Warning: the color of this post may hurt your eye. Green overdose.
Hmm wait a minute. green is supposed to be good for eyes. Ok good.
So, i have finally kaotim my room makeover!!! GUESS HOW IT LOOKS LIKE GUESS GUESS GUESS!!!
Ok i just realized i have told you. It’s pacman and green. -_-
My spare room. It was a dull beige and empty.
So a few days ago, my Nippon Paint arrived! All in different gorgeous shades!
Started the paint job with my green apple colour – Nippon Satin Glo Green Grape463.^^
I painted the whole room i’m such a super painter!!!
No la. It’s Cheat One™. I got two nice gentlemen from Nippon Paint to help me out with the heavy chore. (Of course the most crucial yet artistic part is for me super artist to handle!)
They painted one coat, it seemed so effortlessly simple! Then rest for 30mins, and added another coat of Green Grape463.
And now i can has Green Grape Room!!!
It’s really amazing how fast it dries off. Just half an hour and you could actually touch it!!! ^^ And totally odorless. And the best thing is if you kena the paint on your body you can just wash it off like soap!
Omg why paints nowadays so canggih one! I remember the last time i painted something was like, 15 years ago or something.
WA the paint during those time damn omfg smelly and we were always forgetful so have to put a sign that says “WET PAINT” then when really kena your hand you wash with the thinner brush brush brush until skin wanna come off!!!
Painters are lucky now!
These are my muse. For a brilliant wall.
So i started tracing the outline of the drawing.
Then paint. Sky Blue 446 from Nippon Satin Glo ^^
PINK!– Zinnia Ruffles 7125T!
Process. Other Colours: Sunnyside Lane 7014T, Drama Red 271A, Spring Vigor 1053D and Black 144.
Ok btw Pac-Man trivia. Do you know that every ghost has a name? The pink one is called Pinky and it’s an ambusher wahahha!
Cyan one is called Aosuke and apparently it’s shy and fickle wtf.
I can has Pac-Man nomnomnomnomnom
Last but not cheese…
(ok wait a minute, there’s cheese involved)
I may wanna combined two of my masterpieces lol.
But thanks to the workshop i learnt some really useful tips and now i can has a gorgeous Green Apple Pac-Man Nom Nom room!
Check out Nippon Paint’s website HERE.
Maybe you should think about how you can give your room/furniture a make-over now.
OMG!! this can’t be possible!! i’m the 1st to comment?! hahaha!! wat time is it now?! where’s everybody?!
k lah, y u so cute one?! can think of pac-man on ur wall! haha!! really nice and cute…. i oso want.
i am also planning to re-paint my room. ok might try nippon paint lah. my room now like kena stunami i can’t even find my bed wtf. have to sleep at the living room now KNS!
anyway, Merry Christmas to u!!
tsk! y i comment so long one?! o_O” k back to work!
the paint is reli good! no smell at all!! gambatte
you thought of pac man? hahaha
why you soooo cuteeeeeee one!!!!! hahaha
some more got the dotsssssss hahaha
lol ya i saw it somewhere and i tot, why not i copy oso lol
OMG! The pacmans are so cute!!!!!!!
I’m so going to give my room a makeover now!
yay! have fun! it’s very fun one 😛
omg the pac man so cute~~ The dots are cute as well
Your drawing are so greatttt 😈
^^ 😈 😈 😈
‘HERE’ the link?
the wall is really nice…apple green is my favourite colour!
thats my 2nd fav color!
Nice greens! Tempted to repaint my room for the chinese new year also. 😀
what color!
omg. so cute!
help me paint my room next time. 😆
lol how much u pay per hour one
😈 😈 😈
i riek so cute 😯
😈 So nice! What a great idea!
