I was in Australia, lying on my bed, painfully trying not to think about my data roaming charges when i received notifications one after another from twitter.
I clicked open, and saw so many Japanese names!!!
And then i realized, it must have been Tokyo Kawaii—Malaysia Episode that was on air right at the moment.
(They call me the False Lashes Queen wtf)
(And my name became CHIJI lolol)
I missed both the slots and haven’t got a chance to watch it until today. But the NHK people are sending Aud and i a copy, so once i received it i may upload and share! ^^
Still, i had not, and could not, in my wildest dream believe that one day i would appear on TV. Not just any TV, but national TV of Japan. That’s too much to ask for even if i personally know God.
I loved Japan since some 15 years ago so much so that my heart is probably white and square with a red circle in it wtf.
Then there was my first ever homestay trip to Japan and many other memorable trips to various cities in Japan. Then they was the exciting contact with the NHK people (Aud and i were in such disbelief that we were so afraid we’ll get scammed into some cute girl slavery to Timbuktu wtf). Then there was the filming and meeting Lie and Maiko and other wonderful Malaysian gyaru here in KL. Then there was the official formation of Foruchizu. Then there was the heartbreaking earthquake. Then finally there was the video, after much delay due to the earthquake.
And then i got many Twitter followers from Japan after watching the show, and their kind and encouraging words.
Maybe it isn’t such a big deal after all but to me it was so surreal and it was like a dream come true.
To have people send you nice notes and sign off with “Love From Japan”. Normally it was always the other way round. I feel that i’m connected to something i love so much to a new level.
I just want to say thank you to whoever have supported me, Aud, Fouchizu and the gyaru scene in Malaysia.
Nao Malaysian girls are certified cute!!! PROUD ANOT???
this is truly unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!
probably the beginning of bigger things!!!!!
may all your dreams come trueeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 😀 😀
You deserve all this! ^^ we support you no matter what! hope all your dreams come true
thanks so much!
thankiu! 😀
wow can’t wait to watch the video!
me too!
Awesome! wtg!!! 😀 & 🙄 ~
what is wtg
Gambade!!! 😈 MalaysiaN boleh
I’m really happy for you!! 😉
Awesome, can’t wait to see the video 😀
will try to upload if i get it!
I’M SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF YOU N AUD >///////////////////<
Will you post a link for us to watch when you can?
yes! ^^
ah I need to watch it! 😀 do give us the link when you get your copy! ^__^
Btw so cool that you’ve been loving Japan for such a long time :3 I have also had a Japan addiction since I was 10 ^^; even doing a study aimed at asia now :S wtf.. ooh well 😀 blabbering too much again! sorry~
all the best with your study!! 😀
メッチャ憧れです^^これからも、頑張ってね! 😀
congrats cheesie 😈 ^_^
hope they upload this to stream online so can watch from nz! haha x]
yea if not i will upload when i get it!!
Our Malaysian Gyaru Ambassadors 😈 😈 😈
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Congratz Cheesie. Thanks for all your hard work & dedication 🙂
just lucky and met great ppl ^^
Congrats cheesie!
Do you know where I can watch it? =)
right now dont have uploaded video yet but i’ll try!
please upload your video once u have it so that we can share the proud moments too 🙂
will do!!
I was doing baito when i saw you on the TV and I was like OMG cheesie. I have been following your blogs since the time I was staying in P.J. , now Japan. My boss was really impressed by Malaysian girls now. * flags shown another country because i am currently away for a week. anyway, my first comment here to tell you, it’s a a big deal, and a remarkable one. u r great 🙂
why you watch TV at work time!!!!!! lol
where are you in JP?
I am staying near Tokyo. The entire series was amazing. You just tell the audience how amazing Malaysian girl are. and i m shocked because i have been following ur blog and suddenly u appeared on TV ..omg.
Waaa! That is so sweet <3 You have many admirers~
so happy!
Yeah, good for you ! Congratulations ! 😈
we r so proud of u!!!!! 😈 😉
<33333 :D :D T_T #mixemotion wtf
you look really cute!!! its really great that you got featured on national tv!!! congrats on that! ;DDD
yea like dreaming wtf T___T
thumbs up! 😈
*grabs thumb
Congrats girl!!! I hope you upload it, I would love to see it! 🙂
i will try once i get the copy 😀
Sooooo PROUD!!!
私も日本大好きです! 😈 😈 😈
we all must gambatte~~~ 😉
Ahhh.. if I could just watch this online… 😥
soon!!!! 😈
woah thats so awesome!!!! you really deserve it
danke 😀
Bravo and congrats!
Elevating Malayasian fashion all by yourself!
The Japanese are very fashion aware and your persona and fashion sense shine like a STAR! 🙂
thankiu =)
YAY! also saw it (nao, thx to japanese tv even if i’m currently not there – thanks mac! :D) and aaaaww! cheesie, ur so cute ^O^ congrats :3
btw, i’m in a few time at home again and so happy to be in japan again, finally see my family and my parents. missed them sososo much <33 will you go to japan again too?
awwwww iwill be in sapporo 16th this month! 😀
So nice!!! I wan to go to the zoo too!!
zoo?! 😯
Hi cheesie! Can’t believe that my tweet appear on ur post XD
Just wanna tell u that u r really famous now in JapanXD even a guy in my kosen ask “u know cheesie from Msia!?” hahaha!
really??????? 😯 😯 😯