Pun of the day:
The Cheeser has landed in cheeserland.com! Weeeeee 😀

6 by you.

So happy! 😀 😀 😀 My loooooooong awaited dot com was finally born at 7.14pm, on the 9th of June, 2006.Thank you for attending this cheesarific opening ceremony.

*cuts ribbon*
*throws parmesan confetti*
*releases balloons*
*poses on the right side*
*cameras flash flash flash flash flash*
*holds mic and speaks*

First of all i want to thank Keju for the webhost and domain, and for helping me fix everything you see in Cheeserland now.

Thanks to Damion for the header design, Peacock for the script, and many many others who have made cheeserland.com a dream come true.

Meanwhile, please bear with any of the imperfections you find on this site, as i’m still trying to iron out the kinks.

Now, you can go update your bookmark and cheeselink. Since i’m feeling cheesarific today, i decided to link the first 10 people who blogroll cheeserland.com, in my next post. 🙂

Will post some nice photos for Cheeserland’s birthday celebration tomorrow!
