I know many of my readers are a little confused about my Japan trip. How come i get to travel to so many places and stay for so long? I feel the need to explain a little and also because many people have asked and i have not had the time to replied. Now once and for all.
It was like this. On the 16th December 2008, i went on a homestay program to Nagano for one week, and then joined the rest of the homestay students at Disneyland on the 23th, which is the last day of our Japan homestay. But i took a night bus from Disneyland all the way down to Nara, and stayed with TK for another 3 weeks, before my visa expired.
It was a crazy journey. Now for those who want to participate in homestay program in Japan, this is the blog post for you.
My friend Wilson and his friend Steven are managing Titanplanet , An international homestay network. And i had a wonderful time in Japan, partly and indirectly owed to Wilson, because he was the idiot who introduced TK to me, so i’m more than willing to share this piece of good news with you.
Titan Planet is organizing a homestay program this coming April to Tokyo for 9 days and 15 days (your choice). And it’s very very very likely i will be joining as well. I have never really toured around in Tokyo, so i want to go again to see the world-reknowned Scrambled Junction (TK said it was Sukurembo eeggu, HAHAHHA! Aho. But so cute!), and it’s sakura season!!!
Basically this is what a homestay is.
My host in Nagano-Nakamura family.
Some of you might get sick of following tour guides and staying in hotels when you go traveling in a foreign country. I for one hate group tours the most. Participating in the homestay programs, you are welcomed as one of the family member and take part in everyday life, and you get to experienced the real cuture of a country.
Obaachan, Ojiichan, Kai, Okaasan, Ai and Otousan.
You do what a typical Japanese do every day. Eg play with the kids.
Ai and Kai.
Experience local culture.
First time using ofuro!
Maybe go to the kid’s school.
They may surprise you with gifts!
Obaachan help me wear kimono (my Christmas present).
If you don’t speak their language, it is completely okay. Your family will enjoy sharing the joys of discovering languages together. For me, I spoke to them in 100% Japanese, but Yuriko (my foster mom) was interested in Malay language so i would teach her a little (though my Malay is worse than my Japanese).
Please do not expect 5-star treatment when you stay with your host family. Always be accommodating and willing to learn. You may not visit as many places as you will on a group tour, or eat luxurious dinners. The mom cooks most of the time, and you can learn a few new dishes! It is good if you can offer to help out with the dishes and laundry (but most mordern families have dish washing machine etc so see how lucky you are la. Yuriko never let me do the househork. Hehe.)
The previous homestay i joined wasn’t from Titan Planet, but i guess i would enjoy Titan Planet’s homestay more because it’s adult oriented and therefore the rules are not as rigid and it gives you more freedom.
Also, i am really touched by Steven’s passion for setting up a network like this. It isn’t easy! And Titan Planet is a non-profit organization. Please do not expect really cheap homestay fee, because It involves a lot of research, hard work, time and effort. To search for good homes, and get in touch with the host family, then organize the trip. I’m giving my full support to Wilson and Steven San.
Anyone from 10-45 years old are eligible to join. Hurry up because application closes 6th February. If you have any questions regarding Titan Planet and the homestay program, please email info@titanplanet.net or call 03-2144 8144.
Or just visit Titan Planet. Don’t spam me with questions la. Anyway apart from Japan they also organize programs to Canada, Korean, Bali and other places. Check the schedule for 2009! Join their Facebook Group too. 🙂
Let’s go together la!
Will continue blogging my Japan holiday. Stay cheesed!
ooo i wantttt!
Last I went to Tokyo was almost 3 years ago, arghh this brings back all the memory, wish I can afford to go like, NOW!
OMG! I want to participate! Unfortunately I can’t take leave off work, but it’s a great experience ya? Not just doing the tourist thing but actually living and soaking in the local culture. Best ever.
Hi Cheesie,
I really appreciate this info. Thanks so much!! Most prolly I will join in…. but can you tell me what was the total cost you spent for the last trip at homestay not included 3weeks with your bf one…
I just want to estimate the cost before deciding to go for this.
Thanks! 😀
Eneri, are you from SG?
This coming trip would be RM5k+, please refer to the website for more info. Basically all i spent on my previous homestay was just my own shopping. All meals and transport was covered.
wow, Cheesie, this is good information to me because I have always wondered where to participate in homestay program….Thanks for sharing with us…
You are welcome! Hope you all can join the Sakura trip this coming April! 🙂
Its certainly a better and more economical way to go on a trip. Plus, I think by joining a homestay program, you certainly learn so much more because usually those group tours only bring you to common places. And hey, going on a group tour doesn’t mean good food all the time.
thats very kind of you to share the info wid us..ah… i wish i can join… but but.. huhuuhuuu T_T
blog more abt japan trip 😀
Aww.. it’s only open to M’sians? So sad.. I would love to join to if I could! Continue blogging more of your Japan trip. Looking forwards to your colourful posts!
