Fine. While i was away someone came and sabotaged my blog. Then they came and sabotaged my dog.
Cheddie was supposed to go for a trim but the moronic groomer almost skinned her alive. She is now semi bald. I can’t show her pictures because she now looks like a freaking cat.
Then it dawned on me that i’ve broken a promise sworn on Cheddie’s white fur. Regret of the year. Also, you know the saying about doggies and their owners growing more and more alike? Well. We both lost weight and had our hair cut really short.
Anyone knows where to get hair extension for dogs?!?!666
Anyway. I’m super happy. Firstly for some politically incorrect reason which i’m not gonna say here. Secondly, thanks to all your votes, i won the Red Fm Red Babe contest. Last but not cheese, i received this!!
I passed my JLPT Level 2. The edge of the cert is torn because, apparently, Cheddie was happier than i was when the postman delivered the package. -_-
Happy Labor Day!
wow… u can speak japanese! congrats red babe 🙂
congrats… glad u r back
Congrats Ringo! 🙂
LOL I feel you! I was away from home during the weekends and when I came back, my dog was shaved completely bald! At least Cheddie is only semi bald hehe Anyway, congrats for winning the Red FM Red Girl and for passing your JLPT Level 2! 🙂
Congratulations Cheesie! Happy Labour Day too!
I had JLPT Level 2 too…
got it when I was 17 =)
how did you score for grammar, comprehension, listening?
goukaku omedetou
actually i think it’s better to fully trim your dogs fur at least once or twice a year. my darling looks really ugly after i trimmed her fur but after 2 months, she looks really pretty with her new coat! her siblings do not have their fur trimmed occasionally like mine and their coats arent as white and shiny as mine 🙂
Congratulations Ringo for winning the Red FM Red Babe and also obtaining your Japanese Language Proficiency Cert!
Thanks for dropping comment on my blog.
Happy Holiday!
congrats wei…
congratulations jiejie R 🙂
Congratulations, and congratulations! 🙂
Well, it’s nice to see that you and Cheddie are both happy about the same things! 😛 (I mean the cert)
But what happens if you don’t get Cheddie’s fur cut/trimmed? (I’m very dumb dog-wise, but I don’t believe that I’ve heard of dogs growing super-long fur…)
hey ringo, u have a Jojo Struys’ cuteness! 🙂
congrats for everything 🙂
awesome. i’ve always wanted to learn japanese but never got to it. 2nd level. is that like 2nd degree honors? or sth like that? or does that 2nd level thingy covers speaking.
sampoh … Mum said taht Level 2 is the 2nd highest level for JLPT. .. if Jiejie R wants to finish the whole thing, now she has to sit got Level 1 of the Test 🙂
Jiejie R, is Mum correct?
Omedeto. Leberu ni. Sugoi desune Ringo-jyan. Me level 4 also don’t have T_T
“Fine. While i was away someone came and sabotaged my blog. Then they came and sabotaged my dog.”
I cannot believe that you wrote that ppl sabotaged your blog when you were the one who allowed them to do so. You sound damn ungrateful for goodness sake.
r u going to take 1Q this year?huhu….i am planning to but 自信ないよ。難しいといわれるけん。
hair extension for dogs…? well, it takes 6,6,6,six months nia.
heyhey.. im a bit ketinggalan wif the latest happenings due to assignments *sigh*
But yea.. jz wanna say welcome bak n congrats!
take it easy anon, you need to have a sense of humor.
Dear Cheesie, congrats!! 😀
Btw yea the groomer always likes to chop off all of my maltese’s fur too coz it’s always matted up!
Hey Ringo. Saw your catwalk picture of the finale. You looked gorgeous! I noticed the heels you were wearing. The pair with metal studs or something like that. I don’t suppose they were from Nose?
Cheesie: No it isn’t. Shhhh! 😛
hehehehe haahahhaha happy labor day indeed! congrats on your achievements, and wow, cheddie must have wanted to learn japanese too, so she tot she could by eating ur cert lolol
So happy you’re back! So So So Happy!
Give her some “dread Locks” 🙂
OHAIYO! Your photos are finally uploaded… hehehe… come come tag them… 😀 Feel free to use them… if you feel they are nice enough. 😀
Now you can practise reading Japanese newspaper. You can get them for free at 1 Utama.
Cheesie: やった!新しい車か。 いいんじゃん! 時間があるけどデートは。。。 彼女はおこらない?
OO. So your name is Babybelle Tan Hui Ling?
congrats..haha..hw long have u studied japanese???
Cheesie: Can’t remember. About 3, 4 years!
oh… soon you can speak my language more than me T_T_T
because I speak Korean every day now… ah… my sad life.
Anyway congratulations! Next time, I expect level 1 ^_^
Cheesie: I miss you Joe!
awww…cheddie is so so s000 lovely lerr…
Anyway, congratulations ..^^
U learned japanese from where? very expensive 1 ahh… 🙁 i wish to learn too ler..