Today, i’m thinking about the subject of lying. It is so paradoxical.
And i am thinking of the answer to the very often asked question
“Would you ever lie to me?”
One of the toughest questions to answer in human relationship, in my opinion. It made me wonder how i could answer this truthfully without sounding like a liar (or actually lying), and also what the politically correct answer would be to someone whom i actually lie to (or have lied to, or likely to lie to) without feeling guilty.
Best answer given to me so far is from Ching.
“No, but i just did.”
How would you answer this question?
would u be able to handle da truth? 😛
absolutely…. no, opps I did it again.
only if i absolutely have to. you will have to trust me I will explain eveything if i ever did lied.
The cake is a lie.
honestly? no? yes? maybe? urmm…
“Yes” *shakes head*
“No” *nods head*
“You say leh?”
lol why you so cute one
lets ask another question:
who would ask that question 😀 ??
depending on who it is
i would answer either really sarcasticly:
or i would avoid the question somehow like
“mhhh thats a difficult question i dont really know how to answer that
so far i dont think i really lied to you”
or i would say something like
“mhh i probably did lie to you, but it was never something serious”
(well which i choose might differ from person to person and it also depends on if i really lied to that person before.)
Another interesting fact is probably that I think it is easier in the internet to NOT lie.
i nearly never lie in the internet, but on the other hand i lie more often in my real life
There many categories for lying you know…
Most ppl even lie by the question “how are you” “fine”.
I think it’s better to ask if your lie hurts other ppl.
lol well
If i am not feeling well than i will tell and i will let everybody notice 😀
Hmmnn… I often feel not really well.. but I don’t know the causes. And my friends always ask for the reasons like
“OMG but what’s wrong… OMG honey let me help you.. What’s the matter”
Like I’m going to commit suicide or something… o.O wtf?
Than I often say, that everything is fine.
I’m not that kind of person who shouts in the world, how cruel my life is. I think this is a bit melodramatic.
thats right
but just look for the positive things in life
and you will feel much happier
like i know that one guy in my school
every comes there already a little sad -would have liked to sleep longer- face, but he -well he doesnt like school like everybody else- even if it is raining or snowing would sing or dance around
and it really makes you feel more happy yourself
Was hat das jetzt nochmal mit meinem kommi zu tun? xD
mhhh ich kann nicht zu deinem Kommentar schreiben deshalb mache ich das hier
du sagst du bist so oft traurig oder hast probleme und lügst deshalb um nicht melancholisch zu wirken
und ich sage deshalb:
du solltest am besten immer glücklich sein dann musst du nicht wegen solchen kleinigkeiten lügen 😀
(Ach ja hast du das aus dem Fernsehen, dass man ja schon bei kleinen Sachen lügt
Ich fand das nämlich schon damals ein bischen…. wie soll ich sagen)
Ich bin manchmal melancholisch und weiß nicht weshalb. Kennst du das nicht? Also weder gutgelaunt noch irgendwie traurig. So dazwischen oder halt ne mishcung von.
Zumindest habe ich das oft und es bringt mich auch nicht um und ich leide auch nciht durnter. Ein Zustand der halt oft vorkommt.
Kein Grund “carpe diem” durch die Gegend zu schreien und im Regen zu tanzen.
mhh Ja dieses Gefühl kenne ich sehr gut
irgendwie ist dieses gefühl aber schon komisch…
ich fühle mich sehr “glücklich” und voller tatendrank habe aber zu nichts lust und alles erscheint mir langweilig…
Aber ich bin meistens fröhlich 🙂
Es gibt keinen Grund traurig zu seien
die Welt ist schön!!! LOL
ich strahle im moment bis über beide Backen…
obwohl ich morgen Mathe klausur habe
Got people bully me!!! T_T
Nah… how could I bully my beloved cheesie? :’D
nahhhh we just had a conversation about the question “how are you”
and i think it is quite surprising how we can talk about that so long
Just kidding!!! Mwah you two back!! Check out my flag!!!
wow you are in taiwan thats cool
why are you in taiwan??
sry but cant write today again that much
was at the gym earlier and have to learn for exam now
I think I’ll write you a comment when I’m in poland *teehee*
omg you’re here 😀
anyway, i think lie hardly hurts people (unless found out). it is the truth that will hurt people hence the lie.