😉 😉
OMG! That is SOOOOOOO OMG CUTE! So nice so nice so nice! Are you gonna redecorate your other rooms too?
no wor. other rooms are wallpapered. 🙁
Oo. Ok lo. :blush:
the green is so refreshing! nais!
haha i tot u gonna gimme mean comment again 😛
i where got mean? 😛
God, this is so cool…..love it plentiful 💡
can i hire u as my painter?? haha
confirm cannot afford one lol
Wow~~the pacmans are sooooooo cute… 😉
ya lo, damn <3 lol
That’s great! What a talent you owned! Btw, you climbed scaffolding or ladder in order to paint the pacmans & dots at the very high of the wall?
And….. You are so -> -> -> -> -> -> cute 😛
no ah. the ceiling very low only. ^^ and thx!
I will definitely use Nippon odourless paint for painting moi son’s room in the future.
You’re so brilliant for the Pac-Man idea~ Haha! Easy yet pretty!
My son likes Lilo & Stitch. FML TO THE MAX!!!
lol ask him to draw himself 😛 😛 😛
you are so creative ^^
haha no la, i copy oni 😛
i know this is irrelevant but hor, how do you keep dandruff at bay ? wonder what shampoo you use O: anyway, those were nice paintings!
lol why the sudden!!! i dont have dandruff problems wor. so…
Wah, such a cool idea!!
ya! maybe u can do something liddat 😛
green is always nice, i’m so going to use green to paint my dinning walls before xmas 🙂
haha as long as it wont turn into Nightmare Before Christmas
Why you and HB both got Pacman? CHEATONE™
haha, cheesie is too creative to copy anyone ^^
hey cheesie…
first time seeing your blog and it looks awesome!
Loved the apple green with pacman imprints but just a few comments, why no imprint the cheeses as well. You could always make it pacman style which is rather pixelated. that would give an entire new feel towards the design of the room.
Anyway, it looks like a relatively small room you have there, any idea what you are going to use it as? Maybe a gallery for all your blogs. Been thinking to myself to put up a wall of fame where all your beautiful pictures can be montaged on the wall…
Just a suggestion on your next project maybe.
Cheers and enjoy yourself…
thanks for suggestion!! the room is just a guest/store room. my own room is all wallpapered.^^
omg i love your painted walls! so creative. cute. with pacman and not just some plain green walls. :cheh:
that’s OMG-ly cute~~
😆 😆 😆
you always tht brilliant. 😉
no la where got!
soooooo greeeeen I rike!!!! i wanna paint my room like that next time!!!
do it! 😈 😈 😈
so am i an ambusher ghost? hahahhaha i know they all got funny funny names. hahaha nice painting lo! next time i ask your help hahah
HAHAHAH ya when i wrote that time i tot of you!!!! When i read the mag also tot of u. see i so good.
because I’m the only pinky!!!! 😛 wtf. i come back sayang you k
wuahhh. the pacman thing is so cute! very creative lah you 😈 😀 😀 😀
hahah like i said i only know how to copy
very creative thinking! 😈
Oh you got the power up pills!
lololol pop the cherry!
wah, very cute wall makeover!! love the lil ghosts, so cute 🙂
haha ya i like the pink one. i made one of them cock-eyed HAHAH
Harlo~ hangover from kyspeak.
You guys are doing painting wo..hehe
Nice pacman ^^
i like pacman too =p
what turf!
THis is gorgeous and it is something i wanna do in my mini room. Thanks for the inspiration.. Nice work.. 😀
good luck! 😀 show show ok!
love your pac man wall…
yay thanks!
omgee tht’s superbly fabulously CUTE ! 😛
HAHA do you know what it is 😛
hah? LOL
Very creative painting!
No picture of Yuki!
haha her pix soon ok!
What about a wall size photo of Koyuki?
Would be super cute!
e pacman is going to die soon..
anw, nice job cheesy.. 😈
u’re cheesie goodness creative! 😀
HAHAHHAHA i din notice!
I gotta admit I like your Pacman wall very much! =D
haha why very reluctant for u is it lol
cool make over! i wanna have one too. haha! will nippon sponsor me?
u ask them ok 😛
ur pacman is going to die soon ler.. 🙁
lollllllll why u post twice!