DANGIT! How I wish I can speak Jap fluently … T___T *knocks head on table*
Btw, did you take up private jap tuition or did you learn it by yourself … does it take a long time to learn … GAH! I wanna learn a new language … **FRENCH** and Jap are on top of my list!! 😀
that’s so fun ^^ !!
tsk tsk! wanna hv BM tuition with meee…?!?!?!
Aaa.. this reminds me of the Japanese homestay program 2 years ago – I was 13 then and couldn’t really appreciate Japanese culture yet. I wish I could turn back time :[[
Oh and this homestay TitanPlanet thing got interview right?
huhuhu.. I wish I could go T_T but I’ll be going to Shanghai on April.. omg I really feel like going to Tokyo.. arghhh =(
can i join by flying direct from uk?
That sounds pretty reasonable, I don’t know nuts Japanese though. And I think I’d be WAY too big for their rooms haha.
Watching Sakura is enjoyable , though tat time i go , I din see much.
April( Well any season too of coz) shd be a good season to go onsen.
*knock head on wall*
Tat time took Jap1 for fun. If only i master that language tat time.
Some of the greeting i noe is ” ohayo”, “konnichiwa”, “sayonara”
Then butta is pig, itzit is chair ( something like that – i noe pronounce shd wrong)
Yes, i’m fm sg. Is only for Malaysian? awwww…. so sad
..and for high school kids here (msia, pls ignore the flag), you can check out http://www.afs.org.my (or .th, .watevayourcountryis) as well =)
Dear all,
Thank you very much for your interest! Please submit application to info@titanplanet.net before 6 Feb 2009. Application form can be downloaded at http://titanplanet.net/application.htm
For those who do not speak Japanese, don’t worry because your host family will be very happy if you CANNOT speak Japanese!! And I will teach you the basic Japanese language. Plus, I guess Ringo will be more than happy to show off her Japanese language skill to our participants right? hehe
For those who are not Malaysian or not in Malaysia, send email to info@titanplanet.net to find out more!
wow! thank your for the info! I ALSO WANT!! hehehe.
ooo sounds fun~!!!
hmmm wait till i grad and work….
a reason to save money lar~ XD
Syok nyer! I want to go on the April trip! but by then I’ll be back in Australia d T_T
Can’t remember which homestay company I went to but I know the Japan side is managed by Hippo family club(same as urs)
Last but not least,
This is so so so so so cooooooooooooooooool!
Thank for sharing this cheese… 😉
Thanks for sharing this information! I’ve always wanted to do something like that but didnt know where to go to! Now I can go Japan and experience the real daily lives of the locals!
cool cool..thanks for ya great sharing…sugoi!!
Wow, certainly sounds interesting…maybe one day I can try that!
That sounds so interesting.
I wish I could go.
look at my flag then you would know why
Jeremy: you can get Yukata ma!
KY: you can afford to go like, NOW. Make it happen.
HB: Ya, save your annual leave for it! 😀
Michelle: been on one before? 🙂
eri: next time we go together gether ok 🙂
ashley: please email them, i think not only for Malaysian!
ceceilia: yea i had classes for a few years. 🙂
irvine: 🙂
jade z: wei stop showing off. when u come back la.
Sabrina: you went with Titanplanet also?
michiika: They have Hokkaido in July! 🙂
Kimberly Liew: please email them for more info yea. 🙂
ST: wahhaha try their capsule hotel la. Like ur coffin. 😛
sk_ting: lol pig= buta. chair=isu
Eneri: no no, pls mail them, i think it is possible! 🙂
naVICgaTOR: lol u cheesappear to where d!
浅田:いいえ。ウィルソン優しいから。へへへ。 ね。ヨシアキ月曜帰るって。電話してな。
vvens&curryegg&cg: you’re welcome! 🙂
kate: heheh good luck!
hilda&WP: hope you can join! 🙂
DjdRifT: awww. why dont you HOST homestay. hehehhe
hey cheesie..nice trip you got there
i wish i can give a try too
look very interesting to learn something new =)
I always wanted to travel around and glad to hear about this program. It gives me more courage to try to take a step towards researching more into home stay programs.
maybe it’s time to experience something new. haha. thanks for sharing that info. can share with my other friends too 🙂 hee hee. oh wells. enjoy your trip! XD
and japanese language is really nice to hear and speak 😀
I went for homestay in Japan, Nagoya, two years back for 3 weeks 😀 😀 it was awesome !
オォ~~ヨシアキ月曜帰るんだね。Okok.かれに電話する。女遊びする。えぇ。。。女の友達と遊ぶのことです。。へへへ。。。 f(^_^);
Eeeeee… So nice.. thanks for sharing, Ringo 🙂
you look gorgeous here dear 🙂
see i told u my jap sux.
Memories of jap class keep pouring in once I read ur japan homestay blog.
