I haven’t read the paper for the longest time (not even Entertainment) and today I almost got the shock of my life!



Some of Jolin Tsai’s latest picture during a press conference. Oooooohmygod.

How come the second picture gives me such a DawnYang feel. Plastic surgery can make you so pretty but sooo ugly.

The tabloid says it’s possibly an allergy caused by her baobei doggie. *gasp*. And i sleep with Cheddie everyday.

Jolin and Woohoo. A Bischon or a Bischon mix.

Damn kesian lo.

But apparently photoshop can do all magic. Let me just show you.

(I didn’t do this. Someone else did.)



By the way, is it me or are the Olympic Taekwondo women reeeeeeally irritating. They scream like what bitches do when they pull each other’s hair during a cat fight. Except that they kick and punch.
