I just so wanna blog about food.
I had a heavy lunch in the afternoon, so i thought of going for something light. And found this little cafe called the Departure Lounge hoping for some salad or sandwhiches. Anyway, as its fancy name suggests, it has a concept which definitely gets all the attention.
The decor is minimal and clean. It works with the travelling concept. It has several book shelves, all full of travel guides for most of the popular contries. They have these little bookmarks resemble a boarding pass that you can take home. The cafe also covers wifi, and provides free internet access.
The cafe is also just newly opened. The food menu will only e available tomorrow. So all i could have was some cakes and pastries. Too lazy to go anywhere else, i settled for a hot chocolate and some dessert.
On every table there is a little standie that says “come hungry” on the front, and different statements at the back. The one on my table was “The Taj Mahal looks pink in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden when the moon shines”.
The overall concept is creative, but i wonder how many person actually come and read the books here. Talk about the food, new restaurants always give little baits for potential fishes out there. This cafe offers free pastries for every drink purchased. I chose a chocolate crossaint to go with my hot chocolate.
The little crossaint was crispy outside and soft inside, which was nice. But thats all about the good stuff. The rest are disaster. The hot choc was too milky, and the tiramisu was worse. Have u ever tasted tiramisu which is sour? This tiramisu not only had a sour taste in the cream, the whole thing also had a dried sour plum flavor, im not kidding. And it was too dry to be even called a tiramisu. I would say it taste more like a Sour-Plum-Tiramisu-Flavored Short Cake. LOL. The blueberry cheesecake was not worth a mention either.
Sigh. I might give a second chance to the food coming soon in October.
People always ask me this question: Do you go for the ambience or the food?
If you think i opt for the latter, you are wrong.
You can only be qualified to be as fastidious a person as me when you sacrifice neither.
Well, i know the dinner is quiet unhealthy. Ya ya ya, i heard you mom, more veggies. Right. So, excuse me for a moment cause i now want to hallucinate about me being a cow on the lawn.
though without pictures, your discriptions make me wanna try them too. Yummy.