WAHHH Your walls is SO NICE!!!
Oh yes I’m going to try your “bun” tutorials today for the function I’m going on wednesday! MUACKS!! Thank you!
no problem! good luck!!!
OMG! so cuteeeeee! and greeeeeeeen! 😀
u make me wanna paint my room too 🙂
do it!!!!!!!!! 😈 😈 😈 😈
You are gorgeous~
I like green ^
haha why is ur name jiro
Ur hair so long oredi?!
haha extension
omg u are still lost in nowhere!
whao your drawing is so good! 😈 😈
follow oni ma ^^
woo~~ nice nice. so creative. 😈 😈
glad you liked it!
Such a nice shade! At first I thought it would be some sort of gooey disgusting green but the final product looks great!
Plus the pac-man are drawn very well! So cute! It would be great if the canvas stretched out of the room!
lolol gooey disgusting green lol
Are you like in Japan? 😯
Nais walls! Green is the new black! *loves
i am!
Wahh this looks friggin great! Want this wall!
very simple to DIY!
that green looked nice *thumbs up*
and so creative oneeee u decorate (draw on) the wall!
haha everyone has to come up with some design ^^
leng leng pac man on the green wall….
lolol nom nom nom
It’s gorgeous the pacman painting and all the four ghosts! Way to go, eh this is designed and painted by you right?
How I wish I have a PacMan room.
haha i got follow a blueprint one
Nice 😈
Can you paint a Pac-man wall for me too?
Please give discount 😛
no discount one. 😛
i also want pacman wall! it’s soooo nice! i didnt know they got names and i’ve been calling them Squishy and Doink-doink, or was it Boink-boink. and pic #6 is so cute! the plush look so blur! haha
haha the name u gave them is even cuter!!!
Waa~ so cool! I want a pacman room! I would go overboard and do the whole house like that with pacman chasing the fruit from room to room XD
and ribbons and laces and blings 😛 😛 😛 😛
wow! i love the color!!!!!!! nice green!
wow not bad!! did u really draw the pacman urself or u got some other painting sifu to help u? haha! but to be honest, that was really creative of u! love the cherry too!
i’m speechless… these whole thing is so niceeee… love it so so much…
I am so damn backward in time leh. After so many times of pac man-ing but i didn’t know that pac man ghosts actually have names. wtf.
wow, very nice paint.. remind me the good old days where me and my brothers fight for the Pac-Man Game..
your room is really cute!
how come this idea cross your mind? hehe. afterall, this is really amazing.
Love your wall! I wonder how you can come up with such ideas…I’d never have thought of painting pac-man on my wall! lol
😈 good job… creative ya… 😉
halo…this is my first comment here.. 😉
nice!!!so cute…..
every room in your house also full with this kind of creativity….
how about the left over paint??
thats awesome n cool!!!!
wow!!!!! nothing much to say cuz im speechless now. hahaha. cool babe!!!
yoyo..it look diffrent fomr before…the color is sharp n charm
Nikel Khor
was here…waa cute pacman….
so jelous…….want pacman to!!!…..two thumbs up for your room…hehehe
wahhhh cantek…. 😉 😈
you can do tat in my room !! lol
Nice colours 🙂
Hello 😀 Your room is so nice and cool 😀 especiallly the pac-man and your painting ! So cute 😈 😈 And green! My favourite colour haha!
omg! this is so cool! i love ur pac man wall!!! 😀
😈 😈 😈 😈 😈
so nice……
nice wall…like also pac man…. 😈 😈 🙄
nice wall lorh……i wun my roo wall same like u do….luv pac-man too
nice wall lorh……i wun my room wall same like u do….luv pac-man too
Pac-Man!! Such a brilliant idea!! nice shade of green there. 🙂 thumbs up 🙂 😈
Hi Gal
I know this come abit late but where did you find the outlines for the pac man and his “ghost”?? i tried searching online but to no avail =(
i would love to paint my room with pacman too!
its soooooo cute!
Do you stay alone? or do you have a housemate? 😉