I’m in a super blogging mood because firstly my face is still busted and I have canceled all appointment and just rest at home. Secondly there are simply tooooo many things i wanna blog about.
Here are some pictures i took (using iPhone only) during my trip in Tokyo this time. No have my face. Because quite sad to look at my pre-busted face T_T.
Newest tallest TV tower in the world—Sky Tree
I’m sooooooo proud of the Japanese. When you look at the design it’s quite meh, just like any other tower right. But to think that they manage to build such an incredibly tall building at a place with frequent earthquake occrence that’s fucking amazing. I feel touched every time i look at it.
Legendary Tokyo Tower. Compared to Sky Tree this is almost retro, built in the 50s. But i love it more simply because it represents Tokyo and is super romantic for some reason. Maybe because of the J-drama i watched during my teenage years.
Shibuya and its famous Scramble Junction. Every time i cross the junction i feel like a character in a romance drama lol.
Bigger than life Sadako out of an LCD screen. #onlyinJapan
I watched the movie by the way (Sadako in 3D). It was super meh and not scary at all with the shittiest storyline.
Tokyo Girls Award 2012 at Yoyogi Park.
I have always dreamt of going to a fashion show or a concert in Japan. Like, just for once in my life no matter how expensive the tickets are.
But in 3 months i went to 3 biggest fashion shows. For free.
Night scene at Roppongi.
View of Tokyo from Cerulean Hotel in Shibuya.
The pictures below is technically outside Tokyo but it was just a short car or train ride so i am still including them!!
Hanabi (fireworks) festival at Kamakura.
I screamed and sighed like a little girl i think my Japanese friends are slightly ashamed of me wtf.
Chiba beach.
Believe it or not, this picture of a dolphin flipping out from the ocean is actually my kareshi surfing. #truestory. You are welcome.
Hakone Jinja.
Looks like a scene from an anime.
I love Hakone so much. So peaceful and it’s also our power spot!! We go to Hakone Jinja to pray often and most of our wishes would come true.
An autumn leaf in early summer.
Some small flowers
Last picture i have of Tokyo. From JAL flying from Narita back home.
I love the place. And I hope you get well soon in no time 🙂 much love from Britain xxx
pic #9, now that you mention.. it does really look like a dolphin flipping out… 😆 😆 😆
love all your pics! i am currently blogging about japan as well 🙂
those who wants to read, feel free to visit my blog 🙂
So envy looking at your tokyo post la! xD
Got anything to post on Osaka(going on Oct)? Haha
Lovely pics as always! Maybe all we need is an Iphone? oppss! 😛
Beautiful pictures, Cheesie ! Please upload more 😛
so many lovely photos! ^__^ love them!
xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo
these photos are amazing! theyre seriously taken on an iphone?! can i ask what editing app you use? they all look so lovely~
hope your face heals quickly ;~;
Haha when you said going “home” I wasn’t sure if you were referring to another place in Japan or Malaysia.
Hope you feel better soon!
What beautiful pictures!! You are an awesome photographer Cheese!
Your last picture wow-ed me the most! Amazing!
I love the tokyo towel as well!Really pretty in night time!xoxo
Please come again!!!XD
I love your photos Cheesie *-* your posts are always so hypnotizing *-*
Abigail you are in/from Argentina too! lol, so shocking to see the flag, haha, hiii 🙂
did they put up canopy in yoyogi park? I dont know how they do it with all the trees. Again, anything possible with Japanese 🙂
You make me want to go to Japan SO BAD!! (T^T) Everything looks so beautiful there!!
So pretty. Thank you for showing me more parts of Japan!!!!.
Waaahh! You’re so lucky! I wish I was in your shoes so I could travel and experience Japanese culture
The fact that you have always dreamt to attend any concerts or fashion shows in Japan reminds me of myself. Unfortunately..i haven’t reach that dream yet.oh god i sound pathetic -_- anyway keep on living the dream \(^o^)/
Oh wow, Tokyo certainly doesn’t disappoint as a photography spot! Will be in my list on the country where I wanted to snapped photos.
Being able to travel so often must be great! I love traveling in general and especially Japan! Hopefully one day soon I can make that dream come true♥
Lovely post girl! ;D
Amazing photos! Looks like Japan is really beautiful despite how crowded Tokyo is. Do you ever have to deal with perverts? lol Over here in America everyone is like “Don’t go to Japan, they look at porno mags in public and will grab your butt on the subway.” lol see anything like that? I think so of my friends are just too protective of me. e.e