@ Iyvene’s 24th Birthday Bash themed the Hat Party.
Venue: Pick n’ Brew, One Utama
Everyone was required to wear some kind of cap/hat/head gear.
“Harh? You call that a cap ah?”
Faye’s pink hat is hot.
I went with my pirate hat!
Which won me the best hat prize.
Dunno why she was laughing at me!
Mary-Go-Round. Ahem where’s the other one? HA! i spotted politics! =P
Is this where pirates came from?
Cake time. This year around everyone was quite polite as no one actually cake her like we did two years ago.
“Okay, next year, i swear, no low cut top.”
You look at her birthday cake!!
Seriously lo. Everyone tells me i look better in short hair. I refuse to accept the truth (still). But i honestly think Iyvene looks so much hotter now!
Light snacks served.
Onion soup. Thick and nice!
Can anyone tell me what this is? I was trying to figure out what it was, but after half bowl i decided that i had failed miserably. Tasted slightly nutty and very creamy. No not pumpkin. Definitely not corn either. Wait, maybe it was pumpkin. But if it was, it too failed miserably. lol.
Lamb with gnocchi. The lamb was awesome! But i had too high an expectation on Gnocchi. None of those i’ve tried recently can make it. Sad.
Photo session
With Manhand’s members.
Denise, Cheesie, KK, Iyvene, Danny, Faye.
From same college.
Danny is probably the only one actually bothered to wear a fancy hat. Such a joker.
Pictures are either from Wai Khing or Brandon or Arthur. They don’t label it so i don’t know which is whose!
Pick n’ Brew
F233 1st Floor Promenade
One Utama
Soup was butternut squash maybe?
Nice to see the pirate hat out again and somemore winning a prize 😉
yummy food~!!!!
Waaa the hat!!!!!! Can become Mrs Sparow d!
Oh this shop owned by http://jacksonkah.blogspot.com/
Your shoes look fabulous!
Owh… Happy Birthday Ivyene 🙂
Can we just have female photos from now on? … the guys just ruin the photos. Thanks. Haha!
Everybody looks so gorgeous phwweeeeeiittt! ur frens are superhottt
Hey you look great in the pirate hat. It’s HUGE! OMG! It’s almost larger than you in the side profile. 🙂
It looks really good on you though. I like!
We hat fun. Haha! I just had to add that comment. Nice pun.
nice top ringo, where did you buy it?:D
Oo..you had a hat….that’s good for a boat ride.
Your hat is uber cute! Congrats on winning the best hat prize! 🙂
same college? how come i’ve never seen them before? hmm….
not mistaken.. i think that soup is potato and leek..
been there.. had there… heehe…
have a nice day, cheese…
Great hat!
The orange soup might have been Kabocha (Japanese pumpkin.)
Hey, I celebrated my birthday here to with the makan gang. Did you say hi to Jackson? By the way. You and your girl friends might be interested in this.
Yah.. I think the orange soup is butternut squash…
mMmmmmMMmm yummu food… i wonder what camera are u using xD… can tell me ma? xD
Hi! Simon told me that you blog about Pick n’ Brew and that’s why im here! This is my first visit to your blog and it’s interesting! The soup is a healthy pumpkin soup. Im glad you enjoy the moment.
haha, seems like people are quite curious about the soup huh…Anyway, there are more delicious food and coffee in Pick N Brew , let’s log in to http://www.picknbrew.com.my (hang on, for your information, im not anyone who is working in pick n brew. But i had my birthday party there and i think its quite a nice place huh ~ ) 😀
wow…so glam!!! envy
which college do u go to?
Hey, ur fren cute cute hor. Cuter than Jolin leh!
cheesie you are really good at making a catchy and related title. . . nice blog you have here.
Loong: actually there’s all girls version, you can request from her 🙂
i think Faye is cute.. is she still single?
Nice lovely events.. yeah I think I agree that you look better in long hair… Maybe you should get an extension.. =)
Have a nice day..