Baby #1 here, on 16th June 2014.

Baby #2.

Thank you for coming to this world. ^^


When I entered my 38th week of pregnancy, I started panicking. The baby was head down but she was still posterior, and showing no sign of engaging.

It was exactly the same the first time around with Junya. I had a Cesarean with him because he was facing up and did not engage till the very end. This time around I was determined to try for a VBAC, because I know how long it takes for a Cesarean wound to recover and I really really wanted to be able to hold my newborn AND carry my toddler as soon as I deliver. It really really sucks to not be able to move at all when your kids are needing ALL your attention.

My gynae did not allow me to go past my due date, and I wasn’t allowed an induction due to the previous scar, counting in all sort of risk factors, I either had to be in labour naturally BEFORE my due date, or she was gonna operate me on the 18th of May.

I was hopeful because I still had time. I tried everything I could find on the internet that sounded legit to induce labour naturally.

There were the raspberry leaf tea, EPO (for insertion), lots and lots and LOTS of pineapples, I also went to see a chiropractor every week and do all sort of crazy poses suggests.


I began feeling more mild contractions, but I could still feel her kicks up at my rib cage and towards the stomach, which means she was still in a bad position. I talked to her too asking her to please make a turn, drop further down and give mama some help.

I had one more week to try my best. But on the 10th morning while helping Junya to get dressed in his school uniform, he suddenly peed on me.

I was like what the, Junya…?!

And then he looked at me innocently. Then I realized it wasn’t him. It was myself. My water bag leaked and I wet the bed and floor. But there was no pain. There was no contraction. Everything went on normal for the next couple of hours.

I called the hospital and they wanted me to go to labour room immediately. I was put on CTG and I wasn’t allowed to go back home that day. They say if my labour does not start they will have to get the baby out because once the water leak there’s a chance of infection.

To be honest I did regret calling the hospital. I felt that it wasn’t time yet, and my baby simply wasn’t ready yet, and I could have been given more time. I could do it. But once the hospital knew about the water leak incident they had to follow their policy.

My gynae did break the hospital rule and allowed me to go back that night, and she gave me 12 hours to go into labor.

And when I was home, I was practically on all four the whole time. I was doing cat cow while eating pineapples. My friend Daisy was like, how is that even possible?

It is.

I also went for long walks and climbed 25 floors up. The danna totally did not believe me, but I have proof lolol.

I was really like “COME, JUST COME AT ME, CONTRACTIONS!!!!”

I went to sleep that night, nothing happened.

Last belly picture.

In the morning I was called to the hospital again, and they strapped me to CTG, my gynae did sweeping and broke the membrane, I was waiting for contraction but all I get was 1cm.

Junya was with me and it was our last moments together as mama and the only child.

Showing no sign of labor progress whatsoever, in the evening they sent me to the operation theatre and my baby was delivered via Cesarean.

Hello baby.

It wasn’t my ideal birth plan, but I was just glad and thankful that she was born crying out loud, and kicking healthy.

It was maybe fateful that she chose to come to this world in this way, on May 11th 2016.

Because her brother was born on 11th June and her father 11th July. A celebration on the same day 3 months in a row. And that was perfect enough for me.

My two babies:

The difference of having eyelash extensions lolol.

1 hour old. ^^

Junya came to visit but he was sleeping XD. That’s his picture when he was 2 months old. How he is almost two!!!

Their first supposed touching and heart warming meet-up, totally unsuccessful lol.




“My name is Sakura.^^”


That’s all for now! Looking forward to a new life of family of 4. ^^