I see it like michelle (above me), that there are many kinds of lies. Or do you think you’ll hurt other ppl when you say, you bought some milk alhtough you forogt?. 😀
And doesn’t the fact, that your friend lied to you, hurts more, than the truth?
That answer is great! Classic! 🙂
In a relationship, yeah, both parties are likely to be economical with the truth at times. It’s mostly to avoid hurting people’s feelings.
“Am I beautiful?”
Can’t very well say “Not by general society’s standards, but you are to me”. 😉
did you say that to any of your ex gfs?
Film yourself in a video cam giving several answers. Then play it back on big LCD TV. Then choose the answer that you yourself believe is the best. Or you can post to youtube for others to judge for you. 😀
haha so cute one
I would never. But if I were to lie to you, it’s for your own good/ I have no intention of hurting you. XD
I am not in Ireland.
i dont hate you.
hah; his flag.
“Yes, cos you cannot handle the truth!”
never ask this question, no questions, no lies.
u dont ask but other people ask ma. it’s a very annoying question actually.
The truth will freak me out sometimes. :0
It always does, doesnt it? Doesnt that make you a person who doesnt wanna find out the truth?
“no, if you trust me.” hah;
honestly i don’t lie! unless… unless i’m 100% sure that you’d never find out the truth.
“Don’t even start asking me things that you’re unsure of yourself!”
What if the person say “i’m100% sure i wont lie to you”, would you go all cynical on him/her?
LOL, i think its a controversial question to ask anybody, because i know i would lie sometimes..
if i tell the truth it would be ugly 😛
so i just say (sarcastically) ‘I never lie’ (that usually sums up everything) ^^
altho about serious matter i would never lie to my other half ~_^
Really really really never?
i’ve been asked that before several times. depending on my mood, i’ll use either a short or long reply.
my short answer was “i’ll let u know if i m lying” or “do you not trust me?”
and my long ular answer was “if u faith in me, then you shdn’t think that i wld lie to u. but in any case, if u think i m lying, then i probably am. by then, do not ask me if i m lying to you. because there is no longer trust”
Wa which makes me think about a lot other things i want to blog about.
really? does it have anything about people doubting each other? 😛
i willl be lying if i say i don want to fuck u…
Wtf, no one asked you to tell the truth..LOL…
I would say ” If I have to ..”
but then again, I got guilty face one .. or i’ll say
“maybe ..”
“white lies la .. “
heard this in the radio! =D
really, what was it about!
i’m so sorry..forgot about the reply button here..replied below hehe
I guess my answer would be
” at Certain times….Yes I would, I would lie to make you happy and worry less”
what’s that in my pic? 0_o
I installed a lie-detector in this post. If anyone is detected lying, their avatar will turn into a magenta amoeba.
how does that work? through my typo? 0_o
Well, I guess I’m too nice to be lying -___-
My pic is the same….. -___-
let me test again..
I’m 23 years old.
HAHAHA johnny is a liar johnny is a liar pants on fire lalalala
yerr…like little girl la u.
But I am 23!! T.T
I don’t believe you were thinking about this subject today.
but i never lie to you!
Answer back in a foreign language. Wakaranai.
my initial reply would be: “About what?”
then when the person clarifies, “about anything.” i’d make funny thinking faces to throw the person off and then conclude “not that I know of at the moment.”
the magic of this is, it’s a nice little white lie and you don’t have to say the painful “Yes” word 😀
and most of the time you actually *can’t* think of anything you’d lie to that person,
because you’d be too busy making funny thinking faces..
so you are telling the truth. sorta.
Haha that’s a long theory. But appreciate it!
I would be lying if i say no. Anyhow, I would be making up a bigger fib if I say that my chinese is awesome.
I would lie on you; you Cantal.
Haha, I like that answer (No, but i just did). Erm…maybe “If I lie to you, it would be for your own good”? 😛
“No.. but ironically.. i’m a lousy liar”
I would only lie to you, if it would get you to leave me alone.
it totally depends on the situation. there’s not absolute answer in life
actually it was on MyFM..they have these celebrities talk and then intro themselves
Bosco Wong said something similiar! 😀