending what you have and you still don’t need to carry too much cash 🙂
Since you have two bolsters…can give me one? haha
Debit card is better for day to day spending than credit card, but NEVER use your debit card overseas or in dodgy places because it comes directly from your cash reserve if it gets cloned/stolen you are screwed.
plastic money is dangerous, always spend way too easily. debit card does provide a bit more sense of reality than credit card tho.
I agree, Debit card is the way to go. But def don’t use it online. Do you have to use credit cards there to keep your credit score good? That’s what we have to do in the US. Actually, cancelling a card (which you would think would be responsible) hurts your credit. So, CC companies offer to increase limits to keep you spending but you end up in the pits of debt/hell.
That means you have to use a credit card..but have massive amounts of self control.
Good Luck! 🙂
Debit cards should be introduced and used at a wide scale in Malaysia. 🙂 I prefer debit cards over credit cards. I constantly rely on my debit card when I’m shopping in melbourne although cash is always the best option ( you can see your money, so you spend less)
I so agree with you!! Debit card is the wiser choice…I have a debit card too and I find myself controlling my spending better 😉
using debit card is much wiser than using credit card, totally agrees~! this is a nice and educational entry~!
the first pic looks like the pram is urs and u are fashionable mum going shopping. 😆 if online would be better to use credit card right? got some protection from fraud or in case of dispute or something cos u can tell the bank to hold the funds. i think so la. anyone care to confirm?
i have debit cards that are still virgin .. unswipe .. finding for something worth swiping them for .. i don’t have a credit card and don’t think i will want one in the future !
Seriously, as long as you’re young and those fucking amazing clothes suit you, you should spend the damn money on it XD You’ll see how much you’ll save when you’re grey-haired and have wrinkles all over your face!
debit card also provide second level of control. I don’t know about malaysia but me at aussie here always put certain amount of money at complete access account only and cash is drew only from that account. The available fund in your card is only those in your complete acess account. The rest in other account will be left untouched, safe and sound from temptation=)
i have never had a credit card, only debit card, i think debit card is better, its the same as cash, you can’t spend more than you can afford 🙂
Credit card companies will most often grant increases in higher limits.
Spend more and you owe more, they make more interest.
Do not be fooled by cash back plans. That cash back is earned by a higher interest rate charged to you.
Be careful with swiping your card. Numerous bad people have found means to skim information from card readers and use that without the card owners knowledge.
I had a debit card skimmed, and two months later had charges from a Starbucks in Seoul Korea, someplace I have never visited. It some time and effort to get the money back into my account, while the money was replaced I had to prove I had not been to Korea.
BTW your denim jumper is super cute!
Love this post, it was so so so cute. I don`t have credit trouble (thankfully) nor do I use a debit card except for big purchases, but Japan is very cash-heavy so 🙂 But like David said, be careful with the debit…I have heard of people swiping the information of them off of them while checking you out!
I linked this on my Weekly Wrapup! Loved all your pictures, you have a fabulous blog lady!
wow.. nice.. XD
I always use debit cards just so i don’t overspend! I won’t let myself have a credit card for that very same region! My mum once let me borrow hers and i went mad, buying things! It took ages to pay her back! 😳
I guess debit or the prepaid card is better than having banks chasing you for credit you owe them…
Don’t use debit card when paying at a restaurant…unless you swipe it yourself 😆
I agree, I love my debit card!! I hate carrying around cash and I refuse to get a credit card because I know I’ll just bury myself in debt~ 😆
You might want to censor your card number D:
So cute in the last photo! Love the overalls! Hope you can pay back all debt soon!
@Ada: Don’t think it’s her’s.
It doesn’t matter whether you get an credit card, debit card or just cash. If you have control over you shopping behaviour, you will know exactly what you’ve spend. It is exactly what you’ve said: don’t spend more money than you can afford! The bank won’t pity you for wanting the latest wardrobe, they will just get their money back. And I know you won’t end up like that but you must be alert at all times.
You should have seen my last credit card bill! I couldn’t believe it. Could just about pay it off but oucccchhhhhh. My heart sank too! I haven’t used my credit card since (it’s been a month nyehehehe).
reading this post feel like reading 5 series of shopaholic’s books.
-First time visiting here and I must say: wow pretty site! Really creative ^^-
Haha so true, so true ‘don’t spend more than you can afford’
I’m telling myself not to spend anything in the month November and it’s working okay for so far! (leaving debit card at home)
Cheesie!!!! Where did u buy your denim jumper? it’s so nice!
U are very cute . love u last photos 🙂
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