Pun of the day:
Why does Cozzi look so good? Coz she……
This Tuesday’s STAR TWO Cover.
Cozzi Chong. Local chinese-kadazan singer.
Wow…What a breathtaking vision of loveliness… Now that’s a smile which will melt the hearts of many men.
Damn pretty right? The paper version is actually prettier.
Her face is shaped like a mango. Very nice.
Kadazan costume. Charming!!
One and a half years ago i met her face-to-face, during a Chinese New Year Carnival. I took a photo with her at the back stage after her performance. I’ll show you my Ah Lianest look in a stupid costume and how I looked shorter than a Hobbit because she was wearing 5 inches while i was wearing those flat chinese vampire shoes. -_-|||
Oh. Back to Cozzi. She was wearing the exact same Kadazan costume that time. Guess what?
WTF? I also wan botox. 🙁
But… you already look so pretty! Botox will spoil it! I say NO!
too young for botox… infact I find you outshine her.
boo for botox HMPH!!!
think this: you really want to inject rat’s testicles in your body?
that’s yan qing? she looks different from the last i remembered.
eh how come the last pic with u and cozzi. she doesn’t look like the 1st pic wans.
and BOTOX? hahaha pls la. ur so young now. maybe when you’re 40 then u can consider taking. hehe.
botox.. lol rightiO! i dont think so cheesie 🙂 u look pretty as it is .. nothing to worry bout
Never know that botox is so powerful….
She looks really different in both of the pic…. -.-“.
OMG!!! What did she do! SO different!! My face also very chubby sObBbBbbb
yealo.. botox=rat testicles.. er..but come and think bout it..u dun need it liao..given dat u r a mouse thinking she’s a mutated cheese.. aih the possibilities are just too much.. eh..think again.. female dun have dat hor..aih… contradicting liao…
Thanx people.
Nah, i was just kidding when i said i wanted botox. It’s just very surprising to see the before and after effect. Can’t be sure she did that too. Maybe she just… erm… diet like siao?
But seriously, don’t you think if there’s a will, there’s a way when it comes to vanity? 🙂
i like your cutie image in the CNY carnival.. esp those pics of u in white.. u look really natural.. not saying u don’t in other pics though..
Wah..blast from the past these pics!! Long time didn’t see them already! Ehehe.. you look better than Cozzi..faaaar better =o)
AND no botox for you dear.. you’re perfect as is ^__^
Wah, you look so different now compare to your younger days. Younger days you are a bit tanned and…… a bit ah lian also la. Now different liao. More beautiful.
Hijackqueen: I’m still tanned. =P
Wah,is that 燕卿 in the first 2 pics?
I remember I watched her performance at temple beside my ulu kampong……..about fifteen years ago -_-lll
Oh, botox? It doesn’t hold long. Look at Dr. Mahathir……oppss!
chun li + botox = bad cheese
think of your loved ones
said no to botox…
for more info,call 1800-88-BOTOX or visit http://www.saynotobotox.com …
i m crazy bout ur fren mozzi. do a post about her la. i m sure a lot of guys here wanna know her too . 🙂
sincerely a mozzi fan ..:p
x: Email me your MSN. I’ll see if she’s interested to know an X. =)
hmm… is Cozzi a kadazan? haha. just wondering.. and u look adorable in that costume. *clap clap*
ur prettier than her =)
er.. what’s botox? sounds dumb.. but.. still dumb.. -.-
HUH? cozzi chong is not even pretty. i think she looks very cheena. you should check out liv tyler! SHE’S GORGEOUS,BEAUTIFUL AND FLAWLESS
i vote for nicole kidman and angelina jolie…
they’re both beautiful and sexy!
btw i just realized u said WTF instead of WTC… intentional?
Cheesie, I think it’s not only botox. She looked like she had her nose and her eyes done. Drastic differences.. her nose bridge is higher and her eyes are bigger now with more obvious double lid. Cosmetic surgery..sigh..
Maybe the pics were just photoshopped to the max?
Hmm, I don’t think it’s Botox, cause botox only paralyses the muscle, eg. so that you won’t look wrinkled…
This looks more like plastic surgery! Her face shape looks so totally different!! The cheekbones and everything!! She looks damn good now. The second photo especially!
But then again, I’m not making accusations.. anything is possible with photoshop! Hheheheh.. 🙂
But oh girl, you look great already, so don’t even need to think bout those stuff 😉
She’s pretty meh?
Great site btw before i comment..
Well, dun b surprised becoz alot alot of girls go for breasts enlargement now toooo….coz its cheap and they doing it gradually so that when u go home to ur husband, he cant even tell the diffrent becoz they gradually inject into ur breasts for u…
and they mostly patched ur breasts up where there are holes, for example like the top part of ur breasts and patched other place again the next visit…..it is gradual so if u want bigger and bigger u pay more and more as u visit more often…………
so beware….nowadays anythings can b faked…………basically
if breasts = firm & perky = fake
if breasts = saggy and limp = real
i think i am too chicken for this and would have to force my bf to accept my origin breasts..lolzzz
Wah damn HORNY guy (3rd pic)…
hmm.that is a kadazan costume alright but not entirely the original. one cozzi have on is all made up for stage effect. the real one is more simple and beautiful!
nowadays, botox can be used to narrow the facial parameter and its not only for wrinkles anymore. Hardly anyone hears about this since it’s only popular with the asians (particularly chinese) overseas like the states and what’s kinda in the dark in the states is most likely the case here.
OMG!!! i wonder how much pain killer she must hv swallowed after that surgery. Her smile still looked kinda painful to me.
But she look much older after the surgery wor… izit worth it?
lets go to http://www.cozzifriends.com
i would like to enquire whether anyone of you got cozzi’s contact number ….. thank you