I’m still trying figure out why some guys are so incapable of coming up with creative cheese-up lines nowadays.
I don’t know if this happens to you but I often receive some sms’es from strange numbers which, without fail, read “Hi (or hie, hello), can we be friends (fren/ frens/ a fren, depends on his grammar culture)?”.
Then my reply would be “who (the cheese, depends on my mood) are you?”
Check out their replies.
Type 1
“You don’t know me. I just simply sent a message and found you.”
Err, okay. If you’re that free, would you mind coming over and wash my car?
Type 2
“You don’t know me. But I just found your number in my phonebook. Mind to intro?”
Are you sure you didn’t get your phone from the snatch-thief who grabbed the handbag of my ex-college mate 2 years ago?
Type 3, which is also the most annoying
“You dunno me. Mind to be fren?”
“How did you get my number?”
“I just want to be a fren with u (sic), whats ur name?”
“I asked how did you get my number.”
“I forgot. But im honest person just want to fren u.”
So I decided to save 10 cents and donate to the World Cheese Association for “limburger VS hallucination” research, and ignore this loser who doesn’t even have sufficient brain cells to remember.
“Hey, why no reply from u. Can I fren u? I am not bad person.”
“I was asking who are you and how did you get my number.”
“Okay my fren give me one lar. Whats ur name?”
“Who is your friend?”
“I forgot. But can we be a fren?”
Help, Cheesus Crust.
I’ve known you since the day u chat online but you probably didn’t realise that, you’ve encountered me many times in many conversations but you probably didn’t pay attention to me too. You even mentioned my name countless times but you probably did not aware that u’ve been calling my name.Yes… I m none other than “errr… or err….” as everybody knows me, check your chats and comment box, I m scattered around everywhere. I m always there with u, u just need to type my name.
type my name 3 times, i’ll be there to pick u up for lunch. 🙂
oh… just in case i missed your calls, u can always text me.
my hp no. is attached in the email.
yours always, seriously,
how’s that for a errr… pick up line?
lols…retards…use lame techniques to “be frens with u”
For all dudes out there…There’s no point saying…”you wanna be frens with a girl”
It’s so obvious tat ur main intention is to get her..XD!
this part is funny..
“Okay my fren give me one lar. Whats ur name?”
“Who is your friend?”
“I forgot. But can we be a fren?”
wakaka…u dont even noe ur friend..how could he even be called ur fren in the first place?.. dumb retards…wakaka
ho. to silversheild, it’s not funny for ppl who have encountered v these kinda ppl b4. it’s like, remembering a nightmare ugh.