is apparently, very fake, or VERY VERY NICE.
First there was this on Facebook. Some stupid wig shop from Indonesia.
“Model menggunakan Fun Bun”.
How about my real funny bun bun is better than your fake funny bun bun.
Well. Fuck Your Bun’ s Life.
They also tagged a million people on this picture, so I hope it had been a fun experience if you had been one of my eyelashes, my earlobe, or my scalp.
And then today, @prinsezz_d showed me this picture on twitter.
WA they re did the background design summore F my designer @itsablushberry’s L.
Ainas Salon in Melaka, how about spend your own bloody money and get your own bloody model?
While i’m at it, ad time.
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copyright legal proceedings much?
aiyo..that’s so terrible. how can they do that?? are you going to take any legal action against them??
but still, that means you are super popular that everyone wants to use your name. ^__^
Call Cheng Leong for recommendations, then SUE!
And why so sad d one I’m not in “Australia” anymore T.T Throw me into Space isit T.T
Oh and for the FB album, leave a LOUD msg on their album comments + blogshop. Biar no1 want to buy from them d..
Send the salon a lawyer letter and demand for payment. Pfftt..
Lol WTF? Ask them pay you!! Or friggin’ sue them!
wah!! they actually use your photos to do advertising. Ask for royalty!!
WALAO! 😯 where got liddis one! they should ask your permission before they use your pictures! very siao leh!
Yea, you should definitely sue them for using your image without your permission!
I don’t know about the FB one but for the newspaper ad, can definitely sue!
Maybe the wig shop hope you rant about them, but also give link 😉
I think it’s time to copyright some of your stuff. Lots of people just like to take other’s work and treat it as own. I think that’s Malaysia….
thats crazy. i guess what you need do is proceed with legal action.
Well… the name of the salon says it all…
Ainas (Anus).
Ainas (Anus) -> LOL LOL very funny, so true indeed HAHAHAHHAHA
Copyright your stuff now. They can’t just simply use other’s picture for advertisement!
wah…these shops so rude. never pay copyright fee! hahaha..:P Go to the shop and demand they give you free services..but then again if they won’t even pay for their own model i think their services also not very good..on second thoughts better not….. 😐
omg; FYL. dangzzz;
but look on the bright side! you have really nice hair! 😀
olright, come to think of it, F the-people-that-help-you-with-your-make-up-and-hair-do’s life too; they are not even from tt… weird salon.
omg. =___=;; serious meh, so desperate until cannot hire own model and rip other people’s picture of the net. You really should call them up loh and take action. OR at least Blushberry take action coz she designed one!!! :@
Wah waddafuck, can’t you like sue for that?!?!?! Omg!
you deserve for a royalty honey… you work hard on that photos.. 😉
OMG that’s so uncool to steal your pictures!
But have to admit you are the best model they can get(if they could pay you also). 😀 You’re so gorgeous.
Omfgwtfbbq! Drop by the salon and give everyone there a CHEESE SLAP, CHEESE BUTTKICK, CHEESE PUNCH! COMBO WITH KOYUKI! : 👿 😀
Malaysia n Indonesia BOLEH!!! 😳
I hope u donT have those pics in FB, cuz If you have, you allowed them to put your pics in any advertisment they want to. But I guess u donT?.. but on the other side.. this stupid saloon isnT in cooperation with FB.??!! wtf.
SUE THEM ! >:D !
You should seriously SUE the salon… And as for the FB one you can report them or juz simply write a SUPER LOUD msg on their wall
Wow. FYL! (A) At least alot of people want to use you know. Take legal action babehh! ;D
Whoops. I mean now.
Sue them! -_-
Hi!I just found out that the salon is so cheapskate…Gosh!
yerrrrrrrrr, super geli 1!! sure inside the shop very buruk 1, and after go into the salon come out sure look like shit 1… going to tell everyone tobeware of that ainas salon liaw!!
and that FB 1, yer, sell fake hair cheap ppl with real hair~ haha
Where in Malacca? Gotta go back and see… really teruk! Aishoo!!
this is definitely a Cheat One™ advertising…
are you going to sue them for copyright infringements?
you should totally sue them and get rich lol
omg you should sue them 👿 the wig part is epic.
lol not laughing at u
it’s just very funny “these” people are using your photos and it’s totally the opposite of what they trying to sell. can’t you do anything ? … the salon in melaka *le sigh* but the fb album … that is “how dare you” … would you say on their wall and let your “thought” to them
If there’s a way, sue that billboard maker also! If they have known they’re going to put Cheesie, they shouldn’t have proceed and ask. Let’s go and boycott the salon.
can’t help it. HAVE to comment. it’s just so funny, but i think i know how you feel. especially the FB thing. you should ask for double pay since they also intend to sell Cheddie’s fur. 😳 and oh… F Haze’s life. cheapskate salon. :@
ask them to pay you or sue them! hello, this is copyrighted ! how can they use people’s stuff without asking? SUE THEM 99 !
You can sue the person who did those stuffs right?
Haha…what should I say…congrats? 😛
Hey that’s infringement! Use of YOUR pictures without your consent. Seriously, you should sue them.
Hey Cheesie, I saw that banner in Muar too! lol
it’s really cool coz people steal ‘you’ for their ads. but can you like sue their ass of or something? lolx
it’s really cool coz people steal ‘you’ for their ads. but can you like sue or something? lolx
I think you should take some legal action on that. It’s too over~~
Oh, I saw that particular ‘Ainas Saloon picture’ in Malacca before but I didn’t know it was you back then. 😛 Btw, it’s a beautiful picture of you, Rin~ ^^
That’s terrible! It happened to me too, a nail salon in America stole photos of my nail art and used them on their website saying they had done them >_< Luckily it was facebook so I reported them and left bad feedback everywhere but I keep finding others every week 🙁 So terrible!
Too popular already babe!! Can get money out of them and sue their pants off! 😛
If they wanna use you as their model, they will have to pay.
How dare they use people’s picture without permission.
Sue Them !