First coordinate collection after pregnancy!
(Preggo coordinate post 1, 2, 3)
Week 39
This was the last pregnancy coordinate, a day before i delivered.
Now that i think about it, the whole pregnancy was just like a blink of an eye, the most part of it seems like a fuzz now and i feel like pregnancy is a piece of cake and i think i can do it all over again!!!! (Obviously not true lol)
Also, the deteriorating memory thing is for real! No matter how hard i try to recall now (and it’s just slightly more than a month ago), i completely cannot remember how it felt like to carry such a big belly anymore! It is nice to be able to resume pre-pregnancy life and get into my old clothes again, but at the same time I am also a little sad i cannot remember how the baby rolled and nudged me back in the belly. In fact i STILL cannot believe i had a human inside me before. Why like that???
Day 8
First outing after coming back from the hospital with Junya. Bag from Kipling!
Day 11
This bag also from Kipling.
Day 12
Monochrome. Outfit from MURUA and EMODA.
Day 13
A hello Kitty kind of day! Top from Oui Ayano Ruban.
Day 14
Junya’s coordinate: Bubble Swaddle XD
Day 17
Retro Pin Up Girl.
Day 23
Summer Resort Girl.
Day 27
Bag from Storksak.
Day 31
Junya’s full moon party! Will blog about that soon! Whole coordinate from EMODA.
Day 38
Casual mama & baby day.
Finally got my baby carrier from Ergobaby. This is the latest model: 360 Carrier that allows you to carry your baby in 4 different positions: front inward facing, front outward facing, hip, and back.
And it looks like this super popular Ergobaby is also award-winning many reasons, and one of them is that it is ergonomically designed to fully support baby’s hip and not a crotch dangler like many other carriers.
I tried wearing Junya in Ergobaby at home, and i love it!! Sometimes he fusses and i will have to put down my work to tend to him (which can take foreverrrrrrrr) but now i can keep him close to me AND have both my hands free to do more things needed to be done, like…. typing this.
I also brought him out for a walk! The danna walked Champon and i walked with Junya… mostly sleeping throughout hahahha. It is also very very comfortable!
Hi. *yawns*
I haven’t seen many baby wearers around, maybe because not many people bring small babies out, and if they do they mostly use strollers. But i think if you are still thinking of giving it a try, i say go for it! It’s priced at RM689, available at major maternity/baby stores in Malaysia. ^^
Anyway, many people think that i was on some crazy fatal diet or something in desperation to lose weight and needed to go to a mental ward (“hey girl you need to take care of your baby and stop thinking only about yourself!“), or have some magic pills to get back into pre-pregnancy shape again so quick.
But as much as you will hate me for saying this, i did NOTHING to lose weight. Diet was out of the picture because i was hungry round-the-clock and probably eating more than my whole family combined. But the good news is that a part of my belly is probably still as flabby as Junya’s cheeks now. So yea magic is not so magic after all lol.
Hi Cheesie!
Wow, you’re looking great, postnatal! It’s inspiring to see that you’re still so fashionable (and looking so gorgeous) despite also having to take care of a baby! c: Junya looks so blissful in the photos too~ c:
I guess u got good genes thats why u just went bck to ur old shape without doing anything. Even when u r pregnant doesnt look like u put on lots of kilos. U r definitely envy of many!
Hi Cheesie~
Would you mind to share where did you buy the red colour bag that you took your day 23 coordinate with? 😀
You must be the most fashionalbe mother in all of SG!
You look wonderful in everything!
You look great and healthy! Why should you look like a frump after birth when you ate healthily and did not put on too much weight during your pregnancy?’ I think every postnatal mum should not have the mindset that they will look frumpy after birth. That mindset is too medieval lah!
Hi there, Would appreciate it if you could let me know where you did you get your Ergo 360 from.