Pun of the day:
Pick a skin, that’s all i’m askin’! 😀

Finally finished my final exam and handed up my final assignments. Hooray! I’m as free as a bird now! Cheesallujah! 😀

I’m graduating from Limkokwing University College. Maybe it’s also time for me to graduate from blogspot too!

Today is a devilishly auspicious day (060606, no i don’t believe in dooms days and my handphone number has triple six too), so i’ll take this opportunity to make an announcement…

I’m a soon-to-be dot-commer!


In fact i already am. Been working on my new dot com, and i’ll migrate to my new cheeserland within these few days.

But before that, i’d like some cheeseback from you guys. It’s simple, just tell me which blogskin and header you prefer, cuz you might be staring at the same layout from tomorrow onwards for the rest of your life a very long time!

So choose wisely yea. Of course if you have any other suggestions you can always lemmi know. 🙂

There, pick a skin:

(Sorry peeps it has to be PINK!)

Click to enlarge
(man, do they do that to boobies?)

h1 by you.
The original Cheeserland header.

h2 by you.
This was the original iCheesalot’s.

h3 by you.
This was Cheescapade’s.

Something more Goli!
h4 by you.

Or, maybe it’s time to change a new layout!
h5 by you.

Ok maybe you’re sick of seeing my face already so there.
h6 by you.

Thanx Damion for the cheese design header. 🙂

Things that will happen in my new Cheeserland:

1. icheesalot.blogspot.com (my original food review blog) and cheescapade.blogspot.com (my original travel blog) were imported to my dot com and they will appear under different categories: bon cheesepetit and cheescapade respectively.

2. I no longer need to hide in an emmentaler and blog anonymously (been doing that for two months). My private posts will be password protected. If i like you enough, i might give the password to you. 🙂

3. Of course, now you’ll spend less time typing my blog URL! 😀

4. So what will happen to cheeserland.blogspot.com? It will literally cheesappear from the blogsphere! I miss it already!

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading my cheeserland so far. 🙂

Oh by the way, the answer for the previous post is mouse potato. Christinesy smart cookie was the first and only one who got it spot-on. But Compotato sounds delicious too. 😀

Thanx for your participation. See you soon!
