Few days ago i tweeted, I’m alive. I’m just too busy to even blink.
Nao imma take some time off to blink the hell out of my eyes.
😯 take care cheesie. I’m glad things are getting better for you but pls don’t spread ur self too thin…
no have ah!
i think i saw u at The Gardens Mall yest. u were standing infront of the elevator. wanted to confront u but dont have the guts. and im afraid i’ll mistaken that girl is you :/
No ler definitely not me, i was in Singapore yesterday :X
why do u wanna confront her? so fierce!
Have a nice rest! Looking forward to the NHK Kawaii post!
yay! it was fun!!
Haha aww ur so cute ^-^ how do u do ur hair like that tho? #ihaznoskills (=_=)””
i has awesome hairstylist!!
チージーちゃんこんにちは~!! こないだシンガポールのharajuku street styleで会った、ハーフ日本人のゆきえですーー ^w^ ナビハちゃんの友達で、一緒に写真も取りましたよね!! 覚えてくれたかな?笑 チージーちゃんのブログ何回も読んでいるんですが、コメントするのは初めてです~ やっぱ可愛いねー!!o(>~<)o また会えると嬉しいです!!
もちろん覚えてるよ!^^ゆきえもめっちゃかわいかった! ブログ読んでくれてありがとう! 週末またシンガポール行く予定なんだよ。^^
よくシンガポールに来るんですね ^o^ もしチージーちゃんが時間あってよければ、ぜひ会いたいです!!日本のファッションとか、いろいろお話がしたいでちゅ~~ o(>~<)o
very cool
best eye mask ever!
Hi cheesie! i like u v much 😀
can i know your bow is ur own hair or hair accessories? ^^
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😯 take care cheesie. I’m glad things are getting better for you but pls don’t spread ur self too thin…
no have ah!
i think i saw u at The Gardens Mall yest. u were standing infront of the elevator. wanted to confront u but dont have the guts. and im afraid i’ll mistaken that girl is you :/
No ler definitely not me, i was in Singapore yesterday :X
why do u wanna confront her? so fierce!
Have a nice rest! Looking forward to the NHK Kawaii post!
yay! it was fun!!
Haha aww ur so cute ^-^ how do u do ur hair like that tho? #ihaznoskills (=_=)””
i has awesome hairstylist!!
こないだシンガポールのharajuku street styleで会った、ハーフ日本人のゆきえですーー ^w^ ナビハちゃんの友達で、一緒に写真も取りましたよね!!
チージーちゃんのブログ何回も読んでいるんですが、コメントするのは初めてです~ やっぱ可愛いねー!!o(>~<)o
よくシンガポールに来るんですね ^o^ もしチージーちゃんが時間あってよければ、ぜひ会いたいです!!日本のファッションとか、いろいろお話がしたいでちゅ~~ o(>~<)o
very cool
best eye mask ever!
Hi cheesie! i like u v much 😀
can i know your bow is ur own hair or hair accessories? ^^