Cheesie: Yukata sucks T_T Its so ulgy… Colours and designs are so dull…
ooooooooooooooo !i want!
hi!i wan to go too! but i have prob filling in the form in acrobat format! how do i fill up the form? =(
rei: they also have word format! i get wilson to contact you ok!!
thank you sooo much! really hope to go!
Hi, i was just wondering if the Titan Planet program is in collaboration with Japan’s Hippo Club as well? I noticed you were holding the Hippo Club form, how did you sign up for your exchange program?
I’ve been in one Japanese exchange program in 2004 to Nagoya which was a joint collaboration with the Hippo Club and it was awesome, I loved my host family to bits (she was a japanese lady married to a muslim indian and she cooked BOTH Japanese and Indian food!). I seriously wouldn’t mind repeating the experience and find out how 🙂
Hi Shazlin,
Titan Planet is organizing with various homestay network in Japan, including Hippo Family Club. However, it may not be necessary that every homestay will be collabrating with them.
If you interested, I suggest you complete the form and send it to info@titanplanet.net as soon as possible as the closing date is on 7 Feb 2009
are couples allow to participate together?
Hi SY,
Yes but usually we will put them in different host family.
Anything you can contact me at wilson@titanplanet.net or Steven at info@titanplanet.net
Thanks for the info, been looking for this transfer/home stay Japan thing, but is it expensive?
I have been to Japan twice with my family, but this year in September/October I am taking a school trip to Japan where we’re doing 2 weeks homestay in Nagoya (where our sister school is) and 1 week in a hotel in Tokyo. Usually, the school trips involve less homestay and more traveling but it was unanimous this year that everyone would like to spend more time in homestay, especially those of use who have traveled around before.
I’m really excited to do homestay because it’s something that I’ve never done before. We wake up the same time as our Japanese sisters (both of our schools are girls-only, though some of our sisters may have brothers), go to school with them for all of the morning lessons then go sightseeing a bit in the afternoon and come back for the end of school/club activities. After that we get free reign around the city with our sisters and I’m looking forward to meeting up with my old friends Tomo, Taku, Hiroko and Seiji in Nagoya too!
our interview by China Press is out!
check it out!
Hey Cheesie! I really love your blog! I found out about it a couple of months ago, but I dug out the archive and started from day one!
I love the fact that you’re really down-to-earth and I love your puns! I’m also a big fan of Japan. The only time I went was on a tour, about three years ago and I cried when I was about to leave =_=.
Anyway, keep up to great blog! I will definitely stay cheesed.
u really read everything ah!!!
even i can’t do that! lol
thanks dear!
Sounds real awesome but I’m twelve going on thirteen and I’m sure my mom wouldn’t let me. -.-
Hi Ringo!
I just started reading ur blog a while ago(literally), i really like ur japanese posts because im a big fan of japan and their culture. I learned japanese too but i never had the chance to practice with the younger adults( i usually speak with my senseis cz their accomodation is near my place;more convenient to meet up and chat) so when i read ur posts on it really feels like the closest thing i can get to getting to know the younger japanese ppl. But i haven’t spoke japanese with anyone for almost 4 years now and it’s really rusty and sound like japanese-pasar(broken-japanese) or sumthin.
I really hope u can post more on ur Japan trip and define more on ur relationship with TK currently, i tracked back on ur older posts, i want to read it all but im getting sleepy and i cant browse all today ahahah but i bumped into a post of Duffy? and u wrote that u are not together anymore.. if u don’t mind answering me.. how come? did u write in one of ur post? i found ur relationship together and how u guys met really sweet, almost like fairytale. ahahaha! well for me at least.
Just so u know, i heard of u from MDG cz my friend Valerie was on it, so i did watch and supported u guys, but i din read ur blog then cz of assignments and stuff. Im glad i did though. ahaha. p/s: ur attempts on being gyaru is really nice! i wish i can be like that too! bt cant really achieve that being plump and all. All the best! Kotae wo tanoshimi desu.
Hey there. I’m Alia. You’re so pretty. Btw, was the interview for the Titan planet homestay program hard?
But is it only open to malaysians? I live in SG… very near wad.. can accept? 😀
It is very nice to know your website though. I am also looking for a homestay partner in Japan in order to get more recommended from your side. I hope you don’t mind to make friend with a Cambodian people like me though.
Hello,nCongratulations for your website, this is very interesting.nDo you know if Titan has any relation with this website : http://www.homestayinjapan.com ?nBecause I am looking for a homestay in Japan now, and I would like to know if this website is good.
Hello,nMessage for Sara.nI have used last year the services of http://www.homestayinjapan.com.nI have stayed two weeks in Nagoya.nIt was very good, the family was very friendly.nSo, I recommend this website.nCheers.
I recommend this website also to find a homesta in Japan. I found one of the host family in http://www.homestayin.com and stayed 1 month. I made a great time with them. Good luck.
Me too, I found a host family in Japan ( Tokyo ) with http://www.homestayinjapan.com ( I stayed 3 months ) , very nice service, the family was very helpful, I recommend this website. Cheers